my doctor scared me today


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2010
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so at my appointment my doctor scared me!!
im 37 weeks today and the doctor told me that my baby is already 7.10 lbs and she is going to be a huge baby!! and she also said that my blood presure been high adn she is worried about it so i had to get blood work done and go for another scan next week!!! and she also said that my placenta isnt keeping up with the bloood flow so if the test comes back saying its still high she wants to induce me!!! ugh im scared what should i think should i be worried scared or take it day by day?
I would say try not to get too worried yet. There is no sense getting too worked up and if your bp is already on the high side you should try to take it easy. Things will work out, even if it isn't the way you expected it to be. Even if they have to induce you, at least they aren't going to make you have a ten pound baby! Try to relax, I am sure the doctors will do what's best for you and your lo! Sorry I don't have more reassurance than that and I know id be worried too. Hang in there!
Hi there, dont worry they are keeping a close eye on you, if your BP keeps going up then prop is better if baby comes now, you are already full term so your baby is ready and the weight seems perfect. This is my first so I dont know by experience but heard it happens in many cases. Good luck hun, not long now. x
My story is pretty similar but don't worry, just do each thing day by day, the weight can be off, but that isn't too crazy for this stage anyway and as long as they are keeping a close eye on you, all will be ok. :)
i was 33 weeks and measuring full term! same thing with the blood pressure. try to relax and not stress out. that's not good for the bp! they won't let the baby get too big and will keep an eye on you. i had a mini-freak out but it's not so bad. as long as baby is healthy (and they will make sure it is) you're good as gold. serenity now...
Well my doctor annoyed me today with the size stuff. She says my baby measured almost 37 weeks at my scan on Saturday at 34 weeks and that he is going to be HUGE! Firstly, the estimate is only 2.7kg (5.95lbs) and she said he was like 6.5lbs and I was like, isn't 2.7kg just under 6lbs and she said no...ummm, don't know how to calculate much? Very not reassuring! Also, when I looked at my own scan results, he is measuring 35 weeks everywhere except for 37 weeks for his head and my husbands side of the family they apparently all had big heads (thanks for telling me that before I got pregnant TOM!!!) so I don't think it's all down to just my GD. PLUS, the ultrasound is + or - 2lbs (or 3 weeks)! which is a ridiculously huge range for estimating.

Still not gonna let myself panic and neither should you. "Big" babies are very subjective and very inaccurately determined, not to mention that a truly big baby is over 10lbs and even then women can successfully birth them! As for the blood pressure, if it's been high all along then I wouldn't let it worry me too much. It is when sudden increase in high blood pressure + fluid retention + protein in urine all combine that you can have pre-eclampsia but if you only have 1 of those (such as you at the moment) then you are going to be fine, but let them keep a close eye on you.

Remember, the more you stress, the more likely you are to make things bad and stress yourself into higher BP or psych yourself out of the possibility of giving birth naturally. And if you get induced, so be it! But make sure you read about the ways they induce (pitocin, breaking waters etc) so you can make informed decisions about your induction that will make sure you end up with a successful vaginal birth (barring any complications) vs an emergency c-section. (Such as for example, not letting them break your waters which increases pain, increases changes of you taking pain medication earlier and slowing or haulting your labour and increases the changes the baby will go into distress) etc.
Well my doctor annoyed me today with the size stuff. She says my baby measured almost 37 weeks at my scan on Saturday at 34 weeks and that he is going to be HUGE! Firstly, the estimate is only 2.7kg (5.95lbs) and she said he was like 6.5lbs and I was like, isn't 2.7kg just under 6lbs and she said no...ummm, don't know how to calculate much? Very not reassuring! Also, when I looked at my own scan results, he is measuring 35 weeks everywhere except for 37 weeks for his head and my husbands side of the family they apparently all had big heads (thanks for telling me that before I got pregnant TOM!!!) so I don't think it's all down to just my GD. PLUS, the ultrasound is + or - 2lbs (or 3 weeks)! which is a ridiculously huge range for estimating.

Still not gonna let myself panic and neither should you. "Big" babies are very subjective and very inaccurately determined, not to mention that a truly big baby is over 10lbs and even then women can successfully birth them! As for the blood pressure, if it's been high all along then I wouldn't let it worry me too much. It is when sudden increase in high blood pressure + fluid retention + protein in urine all combine that you can have pre-eclampsia but if you only have 1 of those (such as you at the moment) then you are going to be fine, but let them keep a close eye on you.

