Lotus Birth Support Thread

I recovered by refining my diet a lot but mainly through using the Buteyko Method. The Buteyko Method can be done with a practitioner but I just used the free information and went on a support list. It took me 5 years from start to med free. "Start" being needing to rest for a few moments after walking up to my bedroom before being able to continue walking and needing ventolin to get through the night and "Finish" being completely med free and only wheezing if I catch a virus but getting through those bouts using the Buteyko Method. It takes time to master and is difficult because you basically feel like you are suffocating which is tough to deal with.

Basically the Buteyko method retrains your body's breathing. Contrary to popular belief a person who is suffering from an asthma attack needs more CO2 rather than more O2. This is because we need CO2 inorder to transfer O2 across to the lungs to make it available to the rest of the body. There is way more O2 in the air that we need - this is why we are able to rescusitate another person with our outbreath. So, if you are breathing at all you are getting plenty of O2 and the key is to get that O2 into your cells and for that you want to increae the CO2. This is what your body is trying to do my creating mucus and inflaming the airways - it's trying to increase the CO2.

The Buteyko Method increases CO2 but also you can do this by having a bi-carb bath (the CO2 will be absorbed through the skin) or even drinking a carbonated drink (my chioce is organic sparkling apple juice).

These days if I get a little wheezy I have a fizzy drink, a bi-carb bath and get cracking on my Buteyko.

I wanted very much to get off my meds because they degrade the lungs causing more problems when used longterm than were present in the first place. Also, it was getting rather expensive to keep buying the Flixotide, Ventolin and the occassional prescription of Prednesone.

The diet changes I made were to reduce the sugar and dairy to almost none (although I still love an occasional vodka) and removing all preservatives, artificial colourings and artifical additives as well as reducing my yeast intake.

I hope that helps. You can do the Buteyko Method in conjunction with your over the counter meds and at first that is highly recommended.
meds are nightmare nothing helps me herbs or medication :( will look into it because i am in my 20's and i can't breath at all its horrible :(
Gosh, that's very young to be so sick.

There are heaps of things that can help asthma. We have no chemicals in our house - no spray deoderant, cleaning chemicals etc. I don't eat processed foods - just meat, fish, eggs, seeds, nuts, fruits, vegetables - I stay away from processed grains and sugar so if I bake I use almond meal instead of flour and date syrup/honey/maple syrup instead of sugar. The FAILSAFE diet can be immensely helpful.

I get lots of Vitamin D, take magnesium supplements, I avoid chorinated pools, and of course try not to have stress in my life.

I hope you can find something that helps. It is awful not being able to breath properly.
thanks hun i don't eat anything like that usually anyways can't use cleaning products but i am allergric to everything lol including nuts now which i only got when i got pregnant.
Thank you for posting so much information!
In regards to taking a portion of the placenta to encapsulate/consume... I am a bit confused. Wont disturbing the placenta interfere with the natural drying process as the outer layer will be broken?

I would love to do a lotus birth and still be able to encapsulate some placenta to take as a supplement post-partum.

Thank you, hope I'm not grossing anyone out!
Hi when I was having my babies the doctors would always say that if they didn't cut the cord within so much time it would put up the risk of hemorrhaging is this wrong? I don't deny the health benefits to baby though. I also have vaccinated my kids and read up on all of there vaccines before I let them have it and nothing went wrong these vaccines have saved babies from getting things like meningitis how can you say eating everything organic will stop that these vaccines have had bad affects on children but they are a minority of children I respect your decision but at the end of the day you are not a medical professional.
Hi when I was having my babies the doctors would always say that if they didn't cut the cord within so much time it would put up the risk of hemorrhaging is this wrong? I don't deny the health benefits to baby though.

Postpartum Hemorrhage can occur for a number of reasons but timing of cutting the cord has no impact on the mother. Perhaps what the doctors meant was that if the cord is not clamped first before cutting the umbilicus will bleed? This is true if you cut the cord early, however, if you leave the cord for long enough you can sever the cord without needing to clamp it and there will be no bleeding.

I also have vaccinated my kids and read up on all of there vaccines before I let them have it and nothing went wrong these vaccines have saved babies from getting things like meningitis .

