Luteal Phase Defect Buddies

Mrs W 11

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
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Hi all,

Just wondered if there is anyone else out there struggling with a short luteal phase?

I conceived my dd easily 3 years ago and also conceived no 2 first time trying last November but it ended in mmc at 12 weeks in early January. Almost a year on I am still trying.

I have had all testes and am ovulating, my one tube is clear, uterus is normal and hubby sperm normal. Drs say there is no reason I can't conceive and to keep trying.

However...... I ovulate on cd 19. By 8 dpo I start having lower back aches. By 9-10 days this ramps up to really painful, with cramps, heavy uterus feeling and spotting. Then af arrives 10-11 dpo. I feel that surely if I know af is coming at 8-9 dpo there's likely an issue there and I don't see how an egg can implant if my body is already preparing for af. I suspect low progesterone but in the uk drs don't seem to test for that or treat it. I am repeated told to keep trying even after paying privately to go to a fertility clinic.

I have tried soy, Angus castus, vit b 100 complex, acupuncture, herbs, repro reflexology, pregnacare, you name it, I've done it, nothing has any effect. I don't know if I had a short lp before as I've never had to track before but I didn't ever have this pain or knowing af was coming before.

I guess I just wondering if anyone has or is experiencing the same?? I am have stepped back from most areas of the forum as I am finding this journey too hard.
I have been ltttc for just under 3 years. I have had every test under the sun and everything has come back fine. We have been out in the category of "unexplained" and we have been offered IVF. These past few months i have started a trial with Duo Fertility where i wear a sensor and it monitors my temperature and it basically shows when i ovulate etc ( retail its £500 but i am on a trial so there is no way id pay that much! ) From this i received an email basically saying i ovulate late in my cycle so therefore i have a short luteal phase. However no doctor has ever pointed this out to be before. They have said they will keep monitoring it for me but did advise to take agnus cactus for a few months... however no change as of yet. It would be really great to hear some success stories! Good luck to you ! I will keep you posted if anything changes xx
Hey Mrs W - I'm still here- still having the same issues with a short LP. Last cycle my LP was 9 days, the one before only 8 (and the cycle was only 20 days long with spotting starting on cd19).
Hello bug :hug: I am sorry I have been missing in action for so long. I just started to find bnb so hard to handle, however I've just found a lovely thread in the secondary infertility area. I'm sorry to hear that you are still trying too..... But you are welcome to come and join us?

I've just ordered some progesterone cream, going to try that this cycle. If no joy ill be starting treatment in February. Xx
I would love to join you- please let me know what thread? I completely understand about BnB getting too much to take. i have stopped going on the testing threads as i am so tired of everyone getting their BFP .. seen so many people come and go. I don't get hopeful at all anymore.. more just a countdown till when AF will show, never a question of If.
Here you go, come and join us, lots of ladies here who understand xx
I have gone to doctor several times about no luck with TTC. Now I have blood clotting disorders, BUT I have been doing at home OPKs for months and they all show I ovulate between days 17-19. She said it is only a concern if you ovulate less than 10 days before AF and not to worry - I feel so brushed off. Do any of you ladies have problems with this as well? :kiss:
Hey, not sure im of any help but after tracking my ovulating days for a few months I worked out I ovulated just 6 days before my period was due!!!

Was not happy!! I googled lots and avoided the docs as I know how easy it is for them to brush you off, anyway I found out vitamin b6 is amazing at making your luteal phase longer - I brought pregnacare tablets as it has that vitamin in it and ive been taking the tablets for just 2 months and now my luteal phase is 12 days!! I'm hoping after taking them for a few more weeks and months it will just continue to increase!

Fingers crossed for you xx
Hi ladies I would like to join if that's alright. I'm kinda a newbie at this and have only been ttc 1 cycle so bare with me.
I was diagnosed with pcos very young a year after starting af at 11. On nov first I went off bcp and started ttc late December. My last cycle I had a 6 day lp. I had brown spotting starting 4dpo. O date wasn't until cd31. It was very frustrating although I'm trying to stay calm because I've only been off bc for 2 months.
I'm now 4dpo this time, I O'd cd 44. I had pink spotting 2 and 3 dpo. Being the crazy person I am about this kind of stuff lol I researched probably half a days worth on the subject. Because diving right in to progesterone makes me kind of nervous. I'm going to start with vitex next cycle and see if that helps any. I'll update if my lp changes. FX for all of us!
I thought I would do an update:

My first cycle TTC I did end up pregnant but three days after my bfp I mc. I went another cycle ttc before going to my doc. I was afraid low progesterone from luteal phase defect could have caused my miscarriage. My luteal phase was ranging from 6-9 days and I would experience a lot of brown spotting early into my lp.

After an appointment with my GP and OBGYN I was put on progesterone. It lengthened my next lp to 13 days. Also I have had no spotting while on the progesterone until the day before AF.

I am on 100mg progesterone suppositories from 4dpo to AF. When I conceive I will have to take them until the second trimester. Also I'd like to mention that's sincemy mc I have ovulated on earlier dates esch consecutive cycle.

I hope this helps someone. Don't be afraid to flat out ask for progesterone from your dr if that's what it takes to treat your luteal phase defect.

Good luck everyone :)
Thanks for updating.

Totally agree! Progesterone is the only thing that worked for me. It took many months to find the right doses and combination, but it was worth it!

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