Mums of January babies, come say hi!


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2012
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Hi all, thought I'd start a thread for those of us who have LO's that were born in January 2013 :) how are your babies doing?
My wee man is doing really well. Lots of people comment on how bright and alert he is for his age (9 weeks now) and apparently his head control is great too, proud mamma!
He's been sleeping from about 7/8pm till 6/7am the past few nights :happydance:, along with a few long naps throughout the day. We've battled oral thrush, colic, and constipation, comfort milk has been a godsend! He's eating around 6oz every 2.5/3 hours, but I haven't been able to get him weighed in ages :( four weeks ago he was almost 10lb, I'm sure he's put on more since then tho!
He's smiling alot, and making lots of big noises now, which I'm loving :) and I swear he's starting to teeth, I can see a small white bud and the drooling is unreal!
I just can't believe he's 9 weeks already, where did the time go? Feel like my OH and I are definitely back on track, and we're in a good routine with housework, meals, trips out etc.

Tell me all about your baby and their routine and what they're like just now :D
My little man is almost 8 weeks, so crazy! He's doing awesome and is our wee chunk :D (11lbs 10oz at 6 weeks!) and he's super strong, puts weight on his legs if you stand him up. His sleeping is okay, has been getting better lately with 4/5hr stretches and once even 6hrs!
He's been colicky too but we just give him dentinox drops in his feed (which we get free from the chemist!) He eats 5oz every 2.5hrs but sometimes still wants more.

Being a mum is amazing, especially now we are in a good routine and LO is content most of the time :D
My little man is almost 8 weeks, so crazy! He's doing awesome and is our wee chunk :D (11lbs 10oz at 6 weeks!) and he's super strong, puts weight on his legs if you stand him up. His sleeping is okay, has been getting better lately with 4/5hr stretches and once even 6hrs!
He's been colicky too but we just give him dentinox drops in his feed (which we get free from the chemist!) He eats 5oz every 2.5hrs but sometimes still wants more.

Being a mum is amazing, especially now we are in a good routine and LO is content most of the time :D

Woo another Scottish mum :D glad to hear all is going well with you, your LO looks so cute in that outfit in your pic. Did you get the Dentinox through Minor Ailments?

It's soo good when they start sleeping for long stretches!
My LO is 10 weeks tomorrow and I just love him to bits. He was weighed on Friday and is a whopping 12lbs 6oz. He eats 5-6 oz every 4 hours and we seem to be having last feed at 10pm and sleeping through till 6am. Unfortunately the poor soul has had a tough time with reflux and is now on infant gaviscon and Omeprazole. Things have improved but still get the odd feed which is difficult. In fairness though the doc said to give the Omeprazole 2 weeks before noticing any differences. Aside from that, he is a very smiley baby and he's definitely a mummy's boy :happydance:

Oh and another Scottish mummy over here !! Where are you from? I live in Coatbridge xx
My LO is 10 weeks tomorrow and I just love him to bits. He was weighed on Friday and is a whopping 12lbs 6oz. He eats 5-6 oz every 4 hours and we seem to be having last feed at 10pm and sleeping through till 6am. Unfortunately the poor soul has had a tough time with reflux and is now on infant gaviscon and Omeprazole. Things have improved but still get the odd feed which is difficult. In fairness though the doc said to give the Omeprazole 2 weeks before noticing any differences. Aside from that, he is a very smiley baby and he's definitely a mummy's boy :happydance:

Oh and another Scottish mummy over here !! Where are you from? I live in Coatbridge xx

Aw the poor wee soul, reflux sounds awful. My LO is a tiny bit refluxy but not to the point of gaviscon or anything. I'm glad the omeprazole is working for you! Your avatar pic is so cute too, it's a great idea for a photo. I'm from Glasgow :) I'm hoping mines will be a mummy's boy too, when it's just me he's happy as can be but sometimes he seems to need daddy's cuddles to get to sleep, the big sook!
My little man is almost 8 weeks, so crazy! He's doing awesome and is our wee chunk :D (11lbs 10oz at 6 weeks!) and he's super strong, puts weight on his legs if you stand him up. His sleeping is okay, has been getting better lately with 4/5hr stretches and once even 6hrs!
He's been colicky too but we just give him dentinox drops in his feed (which we get free from the chemist!) He eats 5oz every 2.5hrs but sometimes still wants more.

