my birth story


mum to 3 under 5
Nov 10, 2009
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hi ladies well here goes,
i went into hosp on wed as i checked my bp and it was 141/91 and had a headache, had bloods done i always leak alot of protien due to leaky kidneys it was decided i have nuephrotics syndrome and as my bp wa up and i had a headache and also my reflexes wernt great they decided that as i was term (exactly 37 weeks) they decided to induce me there and then so at 4pm i was taken round to delivery ward and show to my room dh went home to get my bags luckily i was ready and prepared while he was gone i had my propess put in at 5pm and the mw said she could have broken my waters at a push but would rather wait for the propess to soften my cervix a little and centralise it as it is in a very strange position normally,

so they then left me to walk up and down the stairs and coridors with dh to try and get things started on there own i started contracting quite quickly they were quite intense but i could cope at 10.30pm they came bk and broke my waters and said i was now 2cms dilated they said they would give me 2 hours for things to progress or they would give me the syntocin drip so again we were marching the corridiors popping back every 30mins to have a quick listen to bubs heartrate they then put me on the monitors at 12.30am i was really feeling the contractions now so started on the gas and air, baby had 2 small deccelarations ao they got a little concerned and this time labour ward got busy nd my mw was the shift leader and kept going off to deliver other peoples babies in the mean time i had lots of people copme in to check the trace of his heartrate but no more decells however they decided they didnt want to start the synto drip untill theatre was free incase baby didnt like it and they needed to get him out so i was pretty much left to it untill 5ish i was still contractng all night though about every 3 mins at 5am mw came in and examine me i was still 2cms so decided i would def need the drip she got the drip set up startied it at 1ml an hour and upped it every 30mins at 5,4am i wasnt coping with pain again so asked for some pethidin which really didnt help much all it did was make me care a little less that i was in so much pain for a bout an hour lol i was kept on the minitors the whole time as u have to be with synto which is frustrating coz u cant move to help with the pain at 8am new mw came in and i was so pleased as it was a mw i know from my comunity team and she is lovely she had a sudent with her who was lovely too i told her i was stating to stuggle with the pain now they had now upt the drip to 16mls/hour and was contratcing 4 in 10 mins but the tocco wasnt picking them up so they had to keep marking them on the trace with a pen she asked me to manage till 9am then she would examine me and see how id progressed as it would have been 4hours since last examiation so at 8.50 they took em off the monitor and let me go for a wee the student mw examened me and said i was 5cm she could strecth it to 6but really it was 5 so i was half way i then begged for an epidurak as there was no way i could have gone on for much longer without it she got me to read the epidural risk cards and the anethetist said he would be in in 10 mins as he was just in theatre as i dh went to ring work to expain he wouldnt be in and that he was startng his pat leave the next contraction i had i was invoulntry pushing the mws were really telling me off as they worried i was going to force baby out and he would have loads of swelling but i explained i couldnt fisically stop myself so the main mw saisd she would just examine me again but it had only been 20 mins sine the last examination so it was doubtfull that was any change however she told me i was fully dilated and it was to late for the epi i said i need to push and she said ok go with it i then shouted at her but u just told told me 2 mins ago i want ready lol she said well lovey you are now just then dh stepped bk in the room looking vert shocked i staretd to push and babies head came out the midwifes were tying to get there gloves on so told me to pant throught the next contraction which i did for a few seconds then couldnt control it any more and 2 seconds layter at 9.31am me baby boy was born he was lifted upo onto me but was very grey and not crying so they took him away dh didnt get to cut the cord but we wernt bothered as long as he was ok

2 mins later they bought back my lovely little boy and dh had a cuddle while i delivered placenta i was checked for tearing i had a little graze but it was decided it didnt need stiches i then had a cuddle with our little boy i feel quite guilty but as it was all so sudden i was in total shock i didnt want to hold him my mind was all over the place then then weighed him and i was cvinced hed be about 6.5/7 pounds but he weighs a wopping 7lb 11oz for a 37 weeker thats prtty big he looks just like dh his apgar scaore was 8 at 1 min an 9 and 5 mins sil bought dd up to hosp at 11.30 so we could spend some time as a family i went and had a shower and was transfered round to post natal ward dh bought keira home my mum oicked em up from hosp at 5pm and bought me and connor home he is such a good baby brest feeding like a pro im in total awe of him and keir loves him so much keeps asking for cuddles thanks you all for everything all the support over the oast 9 months has been amazing good luck to all the mummys waiting fir there arrivals

sorry it was soo long thanks for reading

heres a couple of pictures of our little boy connor paul james king 17th june 2010 7lb 11oz



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Gorgeous hun! What an entrance and a lovely weight, well done you. xx
Congrats what a little cutie ... but just to let you know there is a birth announcment/story section :thumbup: x
Congratulations hunni xxx

Sounds abit like my first birth, time they came to give me an epi it was too late DD was on her way out!!

well done!!! he is lush!!! xxx
massive congrats and well done. he is cute. enjoy your cuddles
Aw sounds like it was a hard birth for you, he's gorgeous though, congratulations xx
thanks everyone hes now 3 days old and a little sherub i love him so much its hard to believe u cn love someone soo much milk now coming in and boobs very sore though :cry:
Congrats hun! He is so cute!

Can I just ask if you were at The Royal Surrey? I noticed you live in Guildford and this is where I am going! x
Hi hun.

Just catched up on ur birth plan and sunds so intresting. Glad u and bby are fine and doing well.
Phew, what a story! Congratulations, it sounds like you did really well. And he's gorgeous too! xx

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