My 4month old daughter started having seizures at 3 months, she was born a happy baby, always focusing and smiling. Since her seizures have started she has stopped smiling, never responds to my voice or her name nor familiar with family members yet, unable to roll nor looks around or follows. Rarely she tracks objects. I feel her seizures are not helping with her development and she's like a 1-2 month old baby. I don't feel she is meeting her milestone, she coos sometimes. She is now under a consultant and been given Kepra as EEG showed abnormal yet her MRI is normal. I'm really worried as I have a son with CP and is severely epileptic and he showed abnormality in both scans yet my other kids are normal. My daughter is showing normality in MRI, has anyone's been in my situation and their child has developed well meeting their milestones and gone on to be a happy child. It's hard not to compare when I see babies her age rolling, focusing smiling yet I have a miserable baby that won't crack a smile😭😭😢😢 nor responds to my voice. Plz help I'm going crazy.