Might have to deliver baby early!!



My LO is due 4th june. I have very low amniotic fluid and he is small. I am going for regular scans to check on his condition and today i got told that his growth seems to be tailing off as he has not grown much since my last scan. Also my fluid has got lower. I have been told to go back for another scan in 2 weeks. I asked her what the problem could be, and she said that i could have problems with my placenta, and if his growth doesn't improve or my fluid doesnt pick up i will have to deliver him early via c-section.

I have 2 Questions....

1) If i go for a scan in 2 weeks and they say i must have a c-section, when do you think they will do it? And how long do you think LO and I will have to stay in hospital? ( I HATE those places! Ergghhh lol)

2) Has anyone else been through anything similar and given birth to a healthy baby?

Apart from his growth he is fine and healthy! xoxox

Anything would help!!

Thankyouuuuuuu xoxox

I just wanted to say I am going through something quite similar to you at the moment. Our baby is due on 13th June, and I found out at my 25 week check that my bp was sky high and then there was a trace of protein in my urine. They did a scan on Saturday and the fluid was slightly reduced and the blood flow to the baby was slightly reduced.

I have been monitored almost every day this week, had scans, blood tests, blood pressure checks, urine tests every day. Also had to stay in for two separate nights.

They gave me steroid injections to mature the baby's lungs ready for it coming early.

On Monday I was told he would hope to get me to 30 weeks but today he said the baby will be here probably within the next 10 days. I am absolutely terrified at the thought of having a c-section and the thought of staying in hospital.

There is a lot they can do nowadays for early babies, we have been reading all sorts of really encouraging stories, esp on the bliss website etc.

I am scared because I have to transfer to a different hospital tomorrow and there is a threat of me being kept in tomorrow night and the whole thing is just scaring me so much.

Anyway, I hope I have not strayed too much onto my worries, I just thought maybe we can support each other a bit as we are in a similar position.

I just wanted to say I am going through something quite similar to you at the moment. Our baby is due on 13th June, and I found out at my 25 week check that my bp was sky high and then there was a trace of protein in my urine. They did a scan on Saturday and the fluid was slightly reduced and the blood flow to the baby was slightly reduced.

I have been monitored almost every day this week, had scans, blood tests, blood pressure checks, urine tests every day. Also had to stay in for two separate nights.

They gave me steroid injections to mature the baby's lungs ready for it coming early.

On Monday I was told he would hope to get me to 30 weeks but today he said the baby will be here probably within the next 10 days. I am absolutely terrified at the thought of having a c-section and the thought of staying in hospital.

There is a lot they can do nowadays for early babies, we have been reading all sorts of really encouraging stories, esp on the bliss website etc.

I am scared because I have to transfer to a different hospital tomorrow and there is a threat of me being kept in tomorrow night and the whole thing is just scaring me so much.

Anyway, I hope I have not strayed too much onto my worries, I just thought maybe we can support each other a bit as we are in a similar position.

I wrote a reply to you on your thread lol! Yeah we can support each other. I think you need as many people around you at a time like this!! Chin up, keep smiling, Your little one will be a fighter!!! :) xoxox

I had Chloe and Jaycee at 29 weeks and 6 days which I am assuming you will be.

They would arrange for you to probably go in ASAP and not wait being they have known for a few weeks this may be the case.
I suggest maybe getting something ready and organise yourself now incase they do want to get him out!!

I always say you cannot know for sure how long your baby is going to be in NNU for.. The girls were in for 4 weeks and they were one of the lucky ones.. Some babies on here were born at same time or a few days either side and they have spent longer on NNU.

I hope baby grows for you.. Please keep us updated x
Connor measured small throughout the pregnancy and I was monitored with growth scans. Bloods flow doppler readings were added in a bit later. My fluid levels were always ok. Around 32 weeks his growth slowed down even further, and a further scan 2 weeks later showed very little growth. I was sent for steroid injections to help mature his lungs just in case of early delivery. The consultant wanted to get me to 36 weeks maximum but did stress he may arrive earlier. This is when I first heard them talk about IUGR (inta-uterine growth restriction).

I had to attend hospital every couple of days for CTG monitoring. The following week at 34+4 Connor decided to get things going himself when my waters went! I didn't progress and had a section rather than induction. He was 2lb 11 1/2 oz but cried straight away and didn't need any oxygen. He was in an incubator for 3 days before transferring to a heated cot. He came home after 4 1/2 weeks, around his EDD.

He is healthy and has no ill effects.

I had Chloe and Jaycee at 29 weeks and 6 days which I am assuming you will be.

They would arrange for you to probably go in ASAP and not wait being they have known for a few weeks this may be the case.
I suggest maybe getting something ready and organise yourself now incase they do want to get him out!!

I always say you cannot know for sure how long your baby is going to be in NNU for.. The girls were in for 4 weeks and they were one of the lucky ones.. Some babies on here were born at same time or a few days either side and they have spent longer on NNU.

I hope baby grows for you.. Please keep us updated x

Hi it has all come as bit of a shock really. They have told me previous that everything was ok apart from fluid but they checked all the charts today and he is slightly small! I just hope he picks up! Thankyou xoxox
I had Andrew at 29+1 weeks by emergency c/section, he weighed just 1lb 6oz at birth (IUGR). He spent the remaining 11 weeks of what would have been the pregnancy working his way through NICU, and came home two days after his original due date.

He is now a thriving 7month old, still small but doing fine for his corrected age. I have a thread in this forum if you want to know more!

To answer your other question - as to when they will carry out the c/section, well they will try to leave the baby in your womb for as long as is safe, and will bring him out when "he is better out than in". I was given notice of imminent delivery at 28 weeks and was jabbed with steroids, we gained a week.

Please stay around and keep us posted as to your progress, and also feel free to ask us any questions you have about what you'll be going through :kiss:

I replied to your other thread in 3rd tri! hehe As for oyur questions here I don't know the answer to the first one, something to ask my doctor next week I think!! Just to feel a bit more prepared, mentally at least!

As for the 2nd I was reassured that baby will be healthy just small.. . . this is why they are keeping an eye, so they can get them out on time! This was my primary concern and I discussed it the other day with my doctor.

Fingers crossed they will keep growing and not have to be taken out just yet!



I replied to your other thread in 3rd tri! hehe As for oyur questions here I don't know the answer to the first one, something to ask my doctor next week I think!! Just to feel a bit more prepared, mentally at least!

As for the 2nd I was reassured that baby will be healthy just small.. . . this is why they are keeping an eye, so they can get them out on time! This was my primary concern and I discussed it the other day with my doctor.

Fingers crossed they will keep growing and not have to be taken out just yet!


Hi Hun,

I dont think your doctor should have said something like that because how can you be reassured when baby isnt here yet??

I replied to your other thread in 3rd tri! hehe As for oyur questions here I don't know the answer to the first one, something to ask my doctor next week I think!! Just to feel a bit more prepared, mentally at least!

As for the 2nd I was reassured that baby will be healthy just small.. . . this is why they are keeping an eye, so they can get them out on time! This was my primary concern and I discussed it the other day with my doctor.

Fingers crossed they will keep growing and not have to be taken out just yet!


Hi Hun,

I dont think your doctor should have said something like that because how can you be reassured when baby isnt here yet??


Hmmm! You make me worry now! hehe :) Well he said that baby looks healthy, so as long as she is out on time there is no reason to believe she won't be. . . .

Anything I am missing here? :wacko: If so please tell me! I'd rather know and be prepared! Thank you! :thumbup:
Oh hun I am sorry I didnt mean to worry you!! I just mean its not Doctors practice to say that about a prem.
I dont see how a prem that needs tube feeding and ventilation is healthy.
I had my girls at 29 weeks and 6 days and they needed tube feeding and C-pap!
I think I'd ask what the Doc actually said. I would be surprised if it was a positive, absolute statement and would be more inclined to think he would have used words like "probably," "likely," "might," "maybe," or to preface the statement with "there is a good chance"

They will know what they can see. Arms, legs, head, everything is there. Internal organs developing normally and all present. Heart rate is good.

What they can't know is how the lungs are performing. This is why all babies at risk of prematurity are (or should be) given steroids where possible.

Any baby born premature will have a stay in NNICU or SCBU. They will probably need some form of help with breathing in the first instance be it ventilation or oxygen. They will have trouble regulating their temperature and certainly before 34 weeks will likely need a tube for feeding. They may be given "TPN" or something similar which is a synthetic alternative to the nutrition a baby gets through the umbilical cord.

"Healthy" is a subjective terms and can mean a whole range of things. The doc may well have been trying to set your mind at rest and there are a number of good reasons to feel positive in your situation. I'd suggest taking a look at the Bliss website and request a tour of your NNICU so they can prepare you for every eventuality.
Thank You Foogirl! That is what i tried to say but obivously not as good as you just did!
Thanks so much girls! I see what you mean! I didn't really think of that. I'm so naive. This is my first so all is new to me, especially the prem stuff. I think I need to do some research to be prepared!

I guess he meant that the condition itself IUGR has not done any damage to the baby as it seems healthy now... but maybe didn't even think of telling me about the risks of prem delivery?

I have another appointment next week so I will ask my questions and hopefully get a better idea as to what they predict. I am changing consultant basically so it will be nice to get his view. I am moving back home to Greece to deliver this baby and I'm looking forward to seeing my doctor there as I know and trust him!

Thank you so much for the info! I guess noone can really tell what is going to happen, but just knowing the risks will make it so much easier if things don't go as planned!

Thanks again!!
Good luck hun. If you manage to please let us know how you get on

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