I know how you feel.. before you get pregnant and these things happen (losing jobs etc.) it's stressful but manageable and you can see a way out.. but when you've got the impending arrival of a baby to consider it just makes everything seem so much more scary!
I fell pregnant at not a great time.. I was just having my last A-level exams and due to go to uni in a few months and didn't have a job, my partner was working at his job as a mechanic but was still on Apprentice wages (very, very low!)- we had no money, no savings, I felt as though I'd ruined my education and we were living with my mum and dad! I remember us looking through houses to rent and writing down the cost of bills etc. and realising we couldn't afford it, we'd both have conversations and be near to tears because everything looked so bleak.
It worked out okay in the end though, mainly because my parents were happy with us living at theres with the baby. Is his mom okay with you being there after the baby is born? It was less stress because I found a job full-time then we saved up until Oliver was one, and my OH qualified and was on good money and manged to get a part-buy home. I look at us now and think 'phew! I never thought we'd be this comfortable' Sometimes it seems like everything's going wrong but it sorts itself out. xx