My Birth Storie[s] Caution; LONG!!


1 Princess, 1 Prince <3
Apr 26, 2011
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Well, I've only just joined this site, and I'm just learning my way around it. Happened to come accross this section and loved reading about others birth stories so thought I'd share my own. [Seems a bit selfish in not doing so]
There might not be a lot of detail as I did have my first nearly 2 years ago!
Birth Story no 1; Isabelle Jean-Marie.

The pregnancy had gone by smoothly. No problems, only had morning sickness the once. My beautiful baby girl was due on the 13th of July 2009. 4 days after my birthday! My sister really wasnt loving that fact as her birthday is on the 15th and didnt want bub to take away attention on her hehe
So due date came and went, nothing. No niggles, no pains, no anything!
Went to MW on the thursday [4 days over dd] and had a sweep. I felt some niggles pretty much straight away but thought this was just due to the fact that some lady had had her fingers inside me! :wacko:
I was told that if she hadnt arrived by sunday then it prob wouldnt work.
So the days went on, sunday came, started to feel some period pains. Thought nothing of it. Spoke to my mum on the phone as I had pretty much every day of the pregnancy, told her about the pains. She asked if I thought they were labour pains, to which I replied 'How am I supposed to know what labour pains are' :dohh:
I did say at one point 'oh wait, getting one now... ouch' to which she replied if thats it then you cant be in labour.
So, Disheartend, I went to bed. Didnt really get much sleep due to these niggly pains. At 5 in the morning, I got up to use the toilet, went for a wee, went back to the bedroom only to get a lovely gush down my legs! So, Panic, excitement, panic again ran through my mind! I woke the other half and told him! He started to panic and started to make toast. Yes, I dont know what was running through his mind at this moment in time either!
So, I rang my mum as she lived other end of the country. She was going to come down and stay with us for a week or so to help with the baby. I rang her, she said try and at home for as long as possible as you'll prob be in the hosp for ages and they might even send you home! She also said that she was going back to sleep and would leave in a couple of hours. [-(
Then, I rang my stepmum and told her, she told me to leave as soon as possible and to let her know what happens. So! I told Clayton [my other half] to calm down, and that I was going to try and stay at home as long as I could, and he started to have a quick tidy up of the house. So, I started pacing the bedroom, dealing with the contractions. About half 6 I told him it was time to ring the taxi! So we rang, it arrived, we grabbed the hosp bag and left! Got the to hosp about 7/7.15 we got to the hosp. When I'd had the tour of it, I'd decided I wanted to use the midwife led unit instead of the delivery suite. Got there, got told that the midwife unit was full and that I'd have to go to the delivery suite, got shoved into a huge room and they said they'd be around in a bit to see how I was doing. Lovely service! We were left alone for ages. Eventually someone came in and examined me, said I had a little while to go, and left again. I think I was only seen about twice. On one of them times they asked if I wanted a paracetamol. I'm really rubbish at taking tablets but they didnt take no for an answer. Watched me while I took it, then 10 minutes later I threw it up anyway!
Next time a lady came in I asked if I could have some pain relief, she examined me, said I was 10cm dilated and it was too late to have any pain relief! So, lucky me, had to push without it. She called in another 2 people, and away I went! I pushed for nearly 2 hours :blush: I didnt push as hard as I could if I'm honest. It hurt =[
At 11.07AM, 20th July 2009, Isabelle Jean-Marie entered the world weighing 9 pounds 1oz! They asked if I wanted to hold her, I didnt. They gave her to her daddy. I just wanted to rest! I'd had a tear and they said I needed stitching up, so THEN I got offered gas and air! another 2 women were called in, so a room full of people, all getting a good eyeful! I think I did mention this at one point under the influence of gas and air :blush: They asked if I'd let a student midwife sew me up and I refused. ARE YOU CRAZY!! Would've taken 3 times as long and it took long enough as it was! So got stitched up, told to take a bath and to let them know when I was done. Tbh, It wasnt the best birth experiance. I know it could have been a lot worse, but I'd just turned 20, I was scared as hell and they didnt make me feel very relaxed! :shrug:
About half 12 my mum arrived thinking that I was still in labour and had a shock when she met her grandaughter! that'll teach her to get her tushy out of bed earlier :happydance:

Birth story no 2; Jayden
Sooooo! Jayden was definatley a surprise baby! I got pregnant when Izzy was about 6/7 months I think.
The pregnancy was a bit more complicated than with his sister. On the plus side I wasnt sick at all! But, in the last couple of months, they said that I was measuring small, and I had to have a sizing scan to see if he was growing ok. After having a big first baby, I was seriously expecting a 10pounds+ sized baby! I had the sizing scan and they said there didnt seem to be anything to worry about, he seemed to be growing fine.
He was due on the 3rd of Nov 2010. about 3 days before his due date I had a mw app. she said that she thought he was breech still. I'd been told that he was breech earlier but that he'd prob turn himself closer to being born. So as she thought he was still breech, she told me to get myself to the hospital and get a scan to find out. So travelled all way up to the hosp, got the scan only to be told he was fine and head down! :growlmad:
Also got a date for induction which was the 15th of Nov.
Went to another MW app on the due date and had a diff lady instead of the usual MW. I was meant to have a sweep but the diff lady didnt want to do them, told me that they wernt done anymore and that they didnt work. [which I beg to differ]
So, the days went by, 5,6,7,8,9,10 days overdue and getting very fed up!
Went online and googled all the natural ways to start labour, and saw the most popular was having sex. Eugh. As if I had the energy to have sex right now! But, you gotta do what you gotta do! haha
11 days overdue now. Woke up with some pains as I had over the last WEEK! Didnt get too excited as they'd always gone after an hour or so and so did these!
As the day went along, I did start having some pains, but they wernt like period pain contractions like I'd had the first time around, they were more like [I know this sounds silly] but like a pain in my bladder. I had that on and off throughout the evening. Got a tx of my dad about half 7 asking if I was watching some rubbish thing on tv. I replied no, I'm laying in bed in pain. Then got asked if I was in a labour to which I replied 'No dont think so'
Izzy didnt want to go to bed that night so stayed up later than usual which turned out to be a good thing for us. We decided to go to bed about 10, Izzy was still pottering around in her room. Clayton was out for the count straight away as usual. I couldnt even lie down I was in that much pain. Kneeling on the bed rocking. Got up, went to the toilet, had a bloody show and thought oh crap, guess it is labour. So came out, woke him up, told him to ring the hospital while I got Izzy ready to go to my dads, had to speak to the hosp and tell them about the show and contractions etc. Then in the middle of all this, I started getting the urge to push! So er, told him to ring my stepmum and finish getting Izzy ready and to get himself dressed and to make sure the bag was ready. Well, I say 'told' I really mean yell. I managed to get myself dressed in between contractions and the urge to push. But as I'd learnt from the first time around, I could control the pushing. So I just pushed a little, enough to ease the pressure while trying not to push too hard :blush:
Dee [my stepmum] drove around. we got Izzy packed into the car and she drove us to the hosp. Along the way, still with the pushing, got told not to give birth in the car as she didnt want to clean it up. [Charming!] :shrug:
Got to the hosp about half 11 at night, gave Izzy a kiss and told her to be good and made my way up th ridiculus amount of stairs, along the stupidly loooooong hallway to the other end of the hospital where the maternity area was, while stopping every 2 seconds to lean against the wall and push, got buzzed into some 'before' area, didnt get a chance to say anything as they chucked a urine pot into my hand and told me to go pee. So, went into the bathroom. Sat there for like 5 minutes and nearly cried when I couldnt go. Came out, told the lady I couldnt go, she told me to lay down, and examined me, had the shock of her life when I was 10cm and told her I needed to push. She ran off, maybe thinking that I was gonna give birth any second.., and got a wheelchair, told some lady that I had to get next door asap. FINALLY got to go into the midwife unit! It was lovely. I got shown into a lovely little room, had one midwife come in, she did a quick examination, told me to push when I was ready and that he should be out before 12. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 10 to 12. I kinda panicked a little bit then. I thought, he cant come so soon. its way too soon. I only just got here! So, I pushed a few times and out he whooshed! Well, not quite whooshing, he wasnt exactly tiny! At 11.57, Jayen arrived into the world still in his sack of water, weighing a healthy [and not small] 8 pounds 3oz. He was perfect. The midwife popped the waters, wrapped him in a towel, gave him straight to me, I held him tight to me and started shaking. She said it was natural after having a quick birth. So again with this pregnancy, I didnt have any pain relief. She did say I'd had a tear but that it'd heal by itself. We'd had Isabelle's name planned out since I was about 4/5 months pregnant as that was the only girls name that I'd liked. With this little man, we were leaning towards Jacob. And when I say 'we' I mean me. Clayton didnt really have a say hehe But when I looked at his little face, he didnt look like a Jacob. In fact, he didnt have a name for the first few days of his life. In the end, we both decided on Jayden. And it suits him. :D
And thats it ladies! My, long ass, birth stories! Sorry it took so long, and give yourself a big round of apalause if you managed to read till the end! I'm going to try and add pics of the newly born bubs, but I'm not quite sure how to do it so if it goes wrong, dont get too dissapointed ^_^
My baby girl a few minutes old ^
My baby boy about 10 mins old ^
My baby girl now
My baby boy now
Gosh, as newborns they're identical! Such lovely stories :) welcome to BnB!
I know! I couldnt believe how much they looked alike. Izzy looks more like her daddy, everyone says Jayden looks more like me than Clayton but he's still got his nose hehe. He does have my sticky out ears though ^_^ x
Great birth stories, thanks for sharing! Well remembered too!!!
Welcome to bnb and congrats :happydance:, they really look alike as newborns!!

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