I have oversupply issues, which is ok, doesn't bother me really. But I just wondered, if I have another child, while I have oversupply again? It's just if I did, I'd def donate.
She's doing good! She's great at eating, well, I think so! She eats with us three times a day now, loving the BLW! it was scary at first, but getting there. How's Alex? He's such a cutie. How often does he bf now? Jen is 6/7 times a day then a couple at night.
She's still a terrible sleeper but can get up on all fours, crawls backwards and occasionally a little forwards, pulls up on her cot bars to stand and tries to cruise along them. I can't turn my back for a second!
I know it's a strange question to ask, but over supply is a pain, but next time I'd be prepared and use all that extra milk!
I'm jealous of your TTC I've got to wait 2 years
Maybe, maybe not. TBH while I have had a fast letdown in the early days with all of them I never had an oversupply issue long term like I've had with this LO, with all my others I point blank stopped leaking after 2-3 weeks as well but to this day I still sometimes leak with this LO xx
I think it's more dependent on the child and how much he/she eats. With DS1, he was an avid nurser and ate like crazy, all the time! I produced sooo much milk that I pumped and saved tons and still had to wear nursing pads when he was 15 months old or else I would soak through my clothes! Night times were a nightmare in the early months.
With DS2, he doesn't nurse quite as often and he doesn't take as much when he does. I've noticed a huge difference in my supply. I still have to wear nursing pads all the time but I don't leak through them and I can comfortably go several hours without nursing and not be engorged/in pain. Also, I can only pump about 3-4oz per side when they're full vs. 6-7oz per side with DS1. I'm liking this arrangement a lot better!! lol
I did with all 3 and fast let down with all. The fast letdown is a pain the early months, but now its great. She is done nursing in 3 minutes! Also I still pump extra and give it to my 2 older girls. I just use a manual and I can get 3 oz. in that one side in 4-5 minutes. Another plus of fast let down
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