My extremely LATE and long birth story by Happy-evie...Baby Micah is here!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2010
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Right firstly I am so sorry for the late story, we have just managed to get over all the visits and things are less hectic. (having a big family can be very overwhelming)

So on the 30th of March I had an appointment with my consultant to discuss my SPD pains along with my Scoliosis. I had previously told the midwives that I couldn't cope anymore as I was in too much pain hence why I had been booked to see my consultant.
I was 38+3 days and she offered me a sweep. As she examined my lady box she told me that I was 1cm dilated and about 60% effaced. she also commented that my body was very favorable and that she'd be surprised if the sweep didn't lead to something. As she swept I immediately lost my plug and started feeling cramps within minutes. this was all around 10:30am
By around 2pm I could feel some dull aches in my back and OH suggested I had a nap because if this was really IT then id probably need the rest.
I had a nap till around 4:30 pm and woke up still feeling slightly crampy. I wasn't satisfied enough and thought it was just BH and that maybe it was all in the just thinking im feeling cramps because I had a sweep...besides having positive results after a fist sweep isnt really likely, I even had another booked for the following week!
Although I was having doubts OH called the birthing center at 6pm and asked for advice. the midwife said to come down then my contractions were around a minute long and around 4minutes apart so Oh hopped on the internet and started timing my contractions from a website. At this point I began to feel quite excited as they were around 4minutes apart but not quite 1 minute long.
as time went by I bounced on my ball which did seem to intensify and prolong my contractions. when I took breaks from the ball my contractions seemed to fizzle out and made me quite upset. "I don't think I'm in labor anymore babe" I started saying to OH who was so excited I just didn't want him to get his hopes up then have to be disappointed after.
At around 9pm OH got a phonecall that his friends girlfriend just had a baby at the same hospital I were to give birth at. we live two streets from the hospital so we walk down whenever we need to get down there. She was due 10 days after me and her labor seemed Horrific....I started getting quite worried. Oh suggested we take a walk and go and see her and he baby then get checked by a midwife to see what was going on. I refused and because all I could think of was food.
I noticed my mood was changing and I was getting a little snappy.

off I went to fry some sausages when I had a big contraction and OH really tried t stop me from cooking but it was a good distraction and I really wanted my sausages! lol. whippie the contractions were now 3-4 minutes apart and 1minute long if not slightly more.
we called the birthing center again and we were told that it was fully booked but that a room should be available within the next hour so I should go to the triage and wait.
Around 11:30 we grabbed the hospital bags after checking everything was there and decided to drive there lol...yes I needed the walking exercise but the thought of walking in the cold with bags frustrated me. as we got out the car I could feel the contractions intensifying and the little walk up the hill to the triage building was painful. On the way there we saw OH's friend who looked happy to be a new dad. I was in pain and didnt want to really stop and talk but i managed to smile and say congratulations before waddling off to find the nearest lift.
At the triage the birthing center told me to wait there for another 30 minutes and I should be admitted there as a lady had given birth and was on the way out. 45 minutes passed and we called to see what was going on. I was getting really impatient and I felt so uncomfortable in the triage. the bed I was given was wobbly and the gas and air made me giggle but had a sickening after effect on me so i dismissed that.
The birthing center admitted two other ladies and managed to forget about me so I had to go to the labor ward. this was around 12:45 and I was 4-5cm.
By now I was in alot of pain and couldn't even listen to what the midwife or OH was saying. voices seemed to just annoy me whist having contractions so I asked them not to talk to me when I was having one.
OH started to look quite worried and whispered that I should try to smile if I could to reassure him that I was okay. In between contractions I tried to smile at him.
around 4am I wanted an epidural and I wanted it now!....I had written that I didn't want one on my birthing plan so they really tried to talk me out of it telling me I was doing well without it and that i should hop on the ball or try pethidine or diamorphine (sp.?) instead ......I didn't want anything else I just wanted an epidural.
they ordered the epidural and I needed a senior to do it as I have scoliosis and the place where they are ti make the incision is where my spine curves. Due to this I was told that the epidural may not work and if it does it may just work on one side.
I had to be dead still as they tried to insert the needle...after the 2nd attempt they got it in and they gave me my first dosage...Nothing! I couldn't feel anything working so they repositioned the wire thingy and gave me another dose....nothing again....I was very upset and I started to say I was in too much pain. they tried another dose and I could feel it....but only on my left side. I did feel slot better than I did before the epidural...I wasnt at all numb but it seemed to take the edge off of the pain and i was able to smile at OH alot more and make my apologies to the lovely midwife who had to cope with my histerics. My midwife even skipped her break just for me but then she had to go as her shift was over and she did offer to try and wait a little longer but I was grateful enough. The new midwife was absolutely fantastic and I really loved her!
The contractions were really bad now that i even tried to bite OH through one which I am so sorry for lol....okay so around 9:30am ish I was 9cm and waters hadn't gone so my midwife broke them for me and i felt a sudden urge to puke and off i went...throwing up all over myself...I was so embarrassed and immediately felt like I needed a poo...I was fully and ready to start pushing....I pushed during contractions and then OH goes..."babe I can see hairrr"..."if you can do this for us I will buy you that watch you've wanted"....oh boy did I wanna push now lool.
so the pushing wasn't half as bad as i thought it was going to one point i felt like i pooped myself and said..."Omd's did I just shit myself?"....OH and midwife giggled and said she said "no don't worry about that....but you haven't poo'ed just concentrate on getting your baby boy out...he will be here in the next 10 minutes if you concentrate"

