Mum of a 24wker can offer advice.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2008
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Hey everyone.

Just to let you know my second was born at 24wks, and after a long and rocky road, she is now a healthy 5yr old.:happydance: There isn't anything I don't know about the whole preemie experience, and sadly I know how painful the journey can be.

Please feel free to post any questions/concerns whether medical or otherwise, or if you just need some support at what is a difficult time. I'd love to help, and feel like I'd be putting my experience to good use. When Evie was in intensive care, I longed to speak to other mums in a similar position just to know that there was hope for our daughter - and I'm hoping I can do that for others now.

I am currently expecting twins, and spent years agonising over whether we should take the risk of having another preemie again. I am approaching the 28wk mark, but it has been a very scary ride. If you're in a similar position, again, get in touch.

I feel that we are in a unique group that you can't possibly understand unless you've been there. So many times I am dismissed with comments like, "Oh you'll be fine", or "well she's ok isn't she?", aaagh! I am always staggered by the lack of understanding of exactly what we've been thru, and how scary subsequent pregnancies can be. I thank God for every extra day these babies stay inside me, and for us getting to 30wks will be real achievement.

Anyway, ask away - and let's help one another make it thru :hugs:
Hiya! Yep its nice to have someone to talk to. I didnt really have anyone who understood what I was going through and it was so tough. None of the Neonatal units had any type of counsillor or someone to talk to so it was hard.

My girls were born at 29 weeks and are nearly 13 months old!! Its amazing really is how far they have come on. Like all preemies!

Congrats on the twins by the way lol x
Hey huni welcome aboard. Would love to hear more of your story and of course some piccies, we just lurveeeeeeeee piccies here.

Why was Evie early, did you ever get a reason?

Congratulations on your boys, wishing you a long/boring pregnancy (in the nicest possible way :flower:) xx
Hi there bumpsmum :haha: Loving the name!

Evie was born due to suspected incompetent cervix - probably as a result of trauma to my cervix during my son's difficult birth. This isn't a definitive diagnosis, but likely.

My cervix is weak, but not entirely incompetent - it has only begun to shorten in this pregnancy at 25wks. Considering I'm carrying large twins, it held up very well until the weight equivalent of a 34wk singleton pregnancy.

We are lucky, Evie is healthy. The battle was long and hard, but she did extremely well, despite the lung damage caused by 6wks on a ventilator. Fortunately that is something she outgrows as her lungs grow.

I will post pics - as soon as I can get DH to remember to buy new camera cable to attach to the computer. He should manage that by time Evie is 25 then! ](*,)

I have been nothing less than terrified this last few weeks as I made it thru the "danger zone". I know I'm not home and dry, but for me to make it to 28/30wks is a huge milestone, as babies born prior to 26wks face a whole extra set of problems which lessen with each passing day in utero. Here's hoping :)

Fingers crossed for us all on this difficult journey. x
God carrying twins is scary enough without the added worry that you already have a preemie! I had the girls ar 29 weeks and I was very lucky because they were good weights and didnt need ventilation for long!
Do you get checked a lot more with the twins then??
Hi there. I have had fortnightly internal scans to check my cervix since 15wks - I had a cervical stitch placed at 12wks.

With twins you also have baby scans at 20, 25, and 28 wks (tomorrow). Consultant does internal and baby scans at each. After 28wks I'm not too sure when she'll see me next. I believe that if all is ok tomorrow with my cervix, she will see me next when the stitch has to come out at 34wks.

So far the babies are looking very healthy - they were already the weight of 28wkrs at 25weeks, which would stand them in good stead if born early. My son was a large baby at term, so I've got that in my favour.

I have never had a problem with preterm labour - my cervix simply didn't hold up under the weight of Evie, which is a seperate issue to actual prem labour. Obviously twins increase the risks of preterm labour tho, and my uterus is already measuring full-term so I have moved away from the anxiety of IC, and onto the worry about going into early labour :nope:

Keep everything crossed that all is looking good tomorrow ladies - here's aiming for 34wks :winkwink:

Did you manage to get the steroids before the girl's birth btw? It really does make a difference.
My scans were at 12,20,28,32,36 weeks! and I had to see a consultant after each appointment. I carried them well until I caught the infection.. for 29 weeks we had no problems not even morning sickness!! Nothing at all!
Oh, maybe there will be another scan at 32wks then.

What infection did you get? Your twins are beautiful btw ;)
Thank you! Handful but fun all the same!!

