I got prescribed metformin on the 28th july. Had Af on 7th aug and NOTHING since!!! anyone else not had it work for them? Im bak at gynae on wednesday!! thankyou
i went on it for the 3wks, did nothing took provera started then took soy along with the met and started on my own...this time i didnt take the soy with it and only had spotting on cd 30 -35 so i had to wait a little while then take provera again and now AF is here. when i had af on my own though i was at 1000 mg a day but then went on vacation and didnt take my pills so had to start over again...im now only at 1 pill a day
ya i thought i was going to loose a bunch of weight and get my periods on my own with it but neither one happend. i know i need to be at 3 pills a day but i cant stand the SE althoguht thats probly y i havnt lost weight cuz im not on the toilet all day or my head in it all day either....
yes u will probly get provera and it ranges from person to person as far as starting after the last pill. i start with in 3 days of being off it and only have to take it for 5 days. thats the only thing that works for me hope it works for u too.....be ready for some cramps(if u get them) and a FULL flow and quick!
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