Mornin' Girls!
Well my lil girl started walking by her self last night .. took off across the room. 11 months, 1 day!
Re morning sickness, I get waves of it thru out the day. My body has also taken to waking up around 3am, and I'm awake for the day then. This happened with Missy too. SUCKS!
Bcage ~ Welcome!
Brandi ~ I can't swallow those pre-natal vits. Freaking horse pills, make me gag big time. I found pre-natal gummis .. SO much easier to take!!
New to ttc ~ I'd say UTI. They don't always hurt either, you just get the need like you want to pee all the time but you don't ever feel .. finished ..
Meow ~ I get the $1 from the Dollar Store. Work just as well as the $15 ones!
Ok time to try and feed the kid her breakfast
Well my lil girl started walking by her self last night .. took off across the room. 11 months, 1 day!
Re morning sickness, I get waves of it thru out the day. My body has also taken to waking up around 3am, and I'm awake for the day then. This happened with Missy too. SUCKS!
Bcage ~ Welcome!
Brandi ~ I can't swallow those pre-natal vits. Freaking horse pills, make me gag big time. I found pre-natal gummis .. SO much easier to take!!
New to ttc ~ I'd say UTI. They don't always hurt either, you just get the need like you want to pee all the time but you don't ever feel .. finished ..
Meow ~ I get the $1 from the Dollar Store. Work just as well as the $15 ones!
Ok time to try and feed the kid her breakfast