Megan Ruth - my yellow bump turned pink!


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2010
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Megan Ruth was born 3.51am on Wednesday 18th May at 39+2. We are completely in love with her and she is just a perfect little soul. :kiss:
I had thought I was having a girl from early on but hubby had decided, after inspecting the 20 week scan pics, that we was certain we were having a boy. Trust a woman to get it right! :winkwink:

I'd started having a show, with period pains, about a week before but that all settled down. It was about the same time that she went from 4/5 to 2/5 engaged and also when I started using clary sage oil rubbed into my bump and in the bath.

In the early hours of Tuesday 17th I started getting mild contractions and more bloody show. They started about 10 minutes apart and, as the morning went on, got as close as 4-5 minutes apart and were getting slightly more painful - leading me to try out the tens machine I'd hired . I had planned to use a MW led birth centre so, as previously advised by them, I called to let them know the timings and intensity of the contractions. Both them and I agreed that there was no need to go in at that point as I wasn't struggling at all. Disapointingly, as soon as I got off the phone the contractions started to space out and become less intense. This continued through the evening until I was only getting a mild one every 30 minutes or so. :dohh:
My mum came around for a cuppa and she thought things might start to happen that night and how right she was!

We went to bed around 10.30pm and I got to sleep pretty quickly. Some time later (was 11.30pm) I must have started to wake - I'm not sure if it was a contraction or noise outside - and I suddenly felt a 'pop' with a sharpish pain down low and the feeling of peeing myself. I knew straight away what had happened and turned to my hubby and said "that'll be my waters then". :haha:
I got out of bed and rushed to the loo and the contractions hit straight away. They were nothing like the ones from the day - they completely stopped me in my tracks and I had to focus on breathing through them. I got my hubby to reattach the tens machine and fired it straight up on much higher settings than I had been using. I sent hubby to get the car from where it was parked 5 minutes walk away while I called the Birth Centre and told them we were coming in.
On the way to the hospital (15 minutes) I was contracting about every 3 minutes but was coping with the tens and breathing.
When we got there I showed them a pad I'd used to soak up the waters and it had mild meconium staining so it meant I had to go to the delivery suite and have continuious monitoring. I was able to still stand/kneel by the bed which was helpful. They asked about pain relief and I said I wanted just gas & air for as long as I was coping. They asked if I'd considered pethidine but I said to hold off for now and, if I wanted some later to try a lower dose, which they were happy with.

The time came to check my cervix and, unbeknown to me, do a sweep. It was REALLY uncomfortable and had me puffing away on the G&A and moaning in agony. I was pretty disappointed when she said I was only 3cm so not even in 'estalished labour'. Things ramped up really quickly though after that with the contractions coming thick and fast and getting more and more intense each time. With each one I felt I was losing my grip until I finally requested an epidural. I think the MW was quite shocked by my sudden request but I was told another woman was being given one and I'd be next. She tried to put an IV line in in preparation but it took couple of attempts and lots of tape because I couldn't hold still. Within a couple of minutes I mentioned feeling increasing pressure so she said she'd better check me - I think the MW was more surprised than anyone else when she said "wow you're 10cm so ready to push!"
The pushing was easier to cope with, and the G&A was just in the way, but it lasted an hour and a half and I was pretty tired as time went on. Baby seemed to be coping fine but I could almost feel myself holding back when I started to feel the burning sensation as she was started to crown.
Megan was finally born after an incredibly short established labour (especially for a 1st timer!) but I had a large 2nd degree tear. At one point the MW thought it might be 3rd degree, which would mean going to theatre and having a spinal, but the Dr came in and said it was all ok for the MW to stitch. Megan was passed straight to me for some skin to skin straight away though I didn't get to have a natural 3rd stage as I'd hoped because I had a fibroid so they use active management as routine.
Megan was starting to go a little blue and her breathing rate had increased so they took her aside and waited for the paediatrician to come and check her over - everything was fine though and both her apgar scores were 9.

I felt dreadful after the birth - mainly because of the tear and the threat of surgery on it.:nope: While we were waiting for me and Megan to be assessed I just lay on the bed with my legs up in troughs and a sheet over me shaking.
The tear repair was uncomfortable, even under local, and had me back on the G&A. During this time though Megan latched on for a 1st little feed which made me feel better.

We had to stay in for Megan to have 24 hours of monitoring due to the meconium and didn't actually get out of the hospital until the following evening. We had difficulty with latching on at 1st but she was very sleepy and was barely opening her mouth. Feeding well now though and, apart from pain from my tear, we're doing very well.

I have to admit that I really didn't enjoy the birth at all, especially the time I went from 3cm to 10cm. Our plan has always been to have one, though who knows what we'll decide in a year or so. They're warned me that next time I'd be even quicker so to make sure I get to the hospital without delay! :haha:

Amazingly my labour went pretty much the same as my sister and my mum - we all started with waters breaking at home and progressed very quickly.
My mum took 4 hours with her 1st, I took 4 hours 20 minutes and my sister took 5 hours - all of us from waters going, not even in established labour! :haha:

Sorry it's been a bit long! Here's a couple of pics. :cloud9:


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You did brilliantly - Well done!! :hugs: xx
I love how she's looking right at you when she came out. Congrats! She's beautiful!
What a trooper!! I think you did amazingly well hun, nice warm baths with salt, tea tree and lavender will all help with healing.

Baby Megan is just beautiful :kiss: x x x
Well done you!! Shes gorgeous! Love the pics! xxx
You did amazingly :hugs: what a shock her coming so fast.

She is adorable :cloud9:
Wonderful story hun, you did so well! I'm really glad you're home, and everything's settling now :flow:
Congratulations Span! She's beautiful!
What a wonderful picture you had captured! Congratulations again Span!!! xx
Love that first picture, it's beautiful. Great birth story Span, I know you found it a bit shocking but at least it was over quite fast after she messed you about for over a week!
Great story hon...congrats. Megan is beautiful.
Congratulations. That picture is absolutely gorgeous...I never wanted a camera in the delivery room...but now I do!
Beautiful! Congrats hunny :flower:
congrats to you and megan for doing so well!! enjoy your first precious days together and make sure you get just as much pampering as her!! She's beautiful, you must be very proud xxx
Well Done Span! Congratulations againon the birth of your wonderful daughter

xxxx :hugs:

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