I was ready to push again and she encouraged me to keep going....."oh wow, hes got his hand in his mouth" she said as i kept pushing....."breathe" face was super reddish purple from pushing without taking a breather.

His head was comming out..."oh i can see his ears babe"....."oh he has your lips"
I told OH to record the rest on his phone as i wanted to see him come out lool....out he popped and I couldnt beleive it!.....I done it and the pain vanished!
:baby:Baby Micah Nathan Amure was born at 10:37am weighing 6lbs 13oz:baby:
he is absolutely beautiful and I am so proud of him.....he is very content and doesn't make trouble....he loves his food...was breastfeeding within minutes...after having to take his thumb out lol...the little munchkin was born with his thumb in his mouth lol.....I had soooo many visitors and had a midwife telling me to try to control the visits as they were a little overwhelming.
there was no room in the postnatal ward so I was placed where mums to be were and they were all lovely...they were all in love with Micah.
His dad loves him to soon as he gets back from work he is all over him and i think its the sweetest thing ever.....would I do it again?...yes! (in a few years though lool)

Id like to say a big thanks to all my april hadies and all the ladies that have shared the journey with me...see you guys in the parenting forums and you all....and goodluck to those soon to deliver, its not as bad as i thought it would be...i mean, i never shed a tear whilst in labor and im a wimp when it comes to pain!

(OH your the best and i really do love you, I couldnt have done it if you werent there to support me...p.s sorry for the biting attempts lol):hugs:
Congrats! Beautiful birth story! My little guy was also born sucking his thumb. And we almost named him Micah's one of the names I loved throughout my pregnancy.
we dont know the sex of our baby yet but if its a boy were calling it micah ive always loved the name

lovely birth story!
Congrats! This has really cheered me up while waiting for my baby to arrive.
Congrats! Beautiful birth story! My little guy was also born sucking his thumb. And we almost named him Micah's one of the names I loved throughout my pregnancy.

thankyou...your baby is absolutely beautiful..x
we dont know the sex of our baby yet but if its a boy were calling it micah ive always loved the name

lovely birth story!

it really is a nice name....i wonder how you ladies can stand being on team yellow...i was itching to know the sex of my baby
Congrats! This has really cheered me up while waiting for my baby to arrive.

the waiting game gets frustrating doesn't it baby will have to come out one day so thats the good thing...good luck..xx

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