LTTTC #1 - Support Group *Please share your story

J_Lynn, I love Chattanooga, too. :cloud9: Very proud it's my hometown. Sadly, my parents, who lived on Signal Mountain, just moved a month ago to be closer to my brother and me, so I have no more relatives in the area. Was your dad on Signal or Lookout?

Myshel, do you mean the version with Colin Firth? :shock: I hardly need to watch that thing anymore, as I think I have it memorized! :haha: That's a great idea! I hope you catch that eggy! Congrats on the positive OPK! :dust:

Madgirl, glad Femara is working for you! Hope the TWW goes by quickly!

Lemon, I hope the Clomid works for you!!

Please allow me to be the first member our new little group to announce a :bfn:! :haha: :cry: This was our first Femara cycle, and I don't think it did a thing for us at all. Next month is a break month because of the lap, so at least I won't have to use progesterone supps! :happydance:

Myshel, testing this AM did make me wonder--would you like to establish guidelines on this thread for people who get bfps? :shrug: I'm on a thread where everyone is asked to put pregnancy-related news into spoilers. It's just an idea. :flower: If you have anything in particular you'd like women to do, we could establish it as a habit early on. :thumbup:
Hey Pebble.

EDIT** Oh YES Collin Firth!

I think that is a great question and to be honest I have no idea!
What would everyone prefer?

We are officially the originals in this group so if everyone would rather see spoilers than the dreaded pregnancy countdown than I think that would be a good idea.
I don't want people not to be able to celebrate especially because for us it is such a journey, but blocking or hiding tickers is probably a smart idea. Does anyone have any other suggestion?

Sorry about the bfn, I know you are doing the lap but still it stings. Big hugs.:hug: I know my first lap I had it in my head that it was my last chance to get preggers before the lap and I was devastated with I started af even though i knew the likelihood of getting pregnant was pretty minimal
Hi Lemon,

It is, nice too see/meet you. hopefully this first cycle will kick everything into gear for you!

So how is every ones weekend going? Any big plans?

Since it is our wedding anniversary this week so we decided to treat ourselves and get nice sheets and cover. Second year is cotton so we thought it would be perfect. Who knew there are do many choices, it took us two hours to pick them out!
J_Lynn, I love Chattanooga, too. :cloud9: Very proud it's my hometown. Sadly, my parents, who lived on Signal Mountain, just moved a month ago to be closer to my brother and me, so I have no more relatives in the area. Was your dad on Signal or Lookout?

Myshel, do you mean the version with Colin Firth? :shock: I hardly need to watch that thing anymore, as I think I have it memorized! :haha: That's a great idea! I hope you catch that eggy! Congrats on the positive OPK! :dust:

Madgirl, glad Femara is working for you! Hope the TWW goes by quickly!

Lemon, I hope the Clomid works for you!!

Please allow me to be the first member our new little group to announce a :bfn:! :haha: :cry: This was our first Femara cycle, and I don't think it did a thing for us at all. Next month is a break month because of the lap, so at least I won't have to use progesterone supps! :happydance:

Myshel, testing this AM did make me wonder--would you like to establish guidelines on this thread for people who get bfps? :shrug: I'm on a thread where everyone is asked to put pregnancy-related news into spoilers. It's just an idea. :flower: If you have anything in particular you'd like women to do, we could establish it as a habit early on. :thumbup:

Lookout Mtn - on N Crest, I love that area so much. It's so peaceful and quiet - Chattanooga is just wonderful, it's close enough to the main cities but its not all hustle and bustle like Nashville and Atlanta :)

I'm in agreeable with the spoiler alerts - But at the same time for LTTTC'ers, I almost like seeing BFPs because it gives me hope. It only drives me almost to drink with the ones who have been TTC since April. Of this year. lol
Hi Lemon,

It is, nice too see/meet you. hopefully this first cycle will kick everything into gear for you!

So how is every ones weekend going? Any big plans?

Since it is our wedding anniversary this week so we decided to treat ourselves and get nice sheets and cover. Second year is cotton so we thought it would be perfect. Who knew there are do many choices, it took us two hours to pick them out!

