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Low HCG levels at 5 weeks along-need advice please!


Sep 29, 2015
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Hi Everyone,

I'm having some complications and going crazy thinking about them and my midwives do not seem to have any concrete answers for me. I'm hoping you all can share some advice or stories to help me relax about it a little bit.

So here's my background. I'm married, 27 years old, currently no children, and haven't been trying to conceive very long (since July). I got a positive pregnancy test on 8/25 and had 2 days of bleeding right after that test. My midwives got me in for an appointment about 10 days later to draw for HCG levels and to do an ultrasound. My HCG levels were around 50. They told me I was around 3 weeks pregnant. I've had a blood draw and ultrasound almost every week since then to track the progress of my pregnancy. They went up to 300 and then 640, and then this last draw, on 9/25 was 780, at supposedly 5 weeks pregnant.

They are sending me on an emotional rollercoaster, because even though my HCG levels are going up they keep telling me that they are too low. I just had another ultrasound today and they saw a gestational sac but did not see a fetal pole or a yolk sac. Is this unusual? I'm feeling pretty pessimistic at this point, thinking that my pregnancy has stopped developing. Has anyone else had low levels and an inconclusive ultrasound and had the pregnancy be normal?
Honestly I think HCG testing does more harm than good because the results are so highly variable.

With DS1 I had bleeding and slow rising HCG. I was told I was probably miscarrying and booked for a scan a week later to see what was happening. He is now 3.5yrs old.

When I was pregnant the second time I again had bleeding and was suggested I have HCG testing. I declined because honestly I found it too stressful. I was booked for an u/s and everything was okay.

I would ask for another u/s. If the pregnancy is in the uterus as confirmed by u/s and the levels are rising (albeit a little slower than usual) then you should be able to see a hb by 6-7wks.

Good luck :hugs:
I am incredibly stressed out by this whole ordeal, I would rather have waited until 8 weeks like you did the second time. I keep letting my hopes up, only to have them tell me they are worried about the viability of the pregnancy.

They are supposed to call me after the tech reviews today's ultrasounds, I'm sure they'll keep scheduling me for the blood draws and such since that's what they've been doing so far.

I'm not sure if I should tell them that I want to wait a few weeks for more tests or if I should keep going in for the ultrasounds and blood draws.

Thank you for sharing your story, it's encouraging to know that just because you have low hcg levels that you aren't necessarily miscarrying. I know that it may not be the same for me, but at least I know that it happens.
No problem, it's a really worrying time! My HCG were longer than 72hrs to double (I think almost 4 days but it's a bit of a foggy memory).

I was also unsure of dates so with first pregnancy I was bleeding, had slow-rise HCG (it's not the number but the time to double that counts) and first u/s when I thought I should have been 5+4 they said I was only 4+1 so it was all kinds of stressful... 2 weeks later had second u/s and measured 7+4 so turns out the first one was wrong.... things are sooo teeny tiny in there that it's really easy for measurements to be out.

Depending on what the tech says when he calls today, if they are still uncertain about viability, explain that you're finding the blood draws stressful and ask if you can wait another week for u/s and decline the HCG? It can't hurt to ask and really I don't see the point, they won't change the outcome - good or bad, just stress you out!

I'm crossing my fingers and toes for you :)
I got a call (finally!) from my midwife's office. According to them things seem to be going well, and I was right that I'm about 5 weeks along.

I have another doctor's appointment on Tuesday next week, but they said they just want to discuss where to go from here. I'll be glad if they tell me that I don't need any more testing for a while, I'm starting to feel like a pincushion.

I'm still feeling a little glass half empty these days, but I know I need to keep my chin up. I guess it's because I don't really feel pregnant, I still feel like just myself. The only thing I've really noticed that's changed is that I smell things a lot stronger than I used to and poultry is really turning me off. I'm all about the steak though! which is the opposite of how I usually am with food.
At 5 weeks you usually can't see anything other than the fetal sac. I don't even thing you can see the yolk yet. Also, HCG numbers are completely variable from woman to woman, so they can't go completely by those. Don't let them pressure you into anything you don't want to do either. I think as long as they have another ultrasound in a week or so and the pregnancy is progressing normally, then you are probably good to go. Good luck and let us know how everything goes! :thumbup:
Here's the newest update, I started bleeding mildly around 4pm today. It's less than a normal period for me, but heavier than spotting. I've only needed a liner, not a pad. I'm worried, but I'm trying to keep calm because I know some people do bleed during pregnancy. If I was going to get my normal period it should have come on September 24th, which was 9 days ago.

