My beautiful Isabella's birth story- long labour and emergency c-section!


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2010
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I have really enjoyed reading people's birth stories in this forum, so thought I'd add mine! A little bit late, but I wanted to write it with the benefit of time to reflect. Sorry it's so long, but my labour was very long so there's lots to tell!

I was lucky enough to have a very happy and healthy pregnancy. From around 36 weeks, I felt the baby drop and was aware of increasing numbers of Braxton Hicks. This, unfortunately, made me obsess over these signs and believe that labour was just around the corner. However, my due date (May 17th) came and went with no sign of the baby. D'oh! On Saturday 21st May, my husband and I went for a 6 mile walk in the sunshine in the hope that it would get things started. At 2am the following morning, I finally started having contractions! They were mild at first, and not too close together so I managed to get a little bit of sleep.

The contractions increased in intensity at around 6am on Sunday, and from that point onwards were every 4-5 minutes lasting at least 45 seconds. At first, I could get through them by bouncing on the birthing ball. However, as they got stronger, they were much easier to tolerate when I was up and walking, so I created a little circuit in our living room! At 10am I thought I'd try the TENS machine. I really liked it and found it really helped with the contractions, even if it was just because it gave me something else to focus on! I managed to sleep for about 20 minutes at one point in the afternoon after taking some co-codamol (paracetamol + codeine), but other than that I was up and walking through every single contraction. I began to feel sick with the pain, and couldn't really eat for most of the day. I tried having a bath in the evening, but I preferred being out and using the TENS as it gave me something to use during contractions. I called the delivery unit in the evening just to let them know I was in labour, but coping well at home.

During the night, there was no change in contractions. I had hoped they'd either ease so I could sleep, or pick up so I could go to the hospital. I managed at most an hour of sleep following some more co-codamol. The rest of the time I paced around the bedroom during contractions, and sat on the birthing ball in between. It was a long night!

I called the delivery unit again in the morning as the contractions were becoming more intense, I was vomiting profusely and I hadn't really slept so was becoming dehydrated and exhausted. My contractions stopped as soon as I got on the phone so they didn't want to know. I was really rather frustrated as I had been in early labour for so long by this point. My husband stayed home from work as I really thought the baby was well on her way, and I needed his support. He was fantastic. He talked me through each contraction, and really helped me with my breathing. I kept trying to drink energy drinks, but couldn't keep anything down. I also had a very heavy bloody show. After another day of vomiting and walking through every single contraction (I dread to think how many miles I walked around our house!), the contractions were finally every 2-3 minutes lasting at least a minute. The hospital therefore agreed to let me come in at about 3pm. I was coping well with the pain still, despite everything, but didn't want things to suddenly kick off during rush hour and end up stuck in traffic really needing help.

We were admitted on to the Midwifery Led Birth Unit into the pool room. The contractions had slowed a little, but I was still having to walk through each one. The midwife was lovely, but felt I was coping a little too well and was too happy to be in established labour! We therefore went for a walk around the hospital for an hour to kick things back off. She examined me when I got back: 3cm with bulging membranes. Still not in established labour. I was rather disheartened by this, but couldn't face another night at home pacing. I was given a little longer to see if things picked up naturally. I felt the contractions had become more intense, but I was still too happy for the midwives' liking and they didn't feel the need to re-examine me. I was offered pethidine, which was the one thing I said I didn't want in my birth plan. However, I felt that I was still early enough in labour for it to clear from my system before the second stage, so shouldn't make me drowsy for the pushing stage or cause respiratory depression in the baby. I therefore accepted, and was admitted onto the antenatal ward for the night.

The pethidine kicked in very quickly, and I was soon feeling drowsy. I slept soundly for 3 hours, but was then up and pacing once more! Only this time, there were other people in the ward so I had to be as quiet as possible while contracting every 3 minutes. Plus I didn't have my husband's support as he'd had to go home when I was admitted to the ward. Not easy! I was given more co-codamol, and got a couple more hours sleep.