That would be wonderful... I think that's a great idea. Hubby and I really do need a new comforter and sheet set. I have 4 that I swap out between now but they're very masculine colors - grey, black, blues, plaid and then comforters are all pretty masculine outside of my white down. I want something with color and a feminine touch. Maybe some yellows with hues of gray and a nice soft pattern ... Oh man you made me think of something wonderful! haha
hey ladies :flower:

I'm shellie most of my story is in my signature/journal - long and complicate story lol LTTTC#1 for 12 years (2 different partners - first DH also had issues, my now DH SA is fine) HSG showed both tubes were 'blocked' (i say it in inverted commas as they refused to say they were blocked - 2nd attempt opened the left one ) left one now open after HSG, right one, well i'll find out on 25th june the official diagnosis for the right one. This is my first cycle after my HSG (HSG cycle was obviously a bust or i wouldn't be posting lol) so hoping the clear out has done me some good. I've lost a lot of weight over the last 7 months but my hormone results were excellent before i lost weight (much to my FS's dismay!) My FS are pretty much done with me after this next appointment and won't give me clomid to boost Ovualtion as i O on my own :growlmad: So relying on Soy Isoflavones to do the job instead until after this appoitment then i'm switching to the other hosptial who have already agreed to accept me. I'm a chronic spotter with short cycles, LPD and never a BFP in all the years i've been trying :dohh: (and my current FS don't see any of these issues as a problem!)

Hoping this next few months with a clear out finally do the trick :thumbup:

good luck ladies x
Hi Shelly, 12 years! Hopefully soy works for you, i have heard positive things about soy so good luck.
How long have you been with your current DH?

J_Lynn - We had the best sleep on them last night, it was such a good idea we totally needed new sheets and the comforter (just a light blue with stitching) wasnt too warm or to light, it was just right.
hiya, we've been together 5 and half years. my Ex and I together for 9 previously. DH and I tried to let nature take it's course as he has 2 kids already... but i knew deep down it wasn't going to happen and would need interventions of some kind. Soy gave me a 25 day cycle with no spotting the cycle before my HSG so hopefully i can get the same with a BFP at the end of this one! lol x
J_Lynn, I love Chattanooga, too. :cloud9: Very proud it's my hometown. Sadly, my parents, who lived on Signal Mountain, just moved a month ago to be closer to my brother and me, so I have no more relatives in the area. Was your dad on Signal or Lookout?

Myshel, do you mean the version with Colin Firth? :shock: I hardly need to watch that thing anymore, as I think I have it memorized! :haha: That's a great idea! I hope you catch that eggy! Congrats on the positive OPK! :dust:

Madgirl, glad Femara is working for you! Hope the TWW goes by quickly!

Lemon, I hope the Clomid works for you!!

Please allow me to be the first member our new little group to announce a :bfn:! :haha: :cry: This was our first Femara cycle, and I don't think it did a thing for us at all. Next month is a break month because of the lap, so at least I won't have to use progesterone supps! :happydance:

Myshel, testing this AM did make me wonder--would you like to establish guidelines on this thread for people who get bfps? :shrug: I'm on a thread where everyone is asked to put pregnancy-related news into spoilers. It's just an idea. :flower: If you have anything in particular you'd like women to do, we could establish it as a habit early on. :thumbup:

I'm sorry for your bfn pbl_ge:hugs:! Yay for no supplements though, enjoy!

Sorry, this might be a stupid question from a newbie, what are the spoilers you are talking about?
For my part, seeing bfp here would make me incredibly happy, and rather than being upset it would give me lots of hope! I would'nt mind seeing any bfp announcements, but i'm happy to go with any decisions.

Talked to dh about supplements for him, and I will get some later today. Great to see him so supportive.:thumbup:

Our plan A is, take supplements and try to improve his motility and count, and try hard to get pregnant naturally. Plan B, try ivf, Plan C is go back to plan A :coffee:
Hi Ladies - mind if I join you?

I'm not sure if this is quite the right place for me as technically I am not LTTTC#1 (my daughter was stillborn), but I don't feel right on the secondary infertility boards either as I don't have any living children :(

My story

DH and I have been together for 12 years now. In 2002 we had an early MC and after several years of NTNP we seriously started trying again in April 2010. A year came and went with no joy so we were referred for fertility testing. We had all the baseline testing done by our GP and they referred us to a specialist who carried out further testing. In November 2011 I was due to have a HyCoSy but instead got my first BFP in 10 years that month however my daughter was stillborn in early 2012 :cry:

We started trying again pretty much straight away and now due to the length of time we have been trying again we have been referred back for more fertility testing. I had my HyCoSy last week which showed my tubes are open which is a bit of a relief.

So at the moment we are listed as having unexplained fertility problems, however we both do have some known issues. I have polycystic ovaries and somewhat irregular cycles (they vary between 27 and 41 days but in the last 6 month they have evened out). They are not convinced I ovulate every month (my day 21 bloods are inconclusive) but I chart and most months I do get a temperature rise which indicates ovulation (not in all months though). DH has some fairly major issues with his motility and morphology although his count is ok.