Being a mum is amazing, especially now we are in a good routine and LO is content most of the time :D

Woo another Scottish mum :D glad to hear all is going well with you, your LO looks so cute in that outfit in your pic. Did you get the Dentinox through Minor Ailments?

It's soo good when they start sleeping for long stretches!

Thank you! Your LO is gorgeous :D

Yep it's fantastic! I only found out about it because I couldn't find the colic drops in Boots so asked behind the pharmacy counter. It just saves that bit of extra cash because we go through 2 boxes a week.

Honestly, 4hrs is a god send. He was up every 1.5hrs at one point :wacko:
My LO is 10 weeks tomorrow and I just love him to bits. He was weighed on Friday and is a whopping 12lbs 6oz. He eats 5-6 oz every 4 hours and we seem to be having last feed at 10pm and sleeping through till 6am. Unfortunately the poor soul has had a tough time with reflux and is now on infant gaviscon and Omeprazole. Things have improved but still get the odd feed which is difficult. In fairness though the doc said to give the Omeprazole 2 weeks before noticing any differences. Aside from that, he is a very smiley baby and he's definitely a mummy's boy :happydance:

Oh and another Scottish mummy over here !! Where are you from? I live in Coatbridge xx

Lots of Scottish mums :flower: I'm up in Aberdeen :)
My little man is almost 8 weeks, so crazy! He's doing awesome and is our wee chunk :D (11lbs 10oz at 6 weeks!) and he's super strong, puts weight on his legs if you stand him up. His sleeping is okay, has been getting better lately with 4/5hr stretches and once even 6hrs!
He's been colicky too but we just give him dentinox drops in his feed (which we get free from the chemist!) He eats 5oz every 2.5hrs but sometimes still wants more.

Being a mum is amazing, especially now we are in a good routine and LO is content most of the time :D

Woo another Scottish mum :D glad to hear all is going well with you, your LO looks so cute in that outfit in your pic. Did you get the Dentinox through Minor Ailments?

It's soo good when they start sleeping for long stretches!

Thank you! Your LO is gorgeous :D

Yep it's fantastic! I only found out about it because I couldn't find the colic drops in Boots so asked behind the pharmacy counter. It just saves that bit of extra cash because we go through 2 boxes a week.

Honestly, 4hrs is a god send. He was up every 1.5hrs at one point :wacko:

Aw thank you :) I tell him a hundred times a day how gorgeous he is haha he's gonna get big headed if I'm not careful!
I looooove minor ailments :D free sudocream, infacol, paracetamol, I even got free bonjela the other day!
1.5 hours musta been tough, I'm dreading this supposed 4 month sleep regression. He's always been a fantastic sleeper and if he hits the regression we're gonna struggle!
My LO is 10 weeks tomorrow and I just love him to bits. He was weighed on Friday and is a whopping 12lbs 6oz. He eats 5-6 oz every 4 hours and we seem to be having last feed at 10pm and sleeping through till 6am. Unfortunately the poor soul has had a tough time with reflux and is now on infant gaviscon and Omeprazole. Things have improved but still get the odd feed which is difficult. In fairness though the doc said to give the Omeprazole 2 weeks before noticing any differences. Aside from that, he is a very smiley baby and he's definitely a mummy's boy :happydance:

Oh and another Scottish mummy over here !! Where are you from? I live in Coatbridge xx

Aw the poor wee soul, reflux sounds awful. My LO is a tiny bit refluxy but not to the point of gaviscon or anything. I'm glad the omeprazole is working for you! Your avatar pic is so cute too, it's a great idea for a photo. I'm from Glasgow :) I'm hoping mines will be a mummy's boy too, when it's just me he's happy as can be but sometimes he seems to need daddy's cuddles to get to sleep, the big sook!