I was up and in pain again long before my husband arrived back at the hospital, so was alone with my friend the TENS machine, which I had been constantly clinging to for the previous 48 hours! Eventually, my husband returned and the midwife examined me again- 6cm! I was taken straight around to the MLBU, and was given gas and air while we waited for the pool to fill. It was fantastic! Really helped relax me through the contractions. I made sure I kept my breathing slow and steady, so didn't take too much and end up feeling sick or dizzy. My husband had a cheeky puff on it too- I had to take it off him when he said his fingers were giggling! Finally I was allowed in the pool. So relaxing! I was also given an anti-sickness injection, so was able to eat and drink! I felt the best I had in days, and we have pictures of me grinning in the pool with gas and air in one hand and a hobnob in the other!

The day progressed with me continuing to feel happy and in control. My husband was by my side the whole time, and kept me entertained! I had expected to want him to rub my back and things, but actually I just wanted his company.

I was examined again after 4 hours, and had made it to 8cm, so just about on track for a first time mum. I hoped the baby would arrive before the next examination at 5pm. However, we reached 5pm with no urge to push having arrived, although I was having some pressure feelings. Unfortunately, there was still a lip of cervix present and the head was very high. They asked me to stay out of the pool as they were worried about the size of the baby. It was decided that they'd break my waters to see if that helped. It didn't, and the lip remained. I was therefore transferred up to the delivery unit. By this point, I was pretty sure I was getting a section. The doctors decided to try an hour of syntocinon first to see if I could get to fully dilated. I was offered an epidural, but felt this would delay things and I could cope for the hour with gas and air. I did cope, actually. The contractions got a little more intense, but it was entirely bearable. At the end of the hour, the lip was still there; the baby was still very high; there had been some decelerations in her heart rate and there was meconium staining in the waters, so the decision was taken that I needed a section. It all happened very promptly, and before I knew it I was in theatre having the spinal. The spinal was very straightforward and worked instantly. It was so strange seeing my legs being moved when I couldn't feel them at all! Everyone in theatre was lovely. I felt some pushing and pulling, but it was absolutely fine. My husband watched the whole thing! The baby was out quickly, and required a little oxygen at first, but was soon able to be handed to us. It was wonderful having her on my chest, but I couldn't see her face fully, which was disappointing. Isabella weighed 8lb9oz, which surprised the doctors as they thought she was going to be bigger!. Afterwards, I was told that my uterus showed signs of obstruction, and she was clearly not going to come out any other way. I actually tore a bit, but there was no damage that couldn't be easily repaired, so I was very lucky. It took quite a while to sew me up because of that, though.

We were soon out in recovery, where Isabella latched on immediately and fed for ages. I was up and about again the next morning, and have hardly had any pain. I didn’t take anything stronger than paracetamol at any point, and stopped even taking that when we went home on day 2. We were out on walks from day 3. I’ve been so lucky! Isabella feeds brilliantly and we’ve settled in very well together. I love being a mummy!

On paper, my birth experience sounds pretty dreadful- 70 hours in labour ending up with an emergency c-section and damage to my uterus. However, I felt in control the whole time, and am really proud of myself for getting to pretty much fully dilated on just gas and air, even though I’d had such a long labour. I’ve been told that I should have elective c-sections in the future as I clearly don’t have a well-shaped pelvis for childbirth- my mum was exactly the same! I am therefore pleased to have had such a positive experience of labour since it’s the only time I’ll ever experience it. The only thing I’m disappointed about is that I’ll never get to feel the urge to push, and get to go through all those experiences I’ve read about- I know people often say the pushing feels amazing. However, it’s no big deal, and I’m delighted with my gorgeous baby girl!

A few pictures:
1. In recovery
2. Just about to leave hospital
3. 1 month old!


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gorgeous little girl - and thanku for such a positive birth story :)
Well done huni!! She is so cute! Def worth the long labour....
Congrats hun


well done on coping so well and having such a good birthing experience even though it ended with a section. i hope i manage to cope as well as you have done.

and Isabella is gorgeous! x
huge congratulations and well done you, so nice to hear another positive emcs story (i actually loved my emcs with our first daughter :cloud9:)
Isabella is just beautiful :D
such a gorgeous little girl :hugs: Congrats !!!

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