They arent too sure what it was! I was admitted at 29 weeks exactly because I was having tightenings and I stayed in overnight and on the saturday I was allowed to go home and on sunday I was having proper contractions and I was back, they put an IV drip in and stopped my contractions and then transferred me to another hospital so they think it was an infection through my IV drip through the transfer but no one can be sure. But it was 3 days later and I was dilating and ended up having them the following morning.
I can vouch for the fact that this lady is very helpful with all things prem and IC related!!!
Best of luck for tomorrow Lizzie - here's me moaning in GC about all my worries and you have got an important scan coming up yourself. Will keep myfingers crossed, let us know how you get on xx
hi, iv been told my baby may have to come at 24 weeks because i have a blood clot bigger then the baby im 16 weeks now.
how long was your dauhter in hospital?? are you in england?? was you alloud to stay at the hospital all the time?? my hospital wont give me any more infomation till i have my 20 week scan there hopin to cary me to 28 weeks but they are not sure it will be possible

thanks michelle xx
So sorry Michelle, only just seen your message here hun. PM me if you have any urgent questions in future.

My daughter stayed in hospital til a week past her due date. She would have come out earlier, but she developed an eye problem which needed surgery and set her back a couple of weeks.

She is proof that 24weekers can do well, tho they aren't all as lucky as she was. We did manage to get the two steroid shots in her before she was born, which definitely helped. From what you have said, it's likely they'll be able to do the same for you.

Survival and health depend on so many things at that gestation, but each child is so different it's hard to predict how they'll do. Even with Evie, she had good and bad days throughout her stay in hospital. It is tough because you never know from one day to the next how they'll be.

All that said, she is now a happy, healthy 5yr old. Medical technology has moved on even further since her birth, so the chances for your baby are even better. Good luck hun, and keep in touch :hugs:
Hi there, just noticed your thread and that you had a 24 weeker. My son is 3 years old now and was only 1 pound 10 oz at birth (born at 28 weeks) he is still tiny for his age. Has your daughter caught up with her peers? He starts school this yar (born end of Aug) and i am so worried he will stand out and be so tiny compared to everyone else. How did your daughter get on when she started school?
Hi hun. Evie was never really small for her actual or adjusted age - but then we are quite a tall family who are above average anyway so maybe that has some bearing on things.

As for school, she was fine. She isn't reading yet, or the most mature in the class, but then her older brother who was born at full-term was exactly the same at the same age, and he is now one of the topr readers and mathmeticians in yr 2. I learnt with him that when they learn to read and write has absolutely no correlation with how they do later on. They all get there whether it's at 3 or 7.

I was quite defiant with Evie, and wouldn't let anyone tell me she she might be different to any other child. it was probably my way of coping with the whole situation, but I didn't see that it mattered if she met milestones on time or not. (Unless of course she had major issues related to her prmaturity which needed help).

Despite her "false start" she still did everything sooner than her big brother. She walked and talked normally, whereas her brother didn't say a word til he was 3, nor did he take a step til 18months!! :haha: Sometimes boys are slow to start, and a little behind girls anyway - which may be the same for your son.

When was your son's expected due date? If, like Evie he was due at the start of an academic year this might help him when he begins school, since he will be one of the maturer ones in the class. If not, then try not to worry hun - he'll adjust and the variation in all kids at this age is huge - he'll blend in just the same :hugs:
My son was due in middle of Nov and arriived in August so is the youngest in his class and actually in the year earlier than he should have been too. I am trying so hard not to worry but it is hard! Evie sounds like she is doing great! It is good to hear stories like this and to see that not all children born early are effected by their prematurity! Thanks for you response :flower:
Prematurity absolutely does not mean a child has to be behind or delayed in any way hun. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Your boy may well be slow to start because of his early arrival, or more likely, because this is just normal for him (a boy thing :winkwink:). If my son had been the prem one, I would have assumed all his delays were due to prematurity, when in fact he just did everything in his own time.

I also judged Evie's development on her expected due date, not her actual birth date. This helped alot since my expectations were less, and I didn't worry. Just look at her piccie now, and you can see she is fine hun.

Try not to worry, or let the "experts" label your son - he will be fine, and even if it takes him a few years to catch up, in 5yrs from now he will be the same as his peers. Did you know that they recommend ALL boys should start school a year later than girls because their brains aren't as developed at the same age? THis is nothing to do with prematurity, just natural variation between boys and girls.


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