So the latest bit of conflicting advice we get from the Fertility clinic!!
We were at our apt last week and the Dr there said that everything was fine, all my results. My hubbies Sperm analaysis was fine (even though that is why we were referred), in fact no reason why we cant conceive on our own.
The issue of hubs cyst down below - huge apparently, going to burst / twist at any minute and will leave him infertile, must start freezing samples before this happens!! Thats the letter we got about 1 month ago.
At clinic last week - not a problem, even if he gets op, still "has other side" not to worry!!!
Upshot was nothing they would do, could do IVF - w/l 3.5 years, or pay nearly 4K to get it done in 2-3 months. in 3.5 years I would be borderline with my age and 20% chance of success and 35 at mo.
So, yesterday hubbie was meant to do another sample and after much arguing I said no point, told basically we are fine, lets not bother!
So, he phoned the scientist guy to cancel. Who then said, that the previous 1 sample wasnt great when they defrosted some that the motility was very band and no good for the likes of Artifical insemnination and ?? borderline for IVF!!!
Now I may be being thick but if no good for artificial insem, how is it going to get there on its own.
Sounds to me there is a problem, which we knew all along, and we need help.
Dont know what to do!!!
Sorry for the moan just soooo frustrated and annoyed - they really dont seem like they have a clue!