Our consultant has said it is unlikely that we can conceive naturally (not impossible, just unlikely) and that IVF with ICSI is our best chance. However we had a miracle happen once so we are still TTC whilst waiting for IVF.

We are currently waiting for our next consultant appointment to see if they will fund an NHS cycle or two. If not then we will go private (I was all set to go private and had several of the initial tests and scans done then the private consultant told us to go back to the NHS as we are eligible for funding due to the fact we have been TTC for over 3 years with no live birth in this time).

We started DH on some Wellman conception tablets + Vitamin C after his last SA showed very poor motility and morphology. He has been on them for about 6 weeks now, so it will be another 6 before they start to take effect.

As for myself, I take Sanatogen 'Mum to Be' tablets (which I have been on for over 3 years now), Vitamin C and Omega 3, 6 & 9 every day with some additional evening primrose oil and vitamin B complex tablets from CD1 to ovulation.

If anyone has any other suggestions I would be grateful to hear them :flower:
Serene you are more than welcome to join. I am so sorry to hear of your loss there are no words, but my heart goes out to you.

When are you going for IVF?

As for the ticker for announcing BFP ... I don't want to say you can't have a ticker because we are obviously all going through something hard and if we do (when we do) we should all be celebrating it together. Now if you are on a thread that requests this already, totally understand but know you can announce anything here and we will celebrate with you!
It sounds like some of us are starting new treatments our getting a procedure done inn the next little while so although this has been a long road for all hopefully we can start sharing in our joys as well as our heart aches.
Hi all, really like this thread. I have been on threads and although all the ladies have been great, I feel they just cannot understand what I have been through and continue to.

So here is our story.

I (34) have been with my wonderful DH (35) for 15 years and married in 2005. We both went to university together and when we finished end 2003 we thought it was time I came of the pill and just see what happens. Anyway by the end of 2005 we thought it was time we seen a FS. Lots of bloods etc were taken and my husband had a sample taken. Everything seemed fine except DH sample was borderline low motility and count. The FS started me on clomid in 2006 and after the first round we had a BFP. We were so excited at only 4 weeks we shouted it from the top of the roof. However, our happiness was short lived and at 11 weeks I had a missed miscarriage. I would say our journey really started here. Following this I had a further 5 rounds of Clomid and then 3 rounds of IUI all unsuccessful. In between all of this I had a D&C and found out I have mild endometroiosis. At this point I lived in the UK and we had to wait for public funded IVF until I was 31 (criteria) but before this we emigrated to NZ. April 2012 I started the Billings Ovulation Programme and after one cycle I had a miracle BFP, this time we thought we would wait until 12 weeks to tell anyone. However, at 8 weeks I had a D&C for a blighted ovum. Then three months later a miracle happened I had another BFP however at only 5 weeks I was rushed to hospital with an ectopic for which I lost a tube. Now here we are awaiting IVF hopefully November just waiting in a date.

Looking forward to sharing this journey with you all and hopefully to see lots of BFP's and sticky beans soon.
Hi Ladies - mind if I join you?

I'm not sure if this is quite the right place for me as technically I am not LTTTC#1 (my daughter was stillborn), but I don't feel right on the secondary infertility boards either as I don't have any living children :(

My story

DH and I have been together for 12 years now. In 2002 we had an early MC and after several years of NTNP we seriously started trying again in April 2010. A year came and went with no joy so we were referred for fertility testing. We had all the baseline testing done by our GP and they referred us to a specialist who carried out further testing. In November 2011 I was due to have a HyCoSy but instead got my first BFP in 10 years that month however my daughter was stillborn in early 2012 :cry:

We started trying again pretty much straight away and now due to the length of time we have been trying again we have been referred back for more fertility testing. I had my HyCoSy last week which showed my tubes are open which is a bit of a relief.

So at the moment we are listed as having unexplained fertility problems, however we both do have some known issues. I have polycystic ovaries and somewhat irregular cycles (they vary between 27 and 41 days but in the last 6 month they have evened out). They are not convinced I ovulate every month (my day 21 bloods are inconclusive) but I chart and most months I do get a temperature rise which indicates ovulation (not in all months though). DH has some fairly major issues with his motility and morphology although his count is ok.

Our consultant has said it is unlikely that we can conceive naturally (not impossible, just unlikely) and that IVF with ICSI is our best chance. However we had a miracle happen once so we are still TTC whilst waiting for IVF.

