I had 2 large endometriomas on both ovaries and had them removed via laparoscopy because it caused me a lot of pain. Unfortunately just before my first IVF, I found out that 1 has grown back and that I also have low AMH. There's definitely hope for you to get pregnant - as calidreaming said, AMH isn't the be all and end all, and I've read about women who get pregnant with low AMH (naturally and IVF!). However, low AMH does mean that there's a chance that you won't respond well to the IVF stimulation drugs, so the Dr should take that into account. Did they tell you what your antral follicle count was? Mine was really low for that as well, which is why I was a poor responder.
Also even if you don't get many eggs from IVF, it's good that you're 27 as there's an excellent chance that your eggs will be good quality!!