My 10 Names!

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My Ten Names

My Real Name : Carla

My Gansta Name: Carizzle

My Detective Name: Pink Lion

My Soap Opera Name: Louise Brookdale

My Star Wars Name: Lovca

My Criminal Name: Purple Water

My Witness Protection Name: Jayne Ian

My Goth Name: Black Daisy

My Hood Name: Cariqua

My Porn Star Name: Mimi Simpson
1. Your Real Name : Jennifer

2. Your Gansta Name: Jenizzle

3. Your Detective Name: Pink Horse

4. Your Soap Opera Name: Anne Hern

5. Your Star Wars Name: BALJE

6. Your Criminal Name: Purple J20

7. Your Witness Protection Name: daryl edward

8. Your Goth Name: Black Misty

9. Your Hood Name: Jeniqua

10. Your Porn Star Name: Pippa Crampton
My Ten Names:

1. Your Real Name : Emma

2. Your Gansta Name: (first 3 letters of real name plus izzle) Emizzle

3. Your Detective Name: (favorite color and favorite animal) Black Horse

4. Your Soap Opera Name: (your middle name & street you live on) Louise Harford

5. Your Star Wars Name: (first 3 letters of your last name, first 2
letters of your first name) IESEM

6. Your Criminal Name: (your 2nd favorite color, and favorite drink) Purple Tea

7. Your Witness Protection Name: (parent's middle names) Louise

8. Your Goth Name: (black, and the name of one of your pets) Black Gunner

9. Your Hood Name: (first 3 letters of your first name and add -iqua) Emiqua

10. Your Porn Star Name: (Name of one your first pets & your mother's
maiden name) Toby Jones
1. Your Real Name : Celeste

2. Your Gansta Name: (first 3 letters of real name plus izzle) Celizzle

3. Your Detective Name: (favorite color and favorite animal) I dont have a fave colour or a fave animal as i love them all so im going to say rainbow zoo lol

4. Your Soap Opera Name: (your middle name & street you live on) Jade McGlinn

5. Your Star Wars Name: (first 3 letters of your last name, first 2
letters of your first name) kokce

6. Your Criminal Name: (your 2nd favorite color, and favorite drink) black jacks

7. Your Witness Protection Name: (parent's middle names) my mum doesnt have a middle name so i would just be john hahaha

8. Your Goth Name: (black, and the name of one of your pets) Black Squirt (my kitty)

9. Your Hood Name: (first 3 letters of your first name and add -iqua) Celiqua

10. Your Porn Star Name: (Name of one your first pets & your mother's
maiden name) jackie murray
1. Your Real Name : Hayley

2. Your Gansta Name: (first 3 letters of real name plus izzle) Hayizzle

3. Your Detective Name: (favorite color and favorite animal) Green Penguin

4. Your Soap Opera Name: (your middle name & street you live on) Noelle Sutherland

5. Your Star Wars Name: (first 3 letters of your last name, first 2
letters of your first name) Milha

6. Your Criminal Name: (your 2nd favorite color, and favorite drink) Blue Tea

7. Your Witness Protection Name: (parent's middle names) Elizabeth Robert

8. Your Goth Name: (black, and the name of one of your pets) Black Spot :haha:

9. Your Hood Name: (first 3 letters of your first name and add -iqua) Hayiqua

10. Your Porn Star Name: (Name of one your first pets & your mother's
maiden name) Shadow Elliott
1. Your Real Name : Carly

2. Your Gansta Name: (first 3 letters of real name plus izzle) Carizzle

3. Your Detective Name: (favorite color and favorite animal) Blue Horse

4. Your Soap Opera Name: (your middle name & street you live on) Ann Park

5. Your Star Wars Name: (first 3 letters of your last name, first 2
letters of your first name) Popca (hahaha)

6. Your Criminal Name: (your 2nd favorite color, and favorite drink) Orange Coke

7. Your Witness Protection Name: (parent's middle names) Ann Paul

8. Your Goth Name: (black, and the name of one of your pets) Black Cody

9. Your Hood Name: (first 3 letters of your first name and add -iqua) Cariqua

10. Your Porn Star Name: (Name of one your first pets & your mother's
maiden name) Copper Wendland
1. Your Real Name : Amber

