maia is here


mummy of one
Jun 18, 2008
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Hi all

well, my last post was last week asking for advice after my waters went. I went to the hospital for my usual ante natal appointment the day my waters went and was told to call the hospital at 6pm the next evening to be booked in for an induction.
i called and was told to come down for 8.30pm the same night, weds 11 feb, a week to the day maia was suposed to be here!
got there to be told the labour ward was jammed and they already had six women they had induced (and were hoping did not go into established labour) in the queue and that I would not be seen that evening.
they sent james home but told me i had to stay - nightmare evening of no sleep as i listened to monitors bleeping and women who had been induced labouring in the early stages cos there was no room on the labour ward for them. did not sleep a wink.
friday came and i was put on a monitor all morning and then at midday they checked me to say i was 1-2 cm dilated and they inserted the gel. james arrived and we went for lunch and i could not eat it due to tightenings that did not hurt and, in a weird way, made me want to giggle. they felt strange.
by 2pm, they had sent james home again as visiting time was over and they put me back on a monitor to check the effect of the gel on the baby and to prepare me for my second dose, which was due at 6pm. the pain began getting worse but nothing was showing on the monitor. i kept swearing blind to the midwife that i was not a wimp, that i had a high pain threshold and that if, according to the mnitor, what i was feeling was not labour then something was seriously wrong with me. one wave of pain- it felt to me to be all in my bladder - almost made me want to push.
anyways, this carried on and james came back and i was in agony but they were telling me i was not in labour that the monitor showed there were no contractions and also that baby was too active and her heartbeat too high to induce me again,they said the pain may well be my waterworks and gave me a chart to monitor what i was drinking against what i was peeing.
the pressure in my bladder and the pain was just too much and itwas coming regularly but no one would help me. at 10pm there was a shift changeover and the midwife who had been on the night before and was lovely, came in. i begged her to help me, telling her something was wrong. as i waited for her to cmoe back the pain was coming regularly and in painful waves, she checked me and confirmed i was 6cm dilated and immediately called over to labour to book a ward and also to get me gas and air. the wait seemed to take for ages as i had been told i was not in labour and so i went into shock when they said how far advanced i was. i think i kind of lost control of my feelings and started to panic. the gas and air arrived and it was AMAZING. I inhaled far too much because my pain was constant, i could not tell when the contraction was coming, i did not feel the slow build up to the peak, it just hurt all the time so i inhaled and exhaled gas and air and was high as a kite.
i was wheeled over to labour and i could hear the midwife who accompanied me and had helped me,. tell the other one she thought i would go quick as the head was right down in the pelvis. this was 11pm. by 11.30am i was pushing involuntarily and midwife checked me to see if i was fully dilated - i was, they let me push for two and a half hours but by then I was exhausted as had not slept for two days and could push no more. the heartbeat on the baby started togo up and down, up and down and the consultant was called. they decided to prep me for an emergency caesarian as there was no way i was getting the baby out on my own. they also said they would give forceps one go and if not they would operate. i was given the spinal you are given for caesarians and then my legs we hoiked up in front of me (the most surreal feeling in the world as they were dead, floppy weights due to the spinal and they just appeared! plus i was tripping my whatsits off on gas and air anyways.) they then asked me to push, which again made no sense as i could not feel a thing (the equivalent of sitting on your hand for an hour and then trying to open a can of jam when it is completely dead!) while they used the forceps. i could feel it all but none of it if it made sense, anyways, after four minutes, baby was out.
maia rose smith was born at 2.41am on valentines day weighing 8lb 5oz - which is why i pushed for hours and she did not budge an inch! I spent a week in hospital following the birth as a result of the process and also we had a few teething problems with her feeding etc that are all sorted now. she is so beautiful, i love her to bits.
have no idea how to put pics up but am happy to email them to someone to do if they give me their email address.

it was not the birth i wanted but she is safe and sound, so am i and i am just on cloud nine.
congrats to all those who also had their babies when I was not here and good luck to those nearing the end of third trimester! Just trust yourself and your instincts! xx
Congrats and i agree listen to your body as the monitors never have picked up 1 contractions in any of my 3 labours xxx

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