Aww, thanks!! That pic is actually my little girlie :cloud9: your Little boy is a cutie xx
The sleeping isn't too much of an issue for me as I've always been a night owl, I just keep telling myself that it'll end soon. Free Sudocream too?? Might take a walk to the chemist tomorrow, see what I can bag myself ;) the lady first offered me Coleif (£10.99 a bottle!!) because she didn't think she could give Dentinox on prescription but turns out she could.
Hello Scottish mummies!

My little boy was also a January baby, he's 8 weeks old tomorrow (Monday), weighed 12.5 lbs at his 6 week check and is the apple of my eye. I found it unbelievably hard at first because I'm breast feeding and he was literally feeding every hour during the night and constantly during the day for weeks, but things are much easier now and we've got a little routine going. He comes to bed with me at around 11pm each night, has a dream feed and then sleeps in his moses basket for about 4ish hours (his best stretch) and then on and off until we get up about 10.30am. My OH works from home so he takes him out in the sling each morning for a walk so that I get some 'me' time. The rest of the day is spent playing (he LOVES his baby gym) and doing mundane stuff. He's a very happy, chilled baby but also very lively ...he's alert most of the day and doesn't always nap. The only problem we've had so far is that he found passing wind/having a bowel movement painful, but that's easing off slightly.

I'm loving being a mummy, but still feel overwhelmed by how much I love my boy and how much it's changed me...I keep telling friends I've been hit by a baby bomb!

My little boy Beau is 10 weeks old this week (9/1/13) he weighs 12.4lbs :)
He in general is a very happy little man who brings pleasure to anyone who meets him, he smiles at everyone and watches everything. At the moment he has an ear infection so is crying all the time :( usually he crys probably for about half hour over the whole day.

Night he is sleeping from 8/9pm-3/4am then half hour fed and back down till 7.30/8am. A few naps each day (very hard to get him to though)

Milestone wise, he has excellent head control can hold his head up steady while on his belly for at least 6 seconds at a time. Basically can hold his head up right steady. Started rolling from his back onto his belly at exactlt 9 weeks :)
Hi girls

My son, Mason, was born January 24. He is our fourth child. And he is a real "fourth trimester" baby, meaning he wants to be held constantly, likes to sleep with/on me, doesn't like being by himself. We've had success using a sling, and swaddling him tightly. He also quite likes the swing.

He's not a good sleeper at all, still waking every three hours to eat. And he is a glutton- he gorges himself on breastmilk then spits up because he ate too much, then wants to eat again.