2. Your Gansta Name: (first 3 letters of real name plus izzle) Ambizzle

3. Your Detective Name: (favorite color and favorite animal) Lavender Goose

4. Your Soap Opera Name: (your middle name & street you live on) Margaret Columbia

5. Your Star Wars Name: (first 3 letters of your last name, first 2
letters of your first name) Haram

6. Your Criminal Name: (your 2nd favorite color, and favorite drink) Skyblue Dr. Pepper

7. Your Witness Protection Name: (parent's middle names) Margaret Paul

8. Your Goth Name: (black, and the name of one of your pets) Black Froggie

9. Your Hood Name: (first 3 letters of your first name and add -iqua) Ambiqua

10. Your Porn Star Name: (Name of one your first pets & your mother's
maiden name) Rosie Yandle
1. Your Real Name : Janet

2. Your Gansta Name: (first 3 letters of real name plus izzle) Janizzle

3. Your Detective Name: (favorite color and favorite animal) Blue Giraffe

4. Your Soap Opera Name: (your middle name & street you live on) Rose Ratcliffe

5. Your Star Wars Name: (first 3 letters of your last name, first 2
letters of your first name) Keija

6. Your Criminal Name: (your 2nd favorite color, and favorite drink) Pink Milkshake

7. Your Witness Protection Name: (parent's middle names) Lea McFarlane

8. Your Goth Name: (black, and the name of one of your pets) Black Max

9. Your Hood Name: (first 3 letters of your first name and add -iqua) Janiqua

10. Your Porn Star Name: (Name of one your first pets & your mother's
maiden name) Max Holland
1. Your Real Name : Natasha

2. Your Gansta Name: (first 3 letters of real name plus izzle) Natizzle

3. Your Detective Name: (favorite color and favorite animal) pink giraffe

4. Your Soap Opera Name: (your middle name & street you live on) Jayne Cotelane

5. Your Star Wars Name: (first 3 letters of your last name, first 2
letters of your first name) Wilna

6. Your Criminal Name: (your 2nd favorite color, and favorite drink) redcoke

7. Your Witness Protection Name: (parent's middle names) Jayne David

8. Your Goth Name: (black, and the name of one of your pets) Black Daisy

9. Your Hood Name: (first 3 letters of your first name and add -iqua) Natiqua

10. Your Porn Star Name: (Name of one your first pets & your mother's
maiden name) Dusty Cotelane
1. Your Real Name : Gemma

2. Your Gansta Name: Gemizzle

3. Your Detective Name: Purple Zebra

4. Your Soap Opera Name: Leigh Strongbow

Your Star Wars Name: KINGE

6. Your Criminal Name: Green Port

7. Your Witness Protection Name: Anne John

8. Your Goth Name: Black Charlie

9. Your Hood Name: Gem-Iqua

10. Your Porn Star Name: Fred Rickard (proper boring ahah!)​
1. Your Real Name : Natalie

2. Your Gansta Name: Natizzle

3. Your Detective Name: Black Cat

4. Your Soap Opera Name: Ann Forest

5. Your Star Wars Name: Ptana

6. Your Criminal Name: Pink Apple Juice

7. Your Witness Protection Name: Elaine Thomas

8. Your Goth Name: Black Faith

9. Your Hood Name: Natiqua

10. Your Porn Star Name: Penny Brookes
1. Your Real Name : Maddiee

2. Your Gansta Name: (first 3 letters of real name plus izzle) Madizzle

3. Your Detective Name: (favorite color and favorite animal) Pink Dog

4. Your Soap Opera Name: (your middle name & street you live on) Renee Princess

5. Your Star Wars Name: (first 3 letters of your last name, first 2
letters of your first name) Shema

6. Your Criminal Name: (your 2nd favorite color, and favorite drink) Purple Coke

7. Your Witness Protection Name: (parent's middle names) Louise Andrew

8. Your Goth Name: (black, and the name of one of your pets) Black Dusty

9. Your Hood Name: (first 3 letters of your first name and add -iqua) Madiqua

10. Your Porn Star Name: (Name of one your first pets & your mother's
maiden name) Dusty Rhodes
1. Your Real Name : Ada

2. Your Gansta Name: Adaizzle

3. Your Detective Name: purple penguin

4. Your Soap Opera Name:Alexandria Rosevear

5. Your Star Wars Name: OCIAD

6. Your Criminal Name: turquoise lemonade

7. Your Witness Protection Name: Ingrid mathew

8. Your Goth Name: black bluebell

9. Your Hood Name: Adaiqua

10. Your Porn Star Name: Picasso Cardani
My Ten Names:

1. Your Real Name : Holly

2. Your Gansta Name: (first 3 letters of real name plus izzle) Holizzle

3. Your Detective Name: (favorite color and favorite animal) Pink Kitten

4. Your Soap Opera Name: (your middle name & street you live on) Holly (i dont have a street name :( )

5. Your Star Wars Name: (first 3 letters of your last name, first 2
letters of your first name) HERHO

6. Your Criminal Name: (your 2nd favorite color, and favorite drink) Purple Disarano

7. Your Witness Protection Name: (parent's middle names) Jane Paul

8. Your Goth Name: (black, and the name of one of your pets) Black Nessy

9. Your Hood Name: (first 3 letters of your first name and add -iqua) Holiqua

10. Your Porn Star Name: (Name of one your first pets & your mother's
maiden name) Suki Herring
1. Your Real Name : Jolene