I'm not going to make a special doctors appointment for this, I figure whatever is happening I won't be able to change by rushing to the doctors and stressing myself out over it. I have a regular midwife's appointment on tuesday anyway, I'm pretty sure they'll want to do another ultrasound. Send out some good vibrations that there is some change in there and that my pregnancy didn't stop progressing!
Fingers crossed for you. Bleeding is not uncommon. I had it with both pregnancies, no reason. I carried to term each time. I know how hard it is to go through that time of not knowing. Thankfully I also know that it can all work out okay and I hope you get good news at your next u/s. :hugs:
Thinking of you today (it's Tuesday here). Hope all went ok :hugs:
Hi Berri, thank you for being a support in all this!

I went to see my midwife today, basically she told me that they are fairly certain that the bleeding is indicating a miscarriage, since my hcg levels were low. They took more blood from me today, I'm supposed to call tomorrow and find out if my hormones are going up or down. She said even if they are still high that doesn't mean that I'm not miscarrying, she said sometimes they plateau before dropping. So I'm pretty much going to be getting blood tests once a wee still to monitor everything.

How much did you bleed when you were pregnant? Mine is less than my normal period, but more than spotting. I was bleeding for a few hours on saturday, stopped until monday morning and then have been bleeding since then. I also had a bit of cramping (again, less than a normal period) yesterday.

How soon do you get your period once you miscarry? I'd be about 6 weeks gestation now.

I'm still remaining hopeful, I will continue to be until I make that phone call tomorrow.
I had bleeding at around the 6 week mark about the amount you've stated. I was also very crampy in general until around 11 weeks. Fingers crossed for you!!
I hope your numbers are up and you get another u/s soon!! I don't know much about miscarriage because despite being told it was happening (DS1) or had happened (DS2) I've never actually been through it.

I have trouble remembering exactly but first pregnancy I'd say more than spotting, maybe light period (probably 7 days between my 5 and 7 week scans, because I was still bleeding while my HCG was slowly increasing and I had 3 draws). I had a second "episode" of bleeding around 9 weeks that was a lot of blood initially (emergency u/s) then tapered off to a little more than spotting over 2-3 days.

Second pregnancy I actually thought I had AF on time. I got a bfp on the day my period was due and about 2 minutes later also got what seemed to be normal AF. Lasted 7 days but last half was lighter than normal. At 10 weeks I had a huge gush of blood and cramping (sorry if TMI but I soaked through my jeans and through the jacket I folded up to sit on to drive home in about 5 minutes). Heaving bleeding lasted around 1.5 hours. Went to ER, they said miscarriage - didn't even bother testing bloods. Next morning I went for scan (on the report the reason for u/s was listed as "confirm spontaneous abortion") lo and behold there was my baby bouncing around without a care in the world. I continued light bleeding, tapered to spotting for a few days after that.

Still sending you positive vibes xo
So, not good news. I finally got an answer from my midwife, my hcg levels dropped from over 800 to 42 with in a few days, that combined with the last 5 days of bleeding means miscarriage. It's not been easy, but nothing about these last 6 weeks has been easy anyway, I had kind of prepared myself for this since the beginning in a way.

My only consolation is that at least my hormone levels will be under 5 very shortly and my husband and I can try again. I might wait until December to actually try so that the baby will be born in the fall, I don't like the idea of having a late summer baby. But if it happens, it happens.

Thank you all for your advice and support, you are the best! When I am pregnant again I will definitely be back <3
Sorry :hugs: hope you get your sticky bean soon.
I'm so, so sorry for your loss. You sound very hopeful and optimistic for the future and that is very good! Do not lose hope, no matter what kind of loop your hormones send you through. :hugs:

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