sorry for the short answer before, I had been on my Ipad in bed but hadn't been able to type out what I wanted, just didn't want to leave you with nothing. I'd probably keep up with the soft cup, its only been 3 months and well, it can't hurt for the extra boost of help. also mixed with that jell the lady above a few posts maybe a good combo? and as to your family asking about people who care about whats happening in your life. Of course we are able to care because most of us have gone through or are going through the same thing. so its easier for us to understand the despair that we all can be prone to. especially when you see everyone around you getting pregnant.
When I was first pregnant, my husbands sister announced she was pregnant at the same time. and then I lost my baby, and she still is pregnant. so every time she gives new or says something. I am all oh my babies would be there. Why does she get to keep hers and I don't? and then I feel horrible for that thought, and am glad she is pregnant cuz shes in her late 30s. But still, deep down inside me I'm jealous. And of course a month ago a not so friend friend announced she was accidentally pregnant and was so scared and wasn't going to stop smoking till the second trimester (because apparently to her nothing effects the baby this early) and then I'm all WTF HOW CAN SHE HAVE A BABY AND NOT LOSE IT AND I LOST MINE AND CANT GET PREGNANT AGAIN. HOW IS THIS FAIR.
then all the phone calls and people slip in, pregnant yet? any happy news? awe don't think about it and then it will happen....sure don't think about something that you're dieing to have....super easy.
and people who aren't in the situation, or have never been. can't be very consoling. and don't understand what you are truly going through. I've had people say maybe you just aren't meant to be a mother, HOW IS THAT HELPFUL. I dunno but in their mind they are trying to be.
So always feel free to talk and vent in here, because you'll never find a better group of like minded understanding people. who can at least sympathize and be a shoulder that truly understands. and if you ever need someone to vent at we can always swap horror stories and I'll always listen.