2. Your Gansta Name: (first 3 letters of real name plus izzle) Jolizzle

3. Your Detective Name: (favorite color and favorite animal) Pink Rabbit

4. Your Soap Opera Name: (your middle name & street you live on) Martha Knockangoney - sounds so stupid lol

5. Your Star Wars Name: (first 3 letters of your last name, first 2
letters of your first name) Giljo

6. Your Criminal Name: (your 2nd favorite color, and favorite drink) Purple Hot Chocolate - well scary lol

7. Your Witness Protection Name: (parent's middle names) (no middle names)

8. Your Goth Name: (black, and the name of one of your pets) Black No pets

9. Your Hood Name: (first 3 letters of your first name and add -iqua) Joliqua

10. Your Porn Star Name: (Name of one your first pets & your mother's
maiden name) Sunny Fullerton
1. Your Real Name : Gail

2. Your Gangsta Name: (first 3 letters of real name plus izzle) Gaiizzle (:haha:)

3. Your Detective Name: (favorite color and favorite animal) Blue Monkey

4. Your Soap Opera Name: (your middle name & street you live on) Christina Cullen

5. Your Star Wars Name: (first 3 letters of your last name, first 2
letters of your first name) Rusga

6. Your Criminal Name: (your 2nd favorite color, and favorite drink) Green Squash

7. Your Witness Protection Name: (parent's middle names) Hughes Alan

8. Your Goth Name: (black, and the name of one of your pets) Black goldfish

9. Your Hood Name: (first 3 letters of your first name and add -iqua) Gaiiqua

10. Your Porn Star Name (Name of one your first pets & your mother's
maiden name): Penny Logan
1. Your Real Name : Karen

2. Your Gansta Name: (first 3 letters of real name plus izzle) Karizzle

3. Your Detective Name: (favorite color and favorite animal) Purple Cat

4. Your Soap Opera Name: (your middle name & street you live on) Louise Morpeth

5. Your Star Wars Name: (first 3 letters of your last name, first 2
letters of your first name) Magka

6. Your Criminal Name: (your 2nd favorite color, and favorite drink) Pink Cola

7. Your Witness Protection Name: (parent's middle names) Elizabeth James

8. Your Goth Name: (black, and the name of one of your pets) Black Treacle

9. Your Hood Name: (first 3 letters of your first name and add -iqua) Kariqua

10. Your Porn Star Name: (Name of one your first pets & your mother's
maiden name) Patch Cook[/B]
1. Your Real Name : charlotte

2. Your Gansta Name: (first 3 letters of real name plus izzle) chaizzle

3. Your Detective Name: (favorite color and favorite animal) pink seal

4. Your Soap Opera Name: (your middle name & street you live on) elizabeth farriers

5. Your Star Wars Name: (first 3 letters of your last name, first 2
letters of your first name) FARCH

6. Your Criminal Name: (your 2nd favorite color, and favorite drink) blue malibu and diet coke

7. Your Witness Protection Name: (parent's middle names) susan gordon

8. Your Goth Name: (black, and the name of one of your pets) Black flubbadub

9. Your Hood Name: (first 3 letters of your first name and add -iqua) chaiqua

10. Your Porn Star Name: (Name of one your first pets & your mother's
maiden name) libby simmons
My Ten Names:

1. Your Real Name : Linzie

2. Your Gansta Name: (first 3 letters of real name plus izzle) Linizzle

3. Your Detective Name: (favorite color and favorite animal) Teal Llama :winkwink:

4. Your Soap Opera Name: (your middle name & street you live on) Josefina Penhill

5. Your Star Wars Name: (first 3 letters of your last name, first 2
letters of your first name) camli.

6. Your Criminal Name: (your 2nd favorite color, and favorite drink) Lilac Fosters

7. Your Witness Protection Name: (parent's middle names) Marie Malcolm

8. Your Goth Name: (black, and the name of one of your pets) Black Roxy

9. Your Hood Name: (first 3 letters of your first name and add -iqua) Liniqua

10. Your Porn Star Name: (Name of one your first pets & your mother's
maiden name) oh no... Squishy campbell :haha:

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