My 6 week check!


Apr 22, 2008
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Well i didnt want to jinx it but I figured that we havent had a real bad crying colic episode since sunday and Courtney has slept through the past two nights so I think we have finally cracked why she was so unhappy!! Her milk :) We are now on cow and gate comfort and she is much better!! No breast :( but Im happy that shes had alot of breast milk since birth and shes alot happier so hey.... :shrug: We are getting alot of pooey nappies .. at least one every other day .. which is fab compared to the 4-5 days!! Still get the grizzly evening winges but its nothing compared to what we had!!

Doc was very pleased with her... her eye co-ordination and head control she said was fab!!

Me... Im being investigated due to my blood pressure!! Got bloods next week to check it out!! No water retention tablets though! Not adviseable at all :( So Im just still waiting for it to go down!! :(
:hugs: to u
well done courtney clever girly

u did well leeds for bfing as long as u did x x
Glad all went well and your princess is more settled xXx
Sooooooooo pleased Courtney seems to be much more settled & that she done so fab at her 6 week check!!

Hope they get ur BP sorted soon aswell. I'm really interested to find out why it's still high. Mine went down once I had Maya!!

Ohhh ur birthday is November - Me to :)

:hug: Glad Courtney is feeling better. I hope they get your blood pressure sorted soon :hugs:
Sooooooooo pleased Courtney seems to be much more settled & that she done so fab at her 6 week check!!

Hope they get ur BP sorted soon aswell. I'm really interested to find out why it's still high. Mine went down once I had Maya!!

Ohhh ur birthday is November - Me to :)


Yeah its odd... i asked if its cos of my weight and she said it prob doesn help but wouldnt be the cause! Its still 150/90 on meds!!

Im looking forward to my birthday but kinda not wanting it to come round either!! I need to have lost at least 2 stone.... went out last night for a drink and I felt so unconfident :(
:hug:Chuffed Courtney is doing well now! Hope your bp comes down soon :hug::hug:
:hug:Just read your last comment, I know you wont feel it but you will still look beauty! One day at a time :hug:
:hugs::hugs: thats great news hun. Jack is on Cow & Gate comfort too and he is doing great on it. he was on aptimal and then on aptimal easy digest but still wasn't pooing so we changed him to Cow & Gate comfort and now he is pooing every day since :happydance: only once a day but its better than not at all :happydance:
I'm so glad to hear Courtney is better!

Hopefully your blood pressure will settle too soon! :hugs:
Great news hunni, glad she is doing better :) XxxX
:hugs::hugs: thats great news hun. Jack is on Cow & Gate comfort too and he is doing great on it. he was on aptimal and then on aptimal easy digest but still wasn't pooing so we changed him to Cow & Gate comfort and now he is pooing every day since :happydance: only once a day but its better than not at all :happydance:

OMG SNAP lol!!
Wow is she 6 weeks already!!

Glad things are getting better for you. Hope they sort your bp out, I'm at dr re mine tomorrow. It was still 140/94 today :( Its so frustrating isnt it!!

Hugs to Courtney
awww glad to hear Courtney is doing so well!! She sounds alot calmer and happier.

I hope they figure out your BP soon. Although from your post you sound less stressed about how things are going with Courtney, so maybe now that she is happier, you will be happier which can help your BP too...

Make sure you drink lots of water and dont eat salty stuff...

Good luck!
So happy Courtney is doing better! Hope your blood pressure goes down soon! :hugs:

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