Masterbating too much?


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2016
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Forgive me ladies for asking SO MANY questions. You all have been so helpful during my journey with my first pregnancy. So thank you all who understand my constant questions.

So today I must have had a sudden and major hormone surge. I have masterbated 3 times today! I had no self control. I also started lactating today as well. I am worried I masterbated too much and I'm worried that it can cause a problem with the cervix or something. At my 10 week check up I was told I was ok to have sex, and I'm 17 weeks now. In my first trimester I suffered spotting every time I sexually stimulated/orgasmed. Now however the past 3-5+ that I have orgasmed I have not spotted at all.

I am just worried that it's too much for one day, and the past 2-3 days I have masterbated once a day. Any of you ladies masterbated 3+ times a day and have been fine with your past or current pregnancy?
Sorry, I can't relate, I'm way too lazy and uncomfortable over here. :lol: But I think as long as you don't have any more spotting, you should be fine. If you're unsure, ask your doctor at your next appointment. But like you said, sex is (usually) ok, so this shouldn't be any different.
Sorry, I can't relate, I'm way too lazy and uncomfortable over here. :lol: But I think as long as you don't have any more spotting, you should be fine. If you're unsure, ask your doctor at your next appointment. But like you said, sex is (usually) ok, so this shouldn't be any different.

Thank you for writing. Still no spotting and it's been 3 hours since the last time. I'm still having a little discomfort there, feels like mild cramping/pulled muscle...I've had that quite a bit though without masterbating. I have some pressure taken off if I sit up for some reason lol, when I go to lay down on my side I feel like a muscle is pulling. Again though I have been feeling that for a week or so at night when I lay down. Baby likes to give me trouble when laying down LOL
I was told it was completely safe during pregnancy as long as you're not high risk. Also, I wish I had that problem. I haven't wanted sex for the past 10 weeks. My poor SO, lol.
I was told it was completely safe during pregnancy as long as you're not high risk. Also, I wish I had that problem. I haven't wanted sex for the past 10 weeks. My poor SO, lol.

I have been told that I'm high risk, but I think it was mainly because of my history of seizures, hypermobility and such. When I asked the doctor at my 10 week checkup she said it was fine and if I was spotting to hold off for 2 weeks to give the cervix time to heal.

I just have no idea what has gotten into me these past 3-4 days. My sex drive is through the roof! I feeling like I have control over it either. Most of the time I feel guilty afterwards because I fear something will happen to the baby, but when I get that urge it's so strong I can't ignore it...I am very weak at that.

I'm worried that if I do it too much in a 24 hour period that I'll bleed or cause harm in some way. Pregnancy hormones suck!!!
I wouldn't worry about it. Pregnancy makes me sex mad but I'm scared to have intercourse even though I know it's normally fine so like you I have masturbated a lot and it's not caused any problems. You may notice your tummy tighten after an orgasm and some mild cramps after but that's normal x
I wouldn't worry about it. Pregnancy makes me sex mad but I'm scared to have intercourse even though I know it's normally fine so like you I have masturbated a lot and it's not caused any problems. You may notice your tummy tighten after an orgasm and some mild cramps after but that's normal x

My tummy definitely feels tight afterwards and I have mild cramping sometimes from 5 minutes to an hour, it's varies. I am scared to death to have sex (but omg do I want it lol) I feel bad for my poor boyfriend, I'm not putting out for him because I'm scared. He says he understands, but I know it's tearing him up. He has a very high sex drive. We have not had sex since I was around 5-6 weeks pregnant. I make the joke with him to try to be lighthearted that I will have hell to pay when I'm healed from the baby, but I told him that when I get close to the due date he can have me as much as he wants LOL...if he still wants my big belly and all hahaha.

The last time we had sex I spotted for almost 2 days and told him how scared that made me, he understood and he had to keep reinforcing me that everything is ok...he's had to do that a lot this pregnancy, poor thing I feel so bad for him.

