Mummy- Yea i've calmed down a bit.. I didn't want to take the Ativan but I go to the point where either i could possibly have a seizure and get worse or i could take the medicine and calm down... I think a seizure would be worse thats what both my OB and Psychiatrist say, to take it as needed, and that was a moment where i needed it.
Oh yea you're in AZ, so a lot of mexican people there... Miami is considered "the capitol of latin america", everyone here is from south america, central america, puerto rico, cuba, dominican republic... They think you're weird cause you don't speak spanish... I speak decent spanish but don't like to, I've always preferred the other languages more and working in art and fashion they came in much handier than spanish so i focused on them. I like the spanish they speak in spain, totally different, and Argentine's speak beautiful spanish because its just like Spainards.. not the crap they speak of latin america.
Did you decide when you're going to get your brazilian?