Remember, the more you stress, the more likely you are to make things bad and stress yourself into higher BP or psych yourself out of the possibility of giving birth naturally. And if you get induced, so be it! But make sure you read about the ways they induce (pitocin, breaking waters etc) so you can make informed decisions about your induction that will make sure you end up with a successful vaginal birth (barring any complications) vs an emergency c-section. (Such as for example, not letting them break your waters which increases pain, increases changes of you taking pain medication earlier and slowing or haulting your labour and increases the changes the baby will go into distress) etc.

thanks hun this really helps everything else has been good!! besides teh blood presure!!! its been highg only twice or 3 times the most since my pregnancy so its not to bad! as she did send em for blood work yesterday adn more then likely wont know the results until wednesday a whole week away i wish i could know them sooner but i wont! on my side of the family we have all small babies and on my other halfs they are all big babys so i think she is taking after her daddy!!! i just so excited to meet her as if she comes soon or on her due date which is only 3 weeks away!!! im ready to meet her!
my friends doctor told her that she was going to have a 9lber but baby was 7lb 9oz and was two weeks late, good luck :)
my friends doctor told her that she was going to have a 9lber but baby was 7lb 9oz and was two weeks late, good luck :)

And on the other side of that i was told my baby was going to be tiny and he came 5 weeks early and weighed 9lb 6oz, this baby app is small too and having growth scans but his got long arms and legs like his big brother so me thinks that he will be bigger, yikes :) xx
I wouldn't worry. With my first I was told to expect a 7 1/2 lb baby only 5 days before delivery and my DD came out 5 lbs, 5 oz.

This PG they told me that I may have to be induced because my fundal height was behind and they were worried about the baby having IUGR like my DD and that he was maybe stopping his growth. If that is the case it can lead to a still birth. My u/s showed a slightly smaller baby, but my fluid levels looked great and the cord looked great too. I was told to take my hospital bag with me in vehicle with me just in case. I didn't bother. I haven't heard from the dr since. Their policy is no news is good news. I have a feeling baby will be slightly smaller at about the 25th %lie, but not crazy small. I was worried until I thought about how active this little one is and how the cord looked great. I know that if it comes to an induction then so be it. I am going to let the Dr's decide if that needs to happen later. However I have a feeling my little guy will appear shortly after the 37 week mark. I just didn't want a preemie and an extended stay at the hospital. I got over that fear too. I figure what ever is best for baby, that is what I will do. I am so in love I am willing to do anything for this little guy!
my friends doctor told her that she was going to have a 9lber but baby was 7lb 9oz and was two weeks late, good luck :)

And on the other side of that i was told my baby was going to be tiny and he came 5 weeks early and weighed 9lb 6oz, this baby app is small too and having growth scans but his got long arms and legs like his big brother so me thinks that he will be bigger, yikes :) xx

lol i was going to say another friend was tiny at full term everyone was really worried about her so she was going to growth scans and baby turned out to be a 9lber strange isnt it :wacko:
I have been told today that my baby is 7 pounds 5 ounces and I am only 35 weeks. I actually questioned this as I have had regular growth scans and this one seemed very "out" and even the doctor thought that either the last one (scan at 33 weeks said 5lbs) or this one was inaccurate as there was no ways a baby could put on 2lbs 5 ounces in only 2 weeks!
ya to the scan i had 2 weeks ago surposely my baby put on 1 lb and 5 ounces!!! could be possible!!! im jhust glad i am at term now so she can come anytime!!! i really dont want to be induced and force her out!! she will come when she is readY!
how did your doctor estimate size - just by feeling your belly or scan? Both are notorious for estimating sizes that are completely wrong when baby actually comes out.
well my scan 2 weeks ago said baby was 6.10lbs and then yestwerday at my appointment she did it by feeling my tummy and she said this is a big baby and she said she gained at least a lb which would put her at 7.10 olb but i know they can be off but it feel like they are right this baby is bigg
Meh stupid doctors and their fear mongering about size! The only definite way to know is weighing after birth and unless you have a very narrow pelvic girdle (and you would know as they tend to run in families) you can give birth to just about most sizes of "normal", even on the highest end. This trend of wanting babies to be between 5-7lbs max is not healthy and I hope that it passes soon
so at my appointment my doctor scared me!!
im 37 weeks today and the doctor told me that my baby is already 7.10 lbs and she is going to be a huge baby!! and she also said that my blood presure been high adn she is worried about it so i had to get blood work done and go for another scan next week!!! and she also said that my placenta isnt keeping up with the bloood flow so if the test comes back saying its still high she wants to induce me!!! ugh im scared what should i think should i be worried scared or take it day by day?

At 40 weeks i guess your LO would weight 9lbs at 42 weeks maybe 10bs so its not that big no???? Although 10lbs is a big baby im wanting a nice 8lbs one but im expecting a 10lbs + one
so at my appointment my doctor scared me!!
im 37 weeks today and the doctor told me that my baby is already 7.10 lbs and she is going to be a huge baby!! and she also said that my blood presure been high adn she is worried about it so i had to get blood work done and go for another scan next week!!! and she also said that my placenta isnt keeping up with the bloood flow so if the test comes back saying its still high she wants to induce me!!! ugh im scared what should i think should i be worried scared or take it day by day?

At 40 weeks i guess your LO would weight 9lbs at 42 weeks maybe 10bs so its not that big no???? Although 10lbs is a big baby im wanting a nice 8lbs one but im expecting a 10lbs + one

i had my liottle girl on Jan 31 st at 37 +4 weeks and were doing great after a week in the hospital everything is well she weighed 8.6 and 20 1/2 incxh long

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