Molly Alice Venn...finally a birth story!


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2009
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Hello everyone,

Ok so this is a VERY belated birth story but I will also tell you about events in the week after I had my beautiful daughter which has contributed to my lack of updates on here for quite a while. Anyway, on with the story/saga..

I was admitted on Wednesday 14th July for induction as my baby had no intention on budging anytime soon, even after 2 sweeps, plenty of bouncing on the birthing ball, copious amounts of chilli and awkward unsexy elephant nookie..nothing worked. So I was taken in at 3pm and given my first pessary at 6pm, this did nothing. I started to get very mild period pains overnight but that was it. I was starting to feel a little disheartened already, however, in my ward of 4, I was placed next to a girl called Jade, who was the best form of entertainment I could ever have wished for. Now let me explain, Jade was 15 and was obviously scared but the things she came out with were classic. I won’t go in to too much detail but a conversation or two that I can and will always remember went like this:

Jade to midwife:..Can I have some pain relief?
Midwife: Not until I can examine you to know how far gone you are.
Jade: But I don’t want to take my knickers off.
Midwife: Then I can’t examine you.
Jade: Can I have a caesarean?
Midwife: We still need to examine you.
Jade: Can you just look at me and tell them I want a c-section?
Midwife: Nope!

30 minutes later..
Jade: Can I have something for the pain?
Midwife: I can give you some sleeping pills but we can’t give you anything until we examine you.
Jade: Do sleeping pills make you drowsy because I don’t like tablets that make me drowsy.
Midwife: ... (LONG PAUSE) well..yeah they do, that’s what sleeping tablets are.
Jade:...(LONG PAUSE) can I have something for the pain?
Midwife: Sigh..I’ll get the doctor..

And the conversations were along these lines for most of the time we were there. She was a pain in the backside though and used up all the midwives time who were already under resourced. It turned out she’d been in and out all week and moaned and moaned and moaned non stop. Eventually, the doctor just pulled rank and examined her and believe it or not, she was flipping 8cm!!! I think there was a sigh of relief that she was going to delivery suite by that point, lol!

Anyway, I digress. So the next day came and I was given another pessary at midday. They missed my 6am one because of Jade taking up all the time of the staff so the midwives were given permission to give me 3 in that day to move things along. Well I had one in and they then didn’t bother with the 2nd. Apparently they could feel my waters bulging and booked me in to have them broken at 8am on Friday. However, my body had other things in mind and they went with an almight pop at 3am. I was in for a very long 12 hours, little did I know. Boy was there a lot of water!! Unfortunately I was graced with the stupid midwife who got me 1 pad and said it was a trickle. Little did she know my pjs and bed were soaked. She made me stand up and it was like a flood. I literally have never seen so much water. She quickly hurried off to get more pads and mats and then the contractions kicked in. The first 2 hours weren’t too bad but by 6am, they were really packing a punch. I was 3cm and they were coming every 5 minutes. One of the girls across from me was at the same point and it turned out our contractions were in tandem, that was quite amusing, hehe. We ended up supporting each other through them until 8am when our husbands could turn up and it really helped. I was given a shot of morphine at 6am to allow me to get to 5cm pain free and boy was it good stuff. I can HIGHLY recommend the stuff, absolutely amazing. Hubby turned up at 8am and said I was off my face..he also asked where Jade was, haha! Anyway, over the 3 days I’d really got to know the staff and they were fantastic. One midwife was brilliant and she really took a shine to us which was lovely. Unfortunately, I chose the busiest week of the year to drop my baby and delivery suite was flipping closed!! I hadn’t realised but delivery had actually been closed twice since I’d been in and one girl even delivered in the room next door to me, yikes! I started to get a bit anxious by lunchtime as they told me they were prepping a room on labour ward just in case as I was 6cm and progressing very quickly. Luckily some strings were pulled and we were sorted out. They put me in the water birthing room ‘Fuschia’ which was really nice. Loads of people welcomed me and I remember in a haze my midwife telling them all to really look after us etc. Which is a lovely memory. Anyway, the fun began at this point!

We got settled in the delivery room and I was given gas and air. Oh my god, I love the person that invented that stuff. The midwife told me to take a few long deep breaths and I remember saying “ooo it’s just like having 3 glasses of wine...I can’t feel my nose” lol! She burst in to laughter and went “yep, that means it’s working!” My contractions started coming every minute half hour later and my midwife asked hubby to help me go for a wee, well that was hilarious. Hubby ended up holding me over the toilet trying to get me to wee in between contractions that were coming less than every minute and I couldn’t even stand up. We gave up after 5 minutes as I was crying and it was easier having a catheter inserted, hehe. I got back on to the bed and the pain got really intense.

