Hi girls can I please join? I'm cautiously preggo and due around the 25th (not sure as can't remember my dates) but I think I was due AF this weekend just gone.
Am a bit in shock as we only decided recently to try for another baby and it took 13months for my daughter so was getting ready for the long haul again! Happy though.
Well, I'm Kim and originally from the UK but living in Canada at the moment for a couple of years and I have a beautiful 13 month old girl Am wondering how I'm gonna cope with 2 so far away from home but hey-ho!
Kim xx
Everythings ok!!!
Saw little bean with heartbeat. On the picture the top "blob" is baby and measures 9.9mm so nearly 1 cm lol and the bottom "blob" is the yolk sac. He couldn't get it with just baby but i don't care because everything is ok so far!!
They said my dates are spot on and my due date is 1st May at the minute but i'm going to stick to 2nd of May until 12 week scan.
Fingers crossed now that beanie survives
Chaos is your scan tomorrow also? Starting to wish I had asked for a scan pic now lol.. it just didnt seem important at the time with everything else going on arghh... but all the little blobs are looking soooo cute hehe Good luck to you and mummy
Chaos is your scan tomorrow also? Starting to wish I had asked for a scan pic now lol.. it just didnt seem important at the time with everything else going on arghh... but all the little blobs are looking soooo cute hehe Good luck to you and mummy
Nah, I get the results of my Beta this afternoon. I'm praying it risen enough. The spotting is intermittent but isn't there more than it is .. its very light brown see thru in colour. Gah, this afternoon seems an age away. If its risen I'll get another scan in a week or so.