My due date princess :)



This is the birth story of my second darling daughter Ailah Sarah Elizabeth Sinclair. Born 01/08/10.

Well 2 months later and i have finally found the time to write my birth story!

I had started and stopped labour before i actually went into labour, had spd along with moderately high blood pressure throughout pregnancy.

Anyway 01/08/10, my EDD. I woke up feeling tired and uncomfortable. I had been sleeping well for weeks and was feeling low due to having contractions a few days before and everything stopping. I didnt feel any closer to having my baby :(
I had a show at around 10am but took it with a pinch of salt as i had lost quite a lot a few days before. FOB came to my house to see how i was and so we could talk through a few things. My eldest was at her grannys so we decided to go to mcdonalds and get some chocolate.
We drove through at mcdonalds and parked up in a car park near the harbour to watch the boats coming in and out as we ate. I started to get period pains, but didnt mention it to FOB. We finished eating and went back to mine. We were sitting in the living room when had to run to the toilet to have the 'clear out' lol. When i got back downstairs he asked if i was ok. I told him that i had a dodgy tummy but not to worry.

Then it came, 6pm and my first 'proper' contraction. I knew it wasnt false labour and as i stood in my kitchen i knew this was it and i was going to be holding my little girl very soon!! :happydance:

I managed to hide my first few contractions from FOB, but one took me by surprise quite quickly after the previous one. He asked f i was ok. I told him not to go mad, or panic or get too excited but ide had a couple of contractions and that this was it.

We hadnt decided if he was going to be at the birth at this point but i said it was fine with me but i still wanted one of my birthing partners there. I had the choice of best friend gillian or my sister sian. Its strange, i was coping so well through contractions that i think i was in denial of labour. The contractions were so strong but i got into such a determined state of mine i knew i could do it.

FOB packed the car with my bags, filled me a hot water bottle and i called my sister. She was at work, i told her contractions were every 5mins and quite strong but not to panic as i wasnt alone and only live 2mins from hosp.
I texted gillian but by this point i was having to really concentrate through contractions. I called the MW and she said as my first labour was only 5 hours long i should come in and get checked over. All the things i had planned to do whilst labouring went out the window, texting friends/family, tidying up, looking out everything i would need the second i got home etc etc.

So off we went, contracting every 3 minutes. i braced myself on the car as i had one then told Chris that in no uncertain terms he HAD to get to the hospital within 3 minutes haha. He did!! As the next contraction came i got out the car, swiveled my hips and closed my eyes. FOB ushered me into the hosp and tried to get me into the lift... I was quite sharp and said no way was i getting in a lift to get stuck and have him deliver the baby :wacko: i could hear the midwife chuckling at the top of the stairs.

I went in and got my obs. Everything was fine but the babies heart rate was up slightly. I went out to the waiting area and chris was there now with my sister waiting patiently. I explained that as babies heart rate was up i wouldnt be leaving the hosp again and would be labouring at the hosp. Ordered chris to go and reheat my hot water bottle lol. MW then examined me and told me i was 5cm dilated and took me, my sister and chris through to the labour suite.

Managed to fire another text to Gillian to tell her i was ok but things were progressing quickly. I paced the room breathing deeply through every contraction. They said i might have a long labour as baby was back to back but i knew my body and knew it was happening. My sister asked if i wanted gas and air and i sharply told her if i wanted it i would ask for it. Through the next contractions she tried to rub my back and i not so politely told her to leave me alone oops. :blush:

So, MW took babies heart rate again and decided it was best to call the nearest city hospital and make them aware just in case, but not to worry. She said if anything changed to buzz or send my sis or chris to shout. I told her to get a move on as i was about to push, haha i think she thought i was joking. It was 9.15 and i felt that familiar urge. I wanted to push. I knew with the next contraction i had to start.

so at 9.15pm i moved over to the bed to be nearer the gas and air. Kneeling on a mat leaning over the bed, with the next contraction i gripped onto the sheets and gave it my all. Corr blimey it didnt half hurt. I asked MW to pass me the gas and air. As i felt the next contraction building i took a massive suck of the tube and instantly felt better. My Sis and Chris said i looked so happy and drunk at that stage. The MW said that she would give it an hour (10.15pm) then examine me. I jokingly said i was having the baby before 10pm because i wanted to watch big brother.

After i started on the gas and air times etc get a little hazy. I remember holding onto the bed sheets and pushing with all my might then looking up and Gillian was standing there. She said that she knew i had said i was ok but she was worried and wouldnt settle untill she knew i was ok :flower:

The MW assistant came in with her ipod and speakers and i will never forget that moment as it was playing elvis presley, are you lonesome tonight :shrug: was she kidding?? had to laugh.

Things are a bit blurry but i can remember my waters going and running down my leg (they had to burst my waters first time round and i dont remember feeling any fluid) it was all warm and an odd sensation. I remember the MW telling me the baby had hair to which my reply was "thank f**k, the heartburn was for something"
I remember at one point getting emotional and i started weeping. Everyone started telling me how well i was doing and i told them to shut up as i just needed to cry haha oops. Im sure nobody took it personally.

I felt babies head, i knew the head was coming out with the next push. I went into my own little world and pushed, and pushed then became aware of everyone telling me stop as MW was trying to stop me from tearing. With the next push the head came out. With the next push i had the gas and air tube between my teeth, i gripped the bed sheets and pushed.

At 9.59pm (1 minute before big brother started...hate to say i told you so) my beautiful baby girl Ailah Sarah Elizabeth Sinclair was born weighing a healthy 9lbs 3oz.

She was just perfect in everyway. By this point FOBs mum had arrived so it was quite a party in the labour room.
It was difficult to deliver the placenta, it wasnt cooperating. Everyone cooed over Ailah sucking her thumb. She had her first photoshoot then i asked everyone except Chris to leave so we could bond with our darling daughter.

At that point in time anything that had happened between chris and I didnt matter. We hugged and stared at Ailah while the midwife fussed about doing all the things she had to do. We were moved to our own private room. I had a shower and Chris had his time with Ailah. I felt brilliant, not a tear or graze and didnt even feel swollen :) just felt so lucky.

Ailah had her first feed from the breast and was a hungry little madam. Chris and I had some tea and toast and then he left. The midwifery staff were brilliant. I needed paracetomal and my hot water bottle through the night as the after pains were out of this world but all forgotten about now :)

:cloud9: I have so much love for my 2 beautiful girls :cloud9:

here are some photos of Ailah...
wowzer you did brilliantly! Love the 9.59 and Elvis bits, you will be able to tell her those when she gets older :hugs:
about bloody time mrs!!!

"shut up shut up im trying to cry here!!"

"hold that thought *insert gas and air, have contraction, remove gas and air* you were saying"

"who ever it is who is rubbing my back keep going. whoever it is rubbing my back get off me dont touch me!"

"holy shit that hurt"

a few of my fav lines from you labour :rofl:

thanks for letting me be there it was amaizing to see squeak born into this world!
What a fantastic birth story - and what an absolute beauty your little girl is! x x
fab story, brings it all back to me about labour, seems so long ago :) congrats again!
congrats on the birth of your beautiful girl!

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