Thank you for sharing your experience and how you feel, it helps me to know im not out of my mind. A HUGE part of pregnancy has been nothing but anxiety. I suffer from Bipolar 1 with profound anxiety. I can't take my anxiety meds while pregnant and it's been really hard on me, so having women like you tell me their story helps me so much!
My anxiety has been through the roof this pregnancy too, but mostly about the 2 kids that are here already. Can't sleep at night because I can't stop checking on them!
Anyway, my sex drive has been like yours too, I wouldn't leave my husband alone! I also sometimes go 3 or 4 times by myself in a row. The spotting after sex you had was most likely just from cervical irritation, and orgasms tend to be more agressive on the uterus, though I've been told baby most likely loves the rocking it gives them :). Sex and orgasms are entirely safe unless you are high risk for miscarriage because you don't want anything stirring things up down there. I've had sex in all of my pregnancies, including rather agressive versions and I only spotted one time after, though it freaked me out, it was cervical irritation.

Maybe mutual masturbation would be a good route to take as to not make your bf too crazy? I couldn't live without some kind of stimulation unless I knew it'd kill me.. plus it's fun with an SO :) Just thinking outside the box :haha:

Have fun :)
My anxiety has been through the roof this pregnancy too, but mostly about the 2 kids that are here already. Can't sleep at night because I can't stop checking on them!
Anyway, my sex drive has been like yours too, I wouldn't leave my husband alone! I also sometimes go 3 or 4 times by myself in a row. The spotting after sex you had was most likely just from cervical irritation, and orgasms tend to be more agressive on the uterus, though I've been told baby most likely loves the rocking it gives them :). Sex and orgasms are entirely safe unless you are high risk for miscarriage because you don't want anything stirring things up down there. I've had sex in all of my pregnancies, including rather agressive versions and I only spotted one time after, though it freaked me out, it was cervical irritation.

Maybe mutual masturbation would be a good route to take as to not make your bf too crazy? I couldn't live without some kind of stimulation unless I knew it'd kill me.. plus it's fun with an SO :) Just thinking outside the box :haha:

Have fun :)

As far as I'm concerned the only reason I'm high risk is because of my medical issues (way before I got pregnant) I suffer from Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (hypermobility), Fibromyalgia, history of seizures, anxiety, I have A LOT of medications I can't take if I get sick/infection. I didn't recall the doctor saying high risk from anything to do with the pregnancy...thank goodness. When I went to my first doctors appointment and they did the ultrasound I was soooo nervous because of all the spotting I had had. The good news was that when they did the transvaginal u/s I didn't bleed and the doctor said it was an irritated cervix and didn't say that there was anything wrong. I saw a different doctor at 10 weeks (did the transvaginal u/s again) I didn't bleed after that either and the doctor didn't voice any concerns with me then either. The funny part was she was kinda rough with the wand because he was being a stinker LOL, and I still didn't bleed or spot. So I'm guessing I'm ok to have sex.

As for the mutual masterbating I have tried that with him and it doesn't work. I think he's actually a little shy to do that in front of me. It's all or nothing with him LOL.
Haha my husband is shy about it too, I pestered him about it for a week or more before he finally gave in lol, totally understand how that goes. It does sound like you're okay to have sex, especially if your cervix is not being directly attacked :haha: Maybe just have him take it slow
Haha my husband is shy about it too, I pestered him about it for a week or more before he finally gave in lol, totally understand how that goes. It does sound like you're okay to have sex, especially if your cervix is not being directly attacked :haha: Maybe just have him take it slow

Nice to know I'm not the only one with shy guy :haha: but he has a heart of gold, especially for putting up with my mood swings LOL. I was thinking about trying sex, but still nervous, even if he goes slow and gentle. There's times I feel like I can't take one more straw if hay on my stack (if you catch my drift LOL) I'm a nervous wreck with anxiety problems. I think worst case scenario and worry that I'm going to miscarry. I even goes as far as analyzing the color of my urine and make sure I see no blood...yep it's like I go all CSI with my urine LOL. So with that I'm afraid to do anything out of my new norm with the pregnancy. Then when I masterbated I feel so guilty for even doing that because I keep thinking I did something wrong. Yep, I'm a mess and stress too much.
I totally get it, only do what you are comfortable with :)
On my side of anxiety during this pregnancy I have analyzed what to do if a fire started in the hallway, in the kitchen, in a bedroom, the bathroom, the hallway on the left side, the hallway on the right side... etc etc... and exactly how I could get my kids out of the house, what I would do if I was getting dressed at the time...literally everything, all while trying to go to sleep at night...after unplugging everything and then checking the locks on the windows and the doors and checking the kids and then checking the locks on the windows and doors and the kids and... It has been so rough. Anxiety is what it is and it will drive you crazy if you let it... and this is me trying not to let it :haha:

My husband doesn't get why I can't sleep at night. :wacko:
I totally get it, only do what you are comfortable with :)
On my side of anxiety during this pregnancy I have analyzed what to do if a fire started in the hallway, in the kitchen, in a bedroom, the bathroom, the hallway on the left side, the hallway on the right side... etc etc... and exactly how I could get my kids out of the house, what I would do if I was getting dressed at the time...literally everything, all while trying to go to sleep at night...after unplugging everything and then checking the locks on the windows and the doors and checking the kids and then checking the locks on the windows and doors and the kids and... It has been so rough. Anxiety is what it is and it will drive you crazy if you let it... and this is me trying not to let it :haha:

My husband doesn't get why I can't sleep at night. :wacko:

Exactly! Of course as women we think of every disaster we possibly can think of and think it's going to happen, while most men roll their eyes at us LOL. Little do they know we are the brains of everything :haha: I haven't thought of those things exactly, not yet anyway LOL. I hate having this anxiety, I feel like it has taken over my life and happiness. There's a part of me that wishes the pregnancy would go fast forward so I know that everything is ok with the baby and that the aches, pains and over analyzed toilet paper after i wipe is a thing of the past. I swear I over analyze so much about the color of my urine that my eyes start playing tricks with me and I swear I see the slightest spotting. I'm a terrible pregnant woman.
I totally get it, only do what you are comfortable with :)
On my side of anxiety during this pregnancy I have analyzed what to do if a fire started in the hallway, in the kitchen, in a bedroom, the bathroom, the hallway on the left side, the hallway on the right side... etc etc... and exactly how I could get my kids out of the house, what I would do if I was getting dressed at the time...literally everything, all while trying to go to sleep at night...after unplugging everything and then checking the locks on the windows and the doors and checking the kids and then checking the locks on the windows and doors and the kids and... It has been so rough. Anxiety is what it is and it will drive you crazy if you let it... and this is me trying not to let it :haha:

My husband doesn't get why I can't sleep at night. :wacko:
BTW, thank you so much for lending a ear and taking the time to write, it means the world and helps me keep calm :hugs:
Of course! I'm happy to, it helps me as well :)

Also, if it helps at all, a tiny bit of spotting on the toilet paper when wiping wouldn't mean a thing, any problem with bleeding would be heavy and unmistakable. I know sometimes it helps me to remind myself of things like that when I start spazzing out.

I was the same way in both of my other pregnancies, I think because this pregnancy is so close in time to my last I am much more relaxed..about the pregnancy anyway lol. I think a lot of pregnant women are just as nuts! It's our job as moms, and pregnancy is mom duty #1.
Of course! I'm happy to, it helps me as well :)

Also, if it helps at all, a tiny bit of spotting on the toilet paper when wiping wouldn't mean a thing, any problem with bleeding would be heavy and unmistakable. I know sometimes it helps me to remind myself of things like that when I start spazzing out.

I was the same way in both of my other pregnancies, I think because this pregnancy is so close in time to my last I am much more relaxed..about the pregnancy anyway lol. I think a lot of pregnant women are just as nuts! It's our job as moms, and pregnancy is mom duty #1.

When I had my spotting it was quite a bit. It never made it on the pad but when I wiped it was all over. Not only to mention the color varied. It was light-medium pink to light-medium peach color. I never got the really dark red. I often wonder if I spotted a lot (it would last up to or just over 2 days) if because my period ate extremely heavy and long, like 10-13 days, if that's the reason my spotting also lasted for a bit longer.

I am glad you are more laid back with this pregnancy, I guess having experience and knowing how your body gets helps put your mind at ease more. I think first time moms stress very easily because they are not used to all the new little things that your body goes through. Especially when in society you don't hear other women talk about this stuff, you have to practically research it and ask other online when you are faced with something you don't know if it's related to pregnancy. Then you go to ask a simple question that is "not life threatening" to the baby and before you know it you end up reading horror stories from unfortunate women who blame that for the miscarriage...aye aye aye lol.
Oh yes, like the sex :) i did that during my last pregnancy and read some stuff I sure shouldn't have. Yeah in my last two pregnancies I ran to the emergency room and doctor way too often. It's hard to be relaxed and let it happen, but the truth is more than likely everything will go just fine and you will have your perfect baby in your arms before you know it!

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