There is a vaccine for meningitis C, however, the most common form of meningitis is meningitis B which is the real killer and for which there is no vaccine. There is a risk of parents having a false sense of security when their children are vaccinated where they believe their children can't get the diseases they are vaccinated for or believe they are vaccinated for all strains of a disease when they aren't. The risk being that they don't bother to keep their children in optimal health and don't bother learning how to identify and treat vaccinable diseases. With Meningitis in particular early diagnosis and treatment is vital and all parents whether they vaccinate or not all parents would do well to be informed and prepared.

how can you say eating everything organic will stop that

We don't eat everything organic but we do our best to eat as well as we can. Having a healthy diet and lifestyle won't prevent you ever getting sick but will develop and maintain a healthy immune system so that a person can fight any infections they encounter way the body is designed to.

these vaccines have had bad affects on children but they are a minority of children

It is true that serious short term negative affects of vaccinations happen only in a minority. There is no way of telling ahead of time which children will be negatively affected...that was a risk I personally wasn't willing to take.
I respect your decision but at the end of the day you are not a medical professional.

I don't think any body in this thread has claimed to be a medical professional - just parents sharing. Going by your post it seems that medical professionals have led you astray if they have told you that not cutting a baby's cord is dangerous and they have not informed you that your baby is not vaccinated for all strains of Meningitis.
Hi there, do you have any advice for the question I asked on the 27th?
Thank you for posting so much information!
In regards to taking a portion of the placenta to encapsulate/consume... I am a bit confused. Wont disturbing the placenta interfere with the natural drying process as the outer layer will be broken?

I would love to do a lotus birth and still be able to encapsulate some placenta to take as a supplement post-partum.

Thank you, hope I'm not grossing anyone out!

I haven't done this myself. Let me ask a friend who has. She will know more about it. I'll get back to you.

The way to do both Lotus Birth and encapsulate the placenta is to keep the drained/washed/dried placenta fresh during the Lotus Birth transition. To do this instead of keeping the placenta in conditions that facilitate the dehydration process (i.e. air drying or wrapping in a breathable cloth) you will keep your baby's placenta wrapped in plastic and kept surrounded by ice packs in a cool bag. You will need a cool bag large enough to contain the placenta and two ice packs and you will want to have spare ice packs constantly in the freezer ready to replace them as required.

The cord will be poking out of the top of the cool bag and will dehydrate and detach from the baby as usual. All things going well the placenta will remain fresh and you will know that you have been successful if it smells good (like fresh meat). My only concern would be if you have a lengthy transition - it is usually 4-7 days but can be as long as 2 weeks - and I'd worry about keeping the placenta fresh for that long.

After the cord detaches you can then proceed as usual - dehydrate, powder and encapsulate the placenta.

This arrangement should be just as easy as a usual Lotus Birth in that instead of tending the placenta by checking it and salting/wrapping it you will check it and replace the ice packs. The placenta with the ice packs will be heavier than just a wrapped placenta. No biggie - just a difference.

I hope that helps.

The way to do both Lotus Birth and encapsulate the placenta is to keep the drained/washed/dried placenta fresh during the Lotus Birth transition. To do this instead of keeping the placenta in conditions that facilitate the dehydration process (i.e. air drying or wrapping in a breathable cloth) you will keep your baby's placenta wrapped in plastic and kept surrounded by ice packs in a cool bag. You will need a cool bag large enough to contain the placenta and two ice packs and you will want to have spare ice packs constantly in the freezer ready to replace them as required.

The cord will be poking out of the top of the cool bag and will dehydrate and detach from the baby as usual. All things going well the placenta will remain fresh and you will know that you have been successful if it smells good (like fresh meat). My only concern would be if you have a lengthy transition - it is usually 4-7 days but can be as long as 2 weeks - and I'd worry about keeping the placenta fresh for that long.

After the cord detaches you can then proceed as usual - dehydrate, powder and encapsulate the placenta.

This arrangement should be just as easy as a usual Lotus Birth in that instead of tending the placenta by checking it and salting/wrapping it you will check it and replace the ice packs. The placenta with the ice packs will be heavier than just a wrapped placenta. No biggie - just a difference.

I hope that helps.

Thank you! I will definitely consider doing this... although my birth is in July, which would make it hard to keep the placenta cold. Even indoors it gets to be about 80F/26C here during the summer. I may end up just doing the traditional drying out process. I still have a long time to make a decision. But thank you for all the information in your post and getting back to me on this question! It means a lot to me. :flower:
I also found this webpage. For those who want it all.

Lotus Birth and Placentophagy.

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