Making yourself eat healthily?



Is it possible?

Hardly anything i eat is 'healthy'. The only veg i like is peas ( i can sometimes eat bubble and squeak, with cabbage,broccoli,peas and sprouts in) and the only fruit i like is apples, but i have to 'fancy' them to be able to eat them.

Most meals are it are straight forward things such as beans on toaast, chicken and chips, fish fingers and waffles :rofl: and things like that.

I really need to start eating healthily... i dont like sandwiches ( unless its cooked meat on them) so during the day i tend to snack on junk just because all i need to do is get them out of the cupboard! Im so lazy when it comes to cooking in the day.

Im starting to put on loads of weight, i dread it when i weigh myself but i can just tell by looking at me, it wouldnt suprise me if ive put on more weight than i did during my pregnancy ( 10lbs ) and its starting to get stupid!!

Is it possible to MAKE yourself eat healthily? Say if i make myself a salad, i know i dont like it, but if i keep eating it will i 'get used to it'?

I seriously need to do something, but its just so hard when you dont like anything healthy in the first place :hissy:
Think so. You should buy a few of those premade fruit salads in tesco or something. They have lots of different fruits in it so you can taste them all and you never know, you might like it. Ive found my tastes have changed as Im getting older, maybe yours have too?
Oh hun I'm more or less the same.. I can't stand sandwiches unless they're cooked chicken and something like french bread, I hate normal bread unless it's toasted, most of my dinners are 'bung in the oven for 30mins' with no fruit or veg and I just cannot be bothered preparing food - I don't like it enough!

Soo.. I just went cold turkey and only bought healthy things when I went shopping. I do like a fruit salad, even though I can't eat the individual fruits on their own - don't ask, it's weird lol.

So I've just cut out things like chips and sandwiches and replaced with cold new potatoes and/or salad. For lunch I'll have a pasta salad or an omelette with salad and then a big fruit salad with some meat for dinner and maybe some potatoes.

It's nowhere near very exciting but it's better than what I was eating. And as I don't really care for food in the first place, I'm not too fussed.

Oh, and it may sound gross but fruit mixed in with rice is really nice too. Again, I can't eat the fruit on their own though lol
im trying its so hard...i have bad days but i feel positive alot of the time and when the weathers nice i eat a lot of salads anyway
Do you not like the taste or is it more of a i dont enjoy it. If you realy cant stand the tatse then no but if its case of you can eat it but would rather have some thing else then yes.
have you tired different fruits and veg recently, as i have found as i have got older i now like alot of veggies and fruit. Try to pick fruit & veg that are in season (not the stuff they grown all year round in some distant land) as these often taste a whole heap nicer.

strawberrys are good right now :)
Right im going to start today, but im going to take it slow and first start off by cutting out the crisps and chocolate, and then go to the healthy meals. I know if i do it all at once i wont do it!

Girls who are with me give me some advice lol xx
also just so you know ..... baked beans count as one of your 5 a day fruit & veg :)
Right im going to start today, but im going to take it slow and first start off by cutting out the crisps and chocolate, and then go to the healthy meals. I know if i do it all at once i wont do it!

Girls who are with me give me some advice lol xx

Are you substituting the crisps and choc with anything? Also, if you're used to having a lot of sugar during the day, you'll probably start craving it after a couple of days.

If you can't handle no choc every day then maybe cut down to one every other day and then once you're used to that, cut it down to once every 3 days and so on. And the days that are cut out, try having something healthy instead.

It was more of a lifestyle change for me and I had to get used to not eating junk as well as getting used to eating healthy things.. If I done it all at once then I'd only last about 4 days.. doing it gradually was easier for me.

Whenever I crave chocolate or junk, i eat carrot sticks, apples etc, i can get through 3 bags of apples :)
Yes, you can make yourself eat healthy. Its about training your body, and you taste buds to respond to the correct foods.

At the minute, you are giving you body very, very little nutrition. Lots of MSG, e numbers, sugars and salts. These are all things designed to make you want more, and more, and more. They trick your body into craving it, and feeling full when in fact you aren't.

IMO you need to go cold turkey. Every time you are putting this stuff into your mouth, your body wants it more. After a week you won't miss it, after 2 weeks your taste buds will change dramatically to the point where chocolate is far too sweet.

Also, make sure you get enough protein, about 20% of your daily intake. This helps starve off cravings, prevents binge eating and will stop you wanting the junk. You'll also be fuller for longer.

I'm a bit....hardcore I guess. I won't eat anything tinned (yes, baked beans included), pre cooked and packaged or frozen. Instead of crisps I'll have plain rice cakes (not snack a jack type things) and will have dried fruits and mixed nuts on hand to eat.

You don't miss it after a couple of weeks, and you will feel so amazing. I have more energy, my skin glows, my hair is shiny, my nails are stronger. Since making the switch I cannot believe the rubbish I ate.

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