This has been a rollercoaster of a pregnancy. First off, I am VERY sure of my dates because I was tracking my cycles and had an early positive pregnancy test at 9 DPO. My HCG levels have been perfect all along, doubling as they should.I have a subchorionic bleed, but no one who has looked at it has seemed overly concerned about it thus far. I have been to several different facilities for ultrasounds with different types of machines. I have a tipped uterus (not sure if that's worth a mention).
We first saw a gestational sac and yolk sac at 5w3d. I had several ultrasounds after that. The gest. sac and yolk sac were growing appropriately, but we still couldn't see a fetal pole. At 6w5d, I was in the ER for dizzy spells and severe vomiting. They did yet another ultrasound, and we still didn't see a fetal pole. My HCG level at that time was 38,000. I was sent to the lab the following morning for another quant, and my level had risen to 49,000. I was losing hope, and the doctor said it was looking very bad that my quant was so high without seeing a fetal pole / heartbeat.
I went to my doctor yesterday (7w0d, less than 48 hours after the ER visit), and we saw a fetal pole measuring 5w6d. There was a heartbeat. He sent me back to the hospital in the afternoon for another check because they had better equipment, and we saw the baby again, with the heartbeat. The measurement of 5w6d means it is measuring 8 days behind.
When someone is sure of their dates, is a measurement of 8 days behind a very bad sign? Can it indicate chromosomal problems? I am still shocked and have hope where I had given up, but I want to be realistic about this.
I've had 8 previous pregnancy losses, but they all occurred at 5-6 weeks with low HCG levels and no need for medical intervention to miscarry. This experience has been completely different.
We first saw a gestational sac and yolk sac at 5w3d. I had several ultrasounds after that. The gest. sac and yolk sac were growing appropriately, but we still couldn't see a fetal pole. At 6w5d, I was in the ER for dizzy spells and severe vomiting. They did yet another ultrasound, and we still didn't see a fetal pole. My HCG level at that time was 38,000. I was sent to the lab the following morning for another quant, and my level had risen to 49,000. I was losing hope, and the doctor said it was looking very bad that my quant was so high without seeing a fetal pole / heartbeat.
I went to my doctor yesterday (7w0d, less than 48 hours after the ER visit), and we saw a fetal pole measuring 5w6d. There was a heartbeat. He sent me back to the hospital in the afternoon for another check because they had better equipment, and we saw the baby again, with the heartbeat. The measurement of 5w6d means it is measuring 8 days behind.
When someone is sure of their dates, is a measurement of 8 days behind a very bad sign? Can it indicate chromosomal problems? I am still shocked and have hope where I had given up, but I want to be realistic about this.
I've had 8 previous pregnancy losses, but they all occurred at 5-6 weeks with low HCG levels and no need for medical intervention to miscarry. This experience has been completely different.