But he is a sweet, sweet baby, and my last, and I love him to pieces!
Jacob is 9w3d now and I finally I'm getting the hang of mummyhood now! He has 5oz every 3 hours in the day and sleeps between 4 and 5 hours a night before waking for a bottle.
This last.week we have started swaddling cos he kept rubbing his face in the night and waking himself up and last night he slept from 7.30pm to midnight then up for half an hour for a bottle then went back to sleep until 6am for a bottle and then slept till 7.30 but I wasn't ready to get up so I put him in bed with me till 8.15!
Naps arnt so good he doesn't sleep long in the day especially if I put him down I have to hold him and then he still only sleeps about 30 mins so he's still tired later and has to have another little sleep an hour or so later!
I'm thinking of putting him upstairs in his Moses basket but um worried he'll think it's night time and get confused with night and day again! Where does your lo sleep during nap time? Any tips on getting him to sleep longer on the day?
Charlotte is also 9 weeks and 3 days old. She sleeps well at night and settles herself, only waking for one or two dreamfeeds. Last night she went nearly 6 hours between feeds. I'm 95% breastfeeding, we give her a little bit of formula at night as don't want her to start rejecting bottles as we have both grandparents and her great grandparent close by and willing babysitters so DH and I can get some us time once every couple of weeks. Having same issue as yu Becca on daytime naps, terrified i'll ruin her sleeping well at night if i keep putting her in cot during day, so she normally sleeps on me or in her chair, or her pram/carseat if we'r out and about. Yesterday we did manage two daytime naps in her cot and she still slept well last night. I know the key with Charlotte on naps is she must get to sleep within 2 hours of first waking up or she is an overtired ittle monkey all day then sleeps less! xxx
Hello all! Oliver is 10.5 weeks and its flown by. He is bf and while we had our struggles it is now going really well. We recently had to stop swaddling him because he could break out of everything known to man so our good sleep suffered for a week or so but now he seems to have settled. He's given us 7+ hours a night then up for a quick feed an back down for a few more hours. We're working on establishing a solid nap routine and its slowly getting better. He takes at least one nap a day in his crib or pack n play. He's extremely active and wants to be on the go. He started rolling at 5 weeks and when held only wants to be upright or held in a standing position. He loves his activity gym and is really starting to be able to hit specific toys and grab into things. I go back to work in a few weeks and I'm hoping he adjusts well to being with family and at a daycare. He does well now if I drop him off at my parents house for a few hours and seems to be a fairly social baby who doesn't mind being passed around. I'm excited to be almost through the first three months/ fourth trimester and look forward to seeing him continue to develop!
Another Scottish mum here.....waves hello

Calum is 9w1d now. He is EBF and has only just started sleeping more than 3 hours in a stretch. I feel like I'm starting to get the hang on being a mum.

He was 6lb when born, dropping to 5lb7 but is how up at over 11lbs.
Hello Scottish mummies!

My little boy was also a January baby, he's 8 weeks old tomorrow (Monday), weighed 12.5 lbs at his 6 week check and is the apple of my eye. I found it unbelievably hard at first because I'm breast feeding and he was literally feeding every hour during the night and constantly during the day for weeks, but things are much easier now and we've got a little routine going. He comes to bed with me at around 11pm each night, has a dream feed and then sleeps in his moses basket for about 4ish hours (his best stretch) and then on and off until we get up about 10.30am. My OH works from home so he takes him out in the sling each morning for a walk so that I get some 'me' time. The rest of the day is spent playing (he LOVES his baby gym) and doing mundane stuff. He's a very happy, chilled baby but also very lively ...he's alert most of the day and doesn't always nap. The only problem we've had so far is that he found passing wind/having a bowel movement painful, but that's easing off slightly.

I'm loving being a mummy, but still feel overwhelmed by how much I love my boy and how much it's changed me...I keep telling friends I've been hit by a baby bomb!


Our LOs were born on the same day :) time has flown hasn't it?
Jacob is 9w3d now and I finally I'm getting the hang of mummyhood now! He has 5oz every 3 hours in the day and sleeps between 4 and 5 hours a night before waking for a bottle.
This last.week we have started swaddling cos he kept rubbing his face in the night and waking himself up and last night he slept from 7.30pm to midnight then up for half an hour for a bottle then went back to sleep until 6am for a bottle and then slept till 7.30 but I wasn't ready to get up so I put him in bed with me till 8.15!
Naps arnt so good he doesn't sleep long in the day especially if I put him down I have to hold him and then he still only sleeps about 30 mins so he's still tired later and has to have another little sleep an hour or so later!
I'm thinking of putting him upstairs in his Moses basket but um worried he'll think it's night time and get confused with night and day again! Where does your lo sleep during nap time? Any tips on getting him to sleep longer on the day?

I put Olly is his crib when I need to do stuff in other rooms as I feel safest doing this. If we're in the living room together and he needs a nap, he'll nap wherever he is :haha: I.e. lying on the sofa, in the swing, on blankets on the floor etc. he's a great napper and sleeps fairly well in his crib at night :thumbup:

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