May mummies?


Mummy & Noah <3
Sep 11, 2011
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Where are you all lol. There has been a few threads for buddies. Thought a thread for May mummies might be nice to discuss milstones development etc. Just an idea. There are a lot of new LO's now :)) How are all your LO doing.

Noah is 5 months now (wheres the time gone) weighs 15lbs 12oz eating solids and drinking 32 oz a day. Been sleeping through the night since 10 weeks (lucky me). He can roll from front to back and back to front. He has no teeth yet but one is breaking through x
:hi: May mommy here! Eli was born May 21st and is absolutely the love of my life. He has been sleeping through the night since about a month and a half. He loves to stand (with support) and has loved standing since about 2 months. He can sit up unsupported for about 30 seconds. He can roll from stomach to back and tries back to stomach but can't get past his arm. He's been eating solids for about 1 month, has tried bananas, squash, and sweet potatoes. I'm going to try apples next, I do make his baby food. However, hes a little like me and not crazy about the veggies quite yet. He is starting get some teeth, you can see white marks on the bottom. But all together he has been pretty relaxed about it. Can't believe how big he's gotten, it breaks my heart to pack up clothes that are too small :cry: Can't believe he will be half a year in about 2 weeks!
Lucky ladies with your good sleepers!

Charlotte just started rolling back to front and does it all. the. time. Every at night! I'm hoping she will learn to go the other way soon :) I think we're close to sitting up!

We just started solid foods, mostly for fun... but she's a hungry girl! She's been eating at least five 6 or 7 ounce bottles during the day and usually one or two at night. She seems to like the sweet stuff best. Pears are her new favorite.

She typically wakes 1-3 times per night. It's not terrible by any means, but I'd LOVE to get her down to once consistantly.
Can I jump in?? Technically I'm a June mummy but was meant to be the 30th May! Freya has just turned 5 months, still breastfed but have started solids (tw before doing a bit of blw later). She's a good sleeper at night, but a real nap fighter (had some luck today with a blackout blind though). All in all she's a really happy, chilled baby who loves her bath and a good sing-song. shes my whole world :) hope you ladies are all doing well!
Mummy to May 29th baby here :)

Lottie now weighs 18.2 lbs (she's v v long) and is the most laid back/laziest baby there is. I know she can roll (both ways) as she did it one afternoon several times but she obviously didn't find it very exciting as she hasn't done it since. We haven't started weaning at all yet as she's doing just fine on milk but I suppose we'll start at some point fairly soon (shame, as it's so easy on just milk!)

She doesn't STTN, not what I'd call STTN anyway, but she doesn't need feeding overnight anymore which is nice. She normally wakes once but just needs briefly resettling then goes back down until about 7am. She doesn't nap much - 3 x 30 min naps every day but she settles brilliantly at 7pm every night in her cot, which is amazing as she was a nightmare to get to sleep for the first few months.

She has no signs of teeth which isn't surprising as her big bro didn't get any until he was 9 months. She's very strong on her tummy and actually really enjoys tummy time now.

She absolutely adores her brother and spends all day smiling and giggling at him. They are so cute together - he makes sure she has her teddy at all times and replaces her dummy if it falls out. He's only 18 months and I love seeing how close they are already.
Hi my DD was born 30th may and is my whole world, she started solids last week and is loving banana custard, she is 16lbs and is 2ft 5inchs long (she was extreamly long when born) she has about 35oz a day and im also a lucky one as she sleeps through the night also, infact she has slept through the night since about 3 months old and before that she only used to wake once anyway. She is making lots of noises and is rolling back to front and front to back, loves playing with her toys (which always ends up in her mouth) and has her first tooth. She is currently learning to clap which she has almost been able to do. Cant wait till xmas as she loves bright colous and music
May 31st baby here!!

Georgia is doing great she's a wee shorty and is now 14lb 4oz, she's been on solids since 18 weeks and loves most things so far except parsnips, she hasn't rolled yet and doesn't seem interested in it at all, she's very sting on her feet though and will stand with support of a finger for around 1.5mins lol, she's almost sitting unaided but tends to slouch forward (I'm not sure if anyone else's does this) she's a loud little screacher and smiles all the time, she's been sleeping 12hrs a night since 10 weeks and is a great self soother, I also have a daughter miah who is 6 and georgie seems to watch her every move, it's great to watch, she also doesn't have any teeth yet x
May 31st baby here!!

Georgia is doing great she's a wee shorty and is now 14lb 4oz, she's been on solids since 18 weeks and loves most things so far except parsnips, she hasn't rolled yet and doesn't seem interested in it at all, she's very sting on her feet though and will stand with support of a finger for around 1.5mins lol, she's almost sitting unaided but tends to slouch forward (I'm not sure if anyone else's does this) she's a loud little screacher and smiles all the time, she's been sleeping 12hrs a night since 10 weeks and is a great self soother, I also have a daughter miah who is 6 and georgie seems to watch her every move, it's great to watch, she also doesn't have any teeth yet x

My LO does the slouch thing too!

Charlotte doesn't have older siblings, but she goes to an in-home daycare with two toddlers and she loves to watch them! It's really neat to see... I feel like she's so interested in what the "big kids" are doing all of the time.
Hello. :flower: My little boy was born May 21st (was due May 14th). He's a big boy, 19lb 12oz and 28 inches long. He sits unaided perfectly now, can roll both ways, is scooting across the floor trying to crawl, and loves standing too! He babbles a lot, mostly just "bababa" and "mamama" but he does "buhbuh" too.

We're doing moreso BLW, he hates being spoon fed and looks at me like I'm nuts. He likes bananas, green beans, and mango so far. He's okay with apples sometimes as long as they're not too sweet, which is weird because he likes mangos. I have no idea how much milk he's taking in, but I'm sure it's a lot considering his size.

He loves kitty cats, pulling mommy's hair, and throwing food all over the floor. He also loves his vtech move and crawl ball and stuffed elmo. Oh, and he loves his toes, can't forget those. :haha: He has one tooth that's just broken through on the bottom, and he's been sttn since 10 weeks too. :) Though the sttn thing has gone out the window recently since he's been teething.
May 31st baby here!!

Georgia is doing great she's a wee shorty and is now 14lb 4oz, she's been on solids since 18 weeks and loves most things so far except parsnips, she hasn't rolled yet and doesn't seem interested in it at all, she's very sting on her feet though and will stand with support of a finger for around 1.5mins lol, she's almost sitting unaided but tends to slouch forward (I'm not sure if anyone else's does this) she's a loud little screacher and smiles all the time, she's been sleeping 12hrs a night since 10 weeks and is a great self soother, I also have a daughter miah who is 6 and georgie seems to watch her every move, it's great to watch, she also doesn't have any teeth yet x

My LO does the slouch thing too!

Charlotte doesn't have older siblings, but she goes to an in-home daycare with two toddlers and she loves to watch them! It's really neat to see... I feel like she's so interested in what the "big kids" are doing all of the time.

That is good to hear, I can't remember miah ever slouching but she did have a nappy splint on so that maybe helped her not slouch lol, yeah georgie tries to copy miah or grab what miah is playing with she is very determined and lunges for it lol, it is very interesting to watch.
I can't believe all your babies are rolling though, georgie just is not interested at all, she hates tummy time though and gets frustrated when she's on her tummy xx
Hi ladies

May 16th baby although due may 8th. Couldnt wish for a better baby. She has sttn since 2/3weeks old, ive been really lucky. She can roll both ways and has been sitting unaided since 4.5 months. Shes a big girl 20lbs at last weigh in. No teeth yet but shes been cranky last few days so im hopeful of one soon :)
May 27th here :)

Johnny amazes me every day. He's so beautiful and intelligent. He's been so alert from day one. He rolls both ways, can sit up, laughs, can stand with me just holding his hands, gurgles and is a little squirmer! He weighs over 17 lbs now!! Started solids a month ago he loves his food.

Nice to see May mummies! I miss third tri haha xoxo
Oh and I'm so jealous of your LO's sttn. Johnny is a terrible sleeper (was waking up to 10 times a night) but we took his dummy away cold turkey 6 days ago and only wakes twice now but I'm hoping he'll start sttn (please!) xx
Go Johnny, that is brilliant! So glad taking away the dummy helped.

I miss third tri too. Can't believe I thought I was "so tired" at the time... LOL!
Another May 21st mama here :flower:

I'm not sure exactly how much Elsie weighs right now, but probably around 16lbs based on her last doctor's visit. She used to be a pretty good sleeper (8+ hour stretches) but then everything fell apart and it's just now slowly starting to get better. She still has one to two feeds a night and I'm guessing she will continue needing them for a while because she's such a distracted eater during the day.

As far as milestones, she's sitting up totally on her own now but will frequently make herself fall over and then wriggle/roll across the floor to get to more interesting things. She's a really determined little bugger and she's become way more mobile just in the past week, even though she's not technically crawling yet. If she sees something she wants then she'll find a way to get to it!

The biggest change recently is that she has become so aware of EVERYTHING going on around her. She's also had some kind of epiphany about being able to contort herself and grab/taste/shred things that aren't immediately in front of her, and that has made her about 1000x more dangerous :haha: I used to be able to put her down in her "SuperSeat" and she'd just happily chew on the toys on the tray, but now she immediately twists herself around looking for what kind of fun stuff she can grab beyond the tray. This includes objects that are directly behind her, such as, say, a bottle of balsamic vinegar that she may or may not have dumped onto her PJs yesterday :dohh:
Go Johnny, that is brilliant! So glad taking away the dummy helped.

I miss third tri too. Can't believe I thought I was "so tired" at the time... LOL!

Me too, it's a miracle :haha:

I said the same thing the other day, can't believe I thought I was sleep deprived then. Sleep is a precious thing in this house now xx
Hi ladies

May 16th baby although due may 8th. Couldnt wish for a better baby. She has sttn since 2/3weeks old, ive been really lucky. She can roll both ways and has been sitting unaided since 4.5 months. Shes a big girl 20lbs at last weigh in. No teeth yet but shes been cranky last few days so im hopeful of one soon :)

Wow, 20lbs, what a chunk! (in a good way of course) And sleeping through since 2/3 weeks? You won the baby jackpot ;)
My princess was born on May 28th (was due May 25th) As of her last appointment she was 90th percentile for height and 75th for weight. She is a very very happy baby. With the exception of the last week or so.. she has slept through the night since she was only a few weeks old.

We have just started introducing foods, she hated rice cereal but LOVES carrots and sweet potatoes. She can roll both ways, and sit unaided for about a minute and can stand for ages if shes holding my fingers. She has her two bottom front teeth.

She LOVES our cat, her feet, jumping, musical toys, pulling hair, screaming and sucking her middle fingers. Shes very interested in other kids especially other babies..
I'm here...HI!!!

I didn't realise this part of the forum was here, I was just sitting in baby club and breastfeeding ones...ooops

My LO was due on the 6th May but was born 18th May. She can sit up unaided, rolls everywhere and is currently screaming constatly with a tooth just right there! trying to cut through x
Well my lo finally rolled over today from her tummy to her back, I was so excited I think I scared her haha x

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