MY friend laughed

My mum and MIL have really encouraged me to use reusables. They used terry squares and think that disposables are expensive and like giant sanitary pads.

I agree with using the odd disposable when out and about but then i will just get the ones i have vouchers for from parenting clubs etc.

My OH has a smug friend which keeps patronising me but i ignore him as i think his kids are spoilt sh*ts so his advice is worthless to me.

and my dad also supports me as he bought them for me!!
i had this from my sil who's had 2 kids (and used everything disposable throughout for both!) she just sniggered and sarcastically said 'hah good luck with that' and 'no way would i ever do that' ... haven't said anything to mil yet, no doubt she'll have the same view! my mum thinks its great and even bought them for us, and washed / dried them all ready for us to use!
to be fair to sil though she will probably be looking after baby for us when i go back to work and she probably thought no way would she be washing them, but i wouldn't expect her to, i would just give her a stock for the day and she could stash the dirty ones in the bag for me to deal with (i thought so anyway)?
I wish people would open their minds a bit, but i guess it might take time for attitudes to change?
guess so, i thought in this day and age tho people would be more open minded and more environmentaly friendly... obv not quite yet!
ok sorry in advance going for the big rant here.................

people who havent tried things then feel the intense need to push their opinions on others really really boil my piss!!!! i have no problem with people who have had a bash as cloth nappying etc thn saying it wasnt for them or it didnt work out how they wanted etc but who gives people the right to go spouting their opinions off on other people when they havent even had that experience?!?!?! sorry:blush: but its people like that that put people off doing things/trying things they really want to do/try when they have NO IDEA about these things??? for gods sake all we are trying to do is do what we percieve as the best for our babies! fair enough if it isnt for them but what is right for me and my baby isn necessarily right for another...ok i is sorry girls..i get very worked up :loopy:



its true tho, shes never tried it so how does she know if its hard... yes ive not tried it YET but at least im going too?? i dont want my baby sitting in chemical uncomfy nappy all the time for what 2 years?!? esp if she has my skin, cloth is so much softer and comfier.

People should be more open minded.. its not like terry squares and wet pailing and soaking and washing and drying and folding etc.. its so much better these days, and theyre COOL!!!!
apparently i wont have time to do a washing every 2 days....!!

I'm sorry but :rofl: are you gonna wear disposable clothes as well? You're friend is being (sorry) ridiculous. A lot of people doubted me when I said I would use washables, most of the replies I got where "you won't, you'll give it up after a day or two" Guess what....20 weeks and 2 days later and he's never ever worn a disposable nappy. It takes a couple of seconds to put them in the wash, I hang them out to dry when it's nice weather and that takes maybe 10 mins to pin them up, they dry in like 2-3 hours and then it takes maybe 10mins again to get them in, 10mins to make them up (I use pocket nappies so I put the inserts in, the fleece liner and then fold them up ready to use) then put them in the nappy basket in the living room.
Halen is a very fussy baby and requires almost constant interaction from me, but I still have time to do a wash every 2 days and then make them up.
lol, well i felt like saying in the time it takes u to sterilize and make up bottles.. i can get the washing in.. really, its not hard. i have two baby carriers aswell and want a connecta or mei tai too so im pretty sure ill still get everything in the house done while carrying her.
I've ALREADY had this from a few people, but eg my aunt was saying "You're doing cloth?!!!" and then I showed her some pictures of a BG Organic and she was like "Wow...I didn't realise they came like that! I was thinking a square of terry cloth you have to fold up and pin with a safety pin!" People don't seem to realise how much easier it is nowadays and just because they haven't got the patience to put some extra things in the wash doesn't mean no-one else has!!
OMG thats mad i have to say i totally find them just the same if not easier than disosables they take no time at all :dohh: People always think you are crazy...until they see how GORGEOUS they are!!!!! Hey i converted loads of people with Tabs blueberries..She'll be totally jelous that she didnt have the guts to use them :)
Oh and i got the same when i said i was going to BF her people kept saying that i'd never do it and that i'd give up and that she would be much more unhappy and that omg you dont know how much they are getting :hissy:

13months later :happydance:
they said she would be unhapppy because you were gonna BF her?? what planet are they on?? uv done really well with feeding her, hope that they ate their words
:lol: i doubt they even know it was people i event with who had just had babies and my vets wife :lol: Oh and my joiner :rofl: He said it 'wasