I'm not pregnant but trying. Last pregnancy my son was transverse,they threatened me with a section the following day but I said no as I was only about 33 weeks pregnant,he was facing up at that point,after an hour he turned to face down but still transverse. They agreed and let me go. The following weeks he turned from transverse to oblique then breech and then finally settling head down,so apart from being 2 weeks late and being induced and him being a whopper it has got me thinking. I am a very big girl,weighing around 22st,I had lost 8 stone previously which resulted in my first son,the reason for weightloss was to concieve,however I have a large over hanging belly,if I were to have a section the chances of it being infected are massive and it would take a huge amount of time to heal,even losing more weight this overhang would still be there. I saw a programme a while back about overweight during pregnancy and a lady had to have a section. This was in America but they did her section above her belly button so I wondered,has anyone else had this and wonder if it is possible. I had a gastric bypass so I have a huge scar down my tum so I'm not worried about the scar