Hey, could I join please? I'm due 20th February 2016, and my gut feeling is that we'll have another girl! Everyone around me is saying boy, but we shall see.. x
Hello I'd love to join! With my son my intuition was right! So this time around I'm feeling girl! We will find out on the 27th of August 2015' Baby is due 08/02/16 xxx
My intuition is saying girl! I have 2 girls and two boys this one is keeping me on the fence! I have an early scan at 16 weeks on 8/21. We see!!!! 👶😊
Had an early ultrasound on 8/4 seen heartbeat it was 140 and baby bean. Due March 24th and will be finding out I'm guessing end of October - early November
I think my baby on the way is a girl. I have 2 girls already. Not sure if it's truly my intuition though or just refusing to believe I might possibly get my boy after 2 girls
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