We are currently waiting for our next consultant appointment to see if they will fund an NHS cycle or two. If not then we will go private (I was all set to go private and had several of the initial tests and scans done then the private consultant told us to go back to the NHS as we are eligible for funding due to the fact we have been TTC for over 3 years with no live birth in this time).

We started DH on some Wellman conception tablets + Vitamin C after his last SA showed very poor motility and morphology. He has been on them for about 6 weeks now, so it will be another 6 before they start to take effect.

As for myself, I take Sanatogen 'Mum to Be' tablets (which I have been on for over 3 years now), Vitamin C and Omega 3, 6 & 9 every day with some additional evening primrose oil and vitamin B complex tablets from CD1 to ovulation.

If anyone has any other suggestions I would be grateful to hear them :flower:

So sorry to hear your story, this journey is so wicked! We were told back in the UK by the FS there that it was very unlikely we would concieve naturally again and that IVF/ICSI was our only chance. However, we had another 2 miracle BFP's last year so never say never. We are also still trying naturally until our IVF. Is there still a postcode lottery on the UK for when you are eligible for PF IVF. I hope you arr accepted and get your IVF soon. :flower:
Hey I just realised that this is for LTTC#1 who have not been Pregnant etc. I hope it is OK that I jump on here as although I have had 3 pregnancies they have never lasted more than 12 weeks and I have not had that chance to "feel" pregnant. Hope this is OK just let me know.
Hey I just realised that this is for LTTC#1 who have not been Pregnant etc. I hope it is OK that I jump on here as although I have had 3 pregnancies they have never lasted more than 12 weeks and I have not had that chance to "feel" pregnant. Hope this is OK just let me know.

So sorry to hear about your loses.
To me I wanted to start a thread for all of us ladies who are struggling to have a baby.
Some of our ladies have had unsuccessful pregnancies, some have never had a BFP. All are welcome.
Hey I just realised that this is for LTTC#1 who have not been Pregnant etc. I hope it is OK that I jump on here as although I have had 3 pregnancies they have never lasted more than 12 weeks and I have not had that chance to "feel" pregnant. Hope this is OK just let me know.

So sorry to hear about your loses.
To me I wanted to start a thread for all of us ladies who are struggling to have a baby.
Some of our ladies have had unsuccessful pregnancies, some have never had a BFP. All are welcome.

Thanks :thumbup: and like I said looking forward to sharing this journey with you all and thanks for starting this thread :flower:
Sorry, this might be a stupid question from a newbie, what are the spoilers you are talking about?
For my part, seeing bfp here would make me incredibly happy, and rather than being upset it would give me lots of hope! I would'nt mind seeing any bfp announcements, but i'm happy to go with any decisions.

Not a stupid question, Pipi! I love the spoilers! I definitely love seeing LTTTC people getting bfps, but sometimes the news and the tickers are painful to see. They work like this:
:tease: :tease: :tease:

Two ways to get it. First is to click on the smiley face with a black bar over his eyes that you see with the font colors and all that on the tool bar (might need to click Go Advanced--sometimes it's a very basic tool bar) above the box where you write your posts. Gotta highlight your text, then click on the icon.

The second, and easier IMHO, is just to write:

[*spoiler] Your hidden text here. [*/spoiler]

But take out the *. :flower:

You can put your entire siggie in spoilers, too. I will definitely be doing that if I ever get another bfp, because it makes me so happy when others do it. :flower: :flower: :flower:

Serenyz and Lorna--both of your stories are so heartbreaking. :cry: :cry: :cry: I'm so sorry you both had to go through that. I hope your rainbow babies will come soon. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

:dust: to everyone!
I am glad you showed us because honestly I had seen them before but never knew how it worked lol
Thank you for making me feel so welcome all :flower:

Serene you are more than welcome to join. I am so sorry to hear of your loss there are no words, but my heart goes out to you.

When are you going for IVF?
Thank you x

We don't have an actual start date yet. We were all set to go private when the nurse and consultant at the private clinic told us to go back to the NHS as we were eligible for funding. The clinic I have chosen are one of three our local NHS use (they don't do the IVF themselves, they send you over to a private clinic). So our doctors referred us back and the final test I needed before receiving funding was the HyCoSy (I had all the other required tests done a couple of years ago).

