My bedroom


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2006
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Another room finished, well apart from waiting on my dressingtable being built.
Just wanted to show it off cause Im well happy with it.
Ooohh wow cat its lovely! Can you come decorate my house? :lol:
Looks fatastic Cat!!!
I second that idea .... wanna come decorate my house?? LOL!!

I sooo should be an interior designer! :D
Mine too AG!!
Love it Cat its gorgeous
I love that! I like your style! Our bedroom needs doing but thats after Ella's room and the back yard! so probably never at this rate!
It's beautiful Cat. You have excellent taste.
come and decorate my room. your room it brillaint.
Well love the curtain idea - Something I've wanted to do so thanks for tips :drunk:

You & Dionne have great taste :D You can come help me with my house when we buy :rolleyes:
Cat it is absolutely beautiful,the colours are really nice and it mixes for either period or modern taste,well you should be proud of yourself,dont suppose as you are only hour away you could design my hall,lol.

I woudl think about a carreer in this Cat as you definately have flair for it and taste.

I love the tie-backs myself best and the chandelier am a sucker for pretty things like that!

Well done

That looks great....Makes me want to go shopping.......
Strange but tru i'm loving the lampshade :lol: Does it sparkle when the lights on
thats loooks amazing i love the wallpaer its so pretty can i ask you how much did it cost to do uu bedroom
ooh that's loverly. I like the colours you have picked.
thats loooks amazing i love the wallpaer its so pretty can i ask you how much did it cost to do uu bedroom

Erm well the wardrobes I already had.
Wallpaper was £17 a roll plus a bit of dulux paint
Bedding was reduced in Jan sales from £120 to £60
Accessories in incl lighting from The Pier and BHS for about £300
Carpet on a deal for £180
Seagrass chest from Argos £35
Bedsides tables and curtains all made ourselves (as will be the dressing table).
Plus OH wants to point out how extended the wall from the chimney breast so it was central to the bed, and put on the skirting boards and coving (doesnt want me taking the credit for everything!)
I LOVE it its perfect. very girly too i love pretty bedrooms, but kris moans:wacko: men!

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