My last period was in October... wow. I bd when I was ovulating and I watched my temps and they dropped a day when I had pinching pains (implantation) and then they rose steady afterward. I had a few symptoms, mostly night sickness and sore boobs. I had other weird symptoms like blurry vision too that's never gotten better. I have tons of other symptoms (increased cf, heightened sense of smell, emotions everywhere, exhaustion) but around when I would have been 8 weeks they trailed off...
Around December I spotted for a week and I'm not a person that's ever spotted in my life. After that, nothing.
I have these pinching stretching pains where that round ligament is, and I've been having almost period like cramps on and off the last two weeks.
Now for the weird part...
Let me start by saying I don't believe I'm pregnant. I'm just scared it's something scary.
I have never tested positive.
My doctor tried a urin test and it was negative and I just took one last night and it's still negative. I had two blood tests and both where negative. The first one I had in the beginning of December had a slight dip in my thyroid but that's all.
She sent me to check my hormones and they came back normal!
I thought for sure it was hormones, my cup size has gone up by two and I was already an H cup so I want to cry lol but I guess that's not it.
I asked my doctor what she thought and her reply was "I have no idea!"
And that was it. She offered no other advice other than to keep taking pregnancy tests...
I'm a healthy 25 year old and I've never skipped a period for this long. And these cramps are driving me crazy, it's like I got a tumour growing in there or something. I'm glad she's looking out for my well being...
Does this sound like pregnancy? Trust me, I would be over the moon if it was but I'm so scared I'm just sick and my doctor is not interested in helping me.
My grandmother told me she never tested positive on a blood or urin test till she was past three months so I don't know.
I will be going to a private clinic to get a scan at the end of February either way but this whole situation is frustrating...
Sorry for the rant
Around December I spotted for a week and I'm not a person that's ever spotted in my life. After that, nothing.
I have these pinching stretching pains where that round ligament is, and I've been having almost period like cramps on and off the last two weeks.
Now for the weird part...
Let me start by saying I don't believe I'm pregnant. I'm just scared it's something scary.
I have never tested positive.
My doctor tried a urin test and it was negative and I just took one last night and it's still negative. I had two blood tests and both where negative. The first one I had in the beginning of December had a slight dip in my thyroid but that's all.
She sent me to check my hormones and they came back normal!
I thought for sure it was hormones, my cup size has gone up by two and I was already an H cup so I want to cry lol but I guess that's not it.
I asked my doctor what she thought and her reply was "I have no idea!"
And that was it. She offered no other advice other than to keep taking pregnancy tests...
I'm a healthy 25 year old and I've never skipped a period for this long. And these cramps are driving me crazy, it's like I got a tumour growing in there or something. I'm glad she's looking out for my well being...
Does this sound like pregnancy? Trust me, I would be over the moon if it was but I'm so scared I'm just sick and my doctor is not interested in helping me.
My grandmother told me she never tested positive on a blood or urin test till she was past three months so I don't know.
I will be going to a private clinic to get a scan at the end of February either way but this whole situation is frustrating...
Sorry for the rant