MY friend laughed


Apr 13, 2009
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Was visiting ppl today and one of them has a baby, She was laughing when i said im gonna use re-usables! :cry:

She said i wont and that its horrible with all the poo and i wont have time to wash them with a baby to sort out!

Its not that hard is it?? I hate the feel of disposables and going by my skin babys will be super sensitive and they would rash,

I want to go green!!! :cry: she made me feel like it was a ridiculous idea.
Next time she opens her mouth, ask her if she would like to have the equivalent of a sanitary towel in her knickers every day for 2 years.

Just ignore her hun, she is being ignorant and clearly knows nothing about it. You have made a decision, and she should have the decency as a friend to respect that :hugs:
i dont find it any hassle at all hun honestly !! once you get over the whole pooing 200000000000 times a day :rofl: no but seriously now i'm into the swing of things i really dont notice any harder work if not its easier....i cant be bothered going outside every couple of hours to chuck away stinky nappies!!!! (i cant be doing with stink hanging around in the house!) if you are worried abou the extra work just do cloth parttime n then ease yourself into it!!!! you dont have to do either or - there are lots of cloth part timers:)
Next time she opens her mouth, ask her if she would like to have the equivalent of a sanitary towel in her knickers every day for 2 years.

Just ignore her hun, she is being ignorant and clearly knows nothing about it. You have made a decision, and she should have the decency as a friend to respect that :hugs:

thats a very good point !!! never thought of it that way !! i suppose its the same with breastpads - hate the feel of disposable ones - i just keep bloody forgetting to buy myself some cloth :dohh:
yeah i hate the ones with any plastic on them, i get a rash, i use johnsons they seem a bit softer but are more expensive.

I know she will get a rash i just know it, my skin is SO sensitive, i cant use biological detergent or just any body wash even shampoo's make my skin irritated. She will def have less chance of rashing with cloth nappy's and it'll be much softer and comfier.

If anything id use disposables overnight but thats it till im in the swing of it, I also need to save money where i can, so why not use nice soft nappies to do it??

I was just getting annoyed cos she was like rolling her eyes and laughing like its such a stupid thing to say! Its up to me! I didnt judge her bottlefeeding!!! its up to her what she does or uses... so why judge my choices?!
unfortunately this is what happens as soon as you become a mum hun :hissy: everyone has views on what you should/shouldnt/can/cant do !! at the end of the day - your baby - your life - your descision :hugs:
Why do people think it takes ages to wash nappies?! You chuck them in the washing machine and turn it on - about 1 minute? Then when they've finished, you either transfer them to the dryer - 30 seconds? - or hang them up on an airer - maybe 2 minutes. Then when they're dry, you put them in a drawer or basket or whatever. It's not like you can't do anything else while they wash or dry. It takes longer to bag up disposables and take them to an outside bin, not to mention going out to the shops cos you've run out!

And poo is gross whatever it's in!

AND with disposables you don't get the fun of choosing what nappy to use next, so nappy changing really is all about wee and poo, not what beautiful nappy to put on your baby.
two people said the same to me when I was pregnant and I felt really hurt. one was my best friend and the other my cousin. turned out neither one knew that cloth doesn't automatically equal old-fashioned cotton terries with pins, plastic pants and stinking buckets. when I explained that, and the cost of disposables (neither of these women are mothers), my cousin at least did admit she hadn't realised things had changed. my friend (who does know me better, though not as well as I think she did) insisted that I'd never do it, case closed. her reasoning was that I am not the world's most houseproud woman and don't care to do housework. she just made me all the more determined to do it and prove her wrong. she didn't know that I have a lot of motivation to do this and that over-rides any antipathy to housework.

I don't care to explain myself to people now. we all make our own decisions based on what's right for us and our families and they don't need to be justified. I'd rather preach to the converted, in a way, talk cloth with people who agree with my view rather than try to persuade those who don't. but it is galling when your friends don't support you. it's not like anyone's asking them to get involved with the washing, after all.
exactly, i said its not like terried and pins anymore theyre much easier, just washing machine them, but no no, not interested to listen, but its my choice i was simply telling her what i was gonna do. Wasnt asking her to get involved or do it! ggrr.. it annoyed me. rant over,
i've not had people physically laughing at me yet, but all the younger mums (i mean under 40ish) that i've told about my plans to use reusable nappies just smirk at me and say something along the lines of 'we'll see' in a patronising manner.

being the stubborn bugger that i am, this just makes me even more determined to succeed !! :)
I couldn't believe it when I mentioned it to a colleague who I organise the schools recycling and environmental stuff with and she said "oh don't be silly, use disposables they're so much easier"!!! I was thinking "yeah, and so much worse for the environment!!!!" :dohh:
being the stubborn bugger that i am, this just makes me even more determined to succeed !! :)

This is me too!!!! ha ha!!!
I still hate the pooey nappies, but it's only once a day now and I have my special bucket and rubber gloves and I just rinse them off, then wash in warm water with a little shampoo (!!) and then put in the nappy bucket ready for the wash :)
Yep I had this too, all my friends were ok about it, they weren't that bothered as to what as I was going to do as they are nowhere near a baby stage yet, lol. All my family were really interested as they all cloth nappied, but the people I worked with literally laughed at me and said I would never manage, it would last a week before I was back to disposables. As for breastfeeding, don't even get me started on what their opinions are of that!

Even now when I go in to see them they ask me 'are you still using those weird nappies?' as if suddenly, after 6 months of happily using them I am going to stop :dohh:.

Ignore them, do it however you want and remember when it comes to stuff like this, they are in the wrong for not even taking the time to understand it.
when i was preg i went to mothercare and bought my nappy bin, the woman behind the counter looked at me, looked at the nappy bin and was saying oh youll never stick to this, then got all her little mates behind the counter and was saying hey look, do you reckon this girl will stick at cloth nappies :shock:

now look at me lol

shows what some people know eh

People are awful. Cloth nappying and breastfeeding should be supported, not laughed at!

It's all wrong.
yeah, i would of been even more offended is a stranger in a shop had done it!!

My mum thinks its brilliant and she is interested in them too, she used terries for me and my brother but disposables with my sister, shes amazed how much they have come on since then and how easy it is, or seems to be.
Yeah my mum, MIL and nan think the same, they used terries and are amazed at the nappies you can get now. They think it's brill.

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