A bit of back story I'm 33 dh is 35 and we have a 2 year old dd. It took 10 cycles to get my first ever and only so far bfp. I developed pregnancy induced hypertension and was induced at 37+1. After delivery I had a hemorrhage where I lost almost half my blood volume due to a abnormally adhered placenta. I retained some of the placenta and required a d&c so since dd was about 6 months old I've had regular cycles even with dd breastfeeding pretty consistently day and night. Now we are in cycle 7 of ttc no 2 and according to the ovulation kits I've done I ovulate around cd 16 and have a 13 day lp. My periods are super light I guess due to having less estrogen to build up lining which is common in bf. That said I did a test with smu Tuesday and it was bfn but now my back is insanely sore and I feel like crap. I have resigned myself that I'm not pregnant but plan to test tomorrow or Friday when af is due if she doesn't show. I just am not excited I feel like there are so many people who get pregnant just by having their dh look at them funny and here I am barely able to get one bfp much less 2. I know logically most women my age are able to get pregnant within a year but I just feel like it's never my turn. Any one feel the same?