I was measuring 7cm when problems started. I vaguely remember the midwife asking hubby to hit the emergency button and I remember a doctor and several midwives come running in. What I didn’t realise as I was off my face (good job really or I would have been even more of a state), was that baby was stuck and her heartbeat was slowing dramatically. They got me to change positions several times with no change and in the end, the OB had to shove his hand up me and push her back up, I remember screaming so much. I was screaming tons anyway as I was in so much pain but that took the biscuit. He eventually got her head straight but we were minutes away from an emergency c-section it turned out. I suddenly went from 7cm to 9cm and was allowed to start pushing. I should add, I was trying not to push for over an hour by this point even though I needed to. Hardest thing I have ever done. We ended up with a team in with us towards the end with hubby reassuring me and trying to wrestle the gas and air off of me, apparently I was biting down on it, lol! Two midwives held my legs back and another prepped the tray thingy for madam’s arrival. All of this is a haze to me even now but apparently it was a bit scary. I eventually managed to push her out even with hubby’s helpful comment of “push through the pain” Apparently my look and comment of “PUSH THROUGH THE PAIN!?!” said it all, lol! In all I was in delivery suite for nearly 5 hours which was extremely long. I ended up with a nasty labial tear with 4 stitches but it healed after a couple of weeks and unless you touch it, you wouldn’t know it had torn. The delivery midwives the next day all knew it was me that had been in ‘Fuschia’ room and they even halted a new mum’s tour of the delivery suite as I was screaming so much, lol!!! Oh the shame!! Anyway, out she plopped at 5:12pm weighing 7lb 12oz and measuring 53cm long. The whole team were fantastic and they really looked after us. They let us stay in the delivery suite until midnight so hubby could get some time with us and I was able to have a shower and they brought us loads of tea and toast. The first night was extremely easy and Molly slept all night. I had a coffee with one of the midwives on labour ward and discussed breast feeding and what not, it was a lovely end to a very long process. Hubby came and got us the next morning and off we went.

So easy pregnancy..testing labour was definitely true in my case ;)
Now, a down side of things...5 days later, I was readmitted in to hospital with a temperature and severe stomach pains. I was immediately put on pain relief and admitted. I then went through 5 days that I think would test most. I was given extremely strong antibiotics through IV 4 times a day for 5 days. Baby wasn’t able to stay with me as I was extremely ill and had a fever with a temperature spiking at 39.5 on a regular basis. My BP was through the roof too which was a separate issue and I also had an allergic reaction to one of the drugs they gave me resulting in a piriton and hydrocortisone injections in my bum which set back my recovery. I’ve never seen midwives so nervous, I had an anaphylaxis kit in my room permanently after that. Hubby however actually deserves prize of the year for best dad. He single handedly looked after our daughter whilst I was in hospital and coped amazingly. I wasn’t able to breast feed as the drugs I was on went through my milk and also affected my supply. So he also had to switch her feeding to formula and she took to it like there was no tomorrow. Anyway, after 5 days I was allowed to go home but had to continue with a lot of medication for 9 days. Today though, I was given the all clear and am now infection free. A positive that has come out of this experience is that I am happy to leave Molly with my mum or MIL with no hesitation as I know she will be fine without me for a few hours. However, I hope no one ever goes through what I went through. Leaving your 5 day old baby at home whilst dealing with news that your body isn’t fighting an infection very well, followed by a series of complications is so hard but it definitely brought us all together.

So I hope everyone found my experience interesting and not too boring, I’ll finish off with a few piccies of our little hedgehog, Molly. Thanks for reading. xxx

Minutes old..

The next morning..

2 weeks old..

Nearly 3 weeks old..
Honey, your story made me well up. I can't believe what you had to go through. your little girl is so amazing though and I'm so happy you're both ok.
It makes you stronger but it also means Molly will be an only child ;) Haha! Hope you all are doing well xxxx
im so glad your ok now! and welldone to ur hubby!! :thumbup:
she so cute btw x x x
she's beautiful hun, so glad it all worked out in the end xx :thumbup:
Awww molly is gorgeous Hun :hugs: congratulations x
Thanks for posting your lovely story. Sounds like you didn't have an easy time at all!! You are so strong for staying positive through it all. Congrats on your beautiful little girl, she is so cute!!
Gosh! You have been through the mill! Well done for coping with it all.

Congratulations - she is a little sweetie and all that hair is too cute!
Many congrats MrsVenn -sorry it sounds so rough on you hun -my little toerag had fetal distress too, shoulder dystocia and meconium -scariest moments of my life :-( - really thought we were going to lose him at one point - I too was getting quickly prepped for emerg c-csection but went 7-10cm in a matter of seconds and they managed to pull him out with forceps, me on stirrups OUCH!!
MW actually said that maybe that's why I was 14 days overdue becuase he couldn't actually engage properly because he was stuck by his shoulders in an awkward positon for so long.
Hope you are recovering well now and that that you are eventually getting to enjoy your lil princess, sh eis so gorgeous and I just love her hair!!

Well done hun - take care xxx
Congratulations! She is soooooooo cute!!! I am sorry to hear you had some a rough time afterwards! Glad you are better now and can enjoy your bundle of joy!

Thanks everyone, we're doing well now but it was a bit of a drama. I guess if you're going to have something wrong, you may as well do it right, haha!

I didn't add that Molly wasn't breathing when she came out so needed a little help, but she eventually wen pink after being tapped quite a bit. Doesn't help that she's quite a lazy baby when she wants to be, hehe.

Hope you're all well and fighting fit. xxx
Glad to hear you are all doing well now, after all the problems. Molly is just gorgeous - look at her beautiful hair!
aww hun its a shame you had a tough time :( but your little Molly is beautiful :D congratulations xx
that must have been so hard, glad you are feeling better, you have a very pritty wee girl there too, with a fabulous name, enjoy being home :)
Congratulations!! :)
Sorry it didn't go very well, but she's GORGEOUS!
I've just read this hun, OMG didnt you go through it! I feel so teary for you having to leave Molly at home, of course she was fine, but you sound like you coped amazingly. Your such a strong person your going to be the most amazing mum to Molly xx
thanks so much for sharing your story you had a rough time but your baby girl is absolutely lovely xx

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