I am now waiting for our follow up appointment following the HyCoSy where I hope they will put us forward for funding. We have already had all of the baseline tests the private clinic require (AMH, pelvic scan, HIV, Hep B & C etc), some done privately but the last few were done on the NHS in preparation for the IVF so I hope this means we will get the funding (the consultant I am seeing on the NHS is exactly the same one I will see privately and the same one I was under for testing a couple of years ago. So hopefully I will know more by mid-July. I was told by the nurse (who works closely with the PCT) that we should only be delayed by a cycle or two at the most but I'm not convinced the funding will come through that quickly (I was all set to be starting a private cycle this month). Certainly not now I have to wait 7 weeks just for the follow up appointment. But we will see, if for some reason we don't get the funding I will simply go as a private patient again :)

So sorry to hear your story, this journey is so wicked! We were told back in the UK by the FS there that it was very unlikely we would concieve naturally again and that IVF/ICSI was our only chance. However, we had another 2 miracle BFP's last year so never say never. We are also still trying naturally until our IVF. Is there still a postcode lottery on the UK for when you are eligible for PF IVF. I hope you arr accepted and get your IVF soon. :flower:
Well I had a HyCoSy this month and a few people seem to get a miracle bfp in the few cycles after a HyCoSy so I am keeping my fingers crossed :flower: We also have DH on supplements now to try and improve his sperm motility and morphology so you never know :)

There is still a bit of a postcode lottery over her. We are fortunate we still live in Surrey as we are eligible under their criteria (trying for over 3 years with no living children) but in one of our neighbouring counties we wouldn't be eligible as we did fall pregnant and their criteria is trying for over 3 years with no pregnancy, so it really does depend :(
Hi all, really like this thread. I have been on threads and although all the ladies have been great, I feel they just cannot understand what I have been through and continue to.

So here is our story.

I (34) have been with my wonderful DH (35) for 15 years and married in 2005. We both went to university together and when we finished end 2003 we thought it was time I came of the pill and just see what happens. Anyway by the end of 2005 we thought it was time we seen a FS. Lots of bloods etc were taken and my husband had a sample taken. Everything seemed fine except DH sample was borderline low motility and count. The FS started me on clomid in 2006 and after the first round we had a BFP. We were so excited at only 4 weeks we shouted it from the top of the roof. However, our happiness was short lived and at 11 weeks I had a missed miscarriage. I would say our journey really started here. Following this I had a further 5 rounds of Clomid and then 3 rounds of IUI all unsuccessful. In between all of this I had a D&C and found out I have mild endometroiosis. At this point I lived in the UK and we had to wait for public funded IVF until I was 31 (criteria) but before this we emigrated to NZ. April 2012 I started the Billings Ovulation Programme and after one cycle I had a miracle BFP, this time we thought we would wait until 12 weeks to tell anyone. However, at 8 weeks I had a D&C for a blighted ovum. Then three months later a miracle happened I had another BFP however at only 5 weeks I was rushed to hospital with an ectopic for which I lost a tube. Now here we are awaiting IVF hopefully November just waiting in a date.

Looking forward to sharing this journey with you all and hopefully to see lots of BFP's and sticky beans soon.

Sorry, this might be a stupid question from a newbie, what are the spoilers you are talking about?
For my part, seeing bfp here would make me incredibly happy, and rather than being upset it would give me lots of hope! I would'nt mind seeing any bfp announcements, but i'm happy to go with any decisions.

Not a stupid question, Pipi! I love the spoilers! I definitely love seeing LTTTC people getting bfps, but sometimes the news and the tickers are painful to see. They work like this:
:tease: :tease: :tease:

Two ways to get it. First is to click on the smiley face with a black bar over his eyes that you see with the font colors and all that on the tool bar (might need to click Go Advanced--sometimes it's a very basic tool bar) above the box where you write your posts. Gotta highlight your text, then click on the icon.

The second, and easier IMHO, is just to write:

[*spoiler] Your hidden text here. [*/spoiler]

But take out the *. :flower:

You can put your entire siggie in spoilers, too. I will definitely be doing that if I ever get another bfp, because it makes me so happy when others do it. :flower: :flower: :flower:

Serenyz and Lorna--both of your stories are so heartbreaking. :cry: :cry: :cry: I'm so sorry you both had to go through that. I hope your rainbow babies will come soon. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

:dust: to everyone!

Kia Ora Lorna! :hi:
I'm in NZ too, just over the Cook Strait. I'm sorry you had to experience all this, I hope you will become pregnant again soon.:flower:

Thanks Pbl_ge for explaining, this is great!:flower:

Got the supplements for DH, should be ovulating soon, unfortunatly he has to work long hours this week, but we'll try as much as we can :blush:

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