My beautiful boy - Aidan Craig Lambert - 6/12/09


Full-time mummy to Aidan
Jun 16, 2009
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Well, i don't think ive actually posted my birth story on this section - I know I have posted a version of it on the Teen section and third tri - So after nearly ten weeks I thought its about time i posted it on here too (unless i already have:thumbup: apologies in advance if I have haha!)

So i was due on Friday 11th December. I went for a midwife appointment on Tuesday 1st and the midwife said his head was only 1/5 engaged - it had been like this for two weeks. I was booked in for another appointment the following Tuesday. That night i started getting some pains but i put that down to the lamb dinner OH's mum had just made:haha: then the following couple of days i was fine just with some tummy cramps. On friday night (the 4th) i got this very weird sensation down below and it was like a shooting pain lol - came on BandB and someone said they got this 24 hrs before labour.

The next day, the Saturday, everything was fine, but i just had this urdge to wrap Christmas presents - which is not like me. Then that night i told my mum that my stomach was cramping and she just laughed, very nice of her haha.

Went to bed at about 11pm then at 5am i woke up with a sore stomach again, it was tightening and was uncomfortable but not sore. My knickers were a teeny bit wet. Went back to sleep though..then woke up again at 7am and my knickers were SOAKED! Went through to my mum and she told me to bugger off and it was her long lie in lmao. Went downstairs to get something to eat but just couldnt. So i woke my mum up again and she got up this time lol. I wasnt having contractions just period type pains and my mum was convinced that my waters hadnt broken and id still go up to my due date. I came on BandB at about nineish and people adviced me to call up antenatal. I did and they told me to go in to the hospital at about 7pm (12 hrs after waters possibly breaking). Still wasnt having contractions but was still uncomfy. Went for a bath and a trim lol then Called up my boyfriend who was due to go in to work and he didnt believe me lol. He was so scared! Chuffed though because he had an excuse not to go in to work :haha: lol. Then oh my god! By 11am i was in so much pain and my contractions were coming and coming really strong and painful. Had to wait till 1pm till my dad came home to take me to the hospital. In the car i was in so much pain and my dad would not shut up about Skoda cars and i was just yelling "I DONT CARE ABOUT BLOODY SKODA CARS!!" it was really pissing me off lol.

Got to the hosipital but i couldnt walk so went in one of those wheelchairs lol. On the phone i told the midwife i wanted and epi but was told just to make my way to the midwife unit. Got there and said i wanted an epidural and they were like 'well it depends..' grrrr. I got taken in to my own room and got given some gas and air. I love the stuff, made me feel so drunk! I fell asleep for about thirty seconds, but i thought i was sleeping for what maybe five hours lol. Then i got my internal and that was SO sore!! I was told i was 3cm.

I got put in a bath still with the gas and air. I made a song with it lol and called the midwife a liar cause i wasnt getting the epidural cus there was an 'emergency' so i called her a liar :D She was sooo annoying..pissed me right was like she was hyponotising me lol. Then i got taken out and got given some diamorphine.

Lay on the bed and was saying i loved everyone lol and was squeezing my mums hand then said to her i couldnt cus shes got brittle bones lmao. I got quite bored so i said to my mum i needed to push, even though i actually didnt lol. The midwife came in had a look and said baby wanted to come out now haha so maybe i did need to push? This was at about 7pm. At 9.02pm out came my wee bundle of joy of 7lb 13oz and 51cm long. I cried so much and just told him 'mummys here, mummys got you'. He didnt scream just a wee wimper and he stared lovingly in to my eyes. My mum had a wee tear in her eyes and my OH didnt cry but said he would if there had been no one else there. I breastfed him and it was amazing. At about half nine i jumped in the shower then did my hair haha, i was so mobile and was able to move everywhere. Then i was made a bowl of rice krispies i was sooo hungry!! I was then moved to a ward with 3 others mums. My mum and OH sat with me until about half eleven and was told to leave. I didnt want them to go my time in hospital was sooo lonely. I spent most of that night awake looking at my boy, he needed his nappy changed but i waited till 9am until my mum came cus i didnt have a clue how to change it hahaha. So up my mum came and so did my OH, OH bought me a box of chocolates and flowers and loads of things to eat and read. My mum nipped out to town so other visitors could visit so OH's mum and sister came up, aidan was sleeping and they woke him up lol. Then my mum came back with a Marc Jabobs perfume collection which i wanted for ages, i was well chuffed lol. The rest of the day was very boring, aidan got his photo taken, my dad came up to visit. My OH spent the evening but was made to go home at 9pm and was so upset. There was no other mums so was just me and aidan and i was very bored.

I finally got let out on the tuesday and was so happy when i got home :):)

Now aidan weighs 12lb 5oz and a half and is 59cm long.

I love him so much and will never forget the experience i had, best day of my life.

awww congrats gas and air is great lol i was crying with laughter with it haha x
Congrats!! :) xx

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