I think my 3 month old baby has a milk protein intolerance. I was initially breastfeeding, stopped and had her on Alimentum for 3 weeks. The GI specialist wanted me to collect a stool sample to determine if she was tolerating the formula and has the allergy. She also wanted me to start her on Elecare formula instead to help my daughter bc alimentum still contains some milk. However, she ate 2 ounces of the Elecare 1 1/2 hours before she had a bowel movement and that is what I used for the stool sample. Could the 2 ounces of Elecare have gone through her system that quickly to affect the stool sample results??? Or would the results more likely be based on the 3 weeks of Alimentum she had been on???? I am asking bc the test results came back saying she is tolerating the formula...but I do not know which formula gave those good results. My baby hates the Elecare and I am fighting to get it in her...so if she doesnt really need it I would rather give her the Alimentum bc she likes it better. So confused...and wished I didnt give her the 2 ounces of Elecare before I collected for the stool sample...Im a 1st time mom and didnt really think about it...just gave her the new formula like the doc said. PLEASE ADVISE!!!