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Meek and Hubby have moved into 2nd tri!


Aug 26, 2014
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Hello ladies! I have not done such a great job with updating my thread and haven't posted since I was about 11 weeks. I am now 18 weeks and find out on 09/06 if this little sweet pea is a boy or girl! I was pretty sick my whole first trimester with some nausea and vomiting still appearing now in my second trimester. Very fatigued. I lost four pounds in my first tri, and at my last appt I had gained one pound back, so still haven't actually gained weight. My doctor says I don't "look sick" (whatever that means) so he isn't concerned. As of late, I have just been having lots of braxton hicks, and some cramping and lower back pain (sometimes very uncomfortable). Breasts are sometimes sore but havent grown much at all. Uterus is especially sore and it hurts to turn over in bed or even open my legs up to shower sometimes (TMI!!?) All in all, I am overly grateful still, despite all the unexpected discomforts. My pregnancy with my first wasn't like this at all, and I didn't really experience much of the discomfort until I was well in my third trimester so I'm just taking it all in and understanding that every pregnancy is different.

Hubby and I were going through a really rough time for most of my first tri, and had many talks of separation/divorce. Thankfully we are getting better and hopefully can continue working together to prepare for the birth of our second little one. DD is still very much excited, although she cant make her mind up on whether she wants a sister or brother lol. She kisses my stomach every chance she gets. I have had so many people ask me am I pregnant with twins as my stomach is a bit large for how many weeks I am. I have to remind them of my fibroid and have playfully started to say that there are two in there, just one of them is a tumor though... I have been feeling baby move a bit more, I think I woke it up earlier when I sneezed, I could feel it tapping and rolling around. I guess trying to get comfortable again lol.

I don 't think we will be having a baby shower this time around. Its can get so expensive and with the way our finances are, we are looking to save money however we can, and still have friends and family willing to gift us without needing a baby shower to do so, which we are grateful for. I am just continuously praying over my sweet pea that it will keep growing and stay put until it can survive outside of my womb with no need for medical intervention. I am going to try my hardest to keep up with this as I really haven't been keeping track of much of anything this pregnancy and would like to have a record to transfer to baby's baby book once it is born.

Please follow along if you'd like, share any advice/stories you have to help make this second tri go faster for me! Lol. Thanks for stopping by to read :hugs:
Hello ladies!

19 weeks, 2 days today. Seems like its going by so slow. I still don't feel baby moving and what I thought was movement was probably all gas because now its very rare, but i might feel like a little pop or 2 here and there. very frustrating because some days i still dont feel pregnant at all. if i didnt have my fetal doppler to hear bay moving and hear baby's heartbeat i would surely be losing my mind!

the countdown to next wednesday is real as we will finally get to see our sweet pea and find out what we are having. i can barely contain my excitement! my sister was encouraging me to have a gender reveal but i feel like its taken forever to reach the halfway mark just so we could find out and i dont want to wait a minute longer than i have to.
:dohh: so i just realized the 6th is on thursday.... well whats one more day?! (insert sarcasm).

I'M. GOING. TO LOSE. MY MIND. I just wanna see my baby and make sure all is well!
I'm glad it's not just me! I'm 17 weeks and rarely feel any movement! I can't wait for this little baby to be big enough to REALLY kick me! :haha:

How did your scan go?
I'm glad it's not just me! I'm 17 weeks and rarely feel any movement! I can't wait for this little baby to be big enough to REALLY kick me! :haha:

How did your scan go?

lol, im finally feeling baby move and its so reassuring!

we found out we are having a baby boy!!!! i am still so in shock because i honestly didn't expect it even though this pregnancy was way different than being pregnant with DD. Hubby is so excited to have a son, its so sweet.

I talk to my baby boy, asking him to "talk to me" and sometimes he responds by kicking/punching (or whatever he's doing in there lol). i can't wait til they get stronger but i feel him doing his thing every day now. It's such an amazing feeling that I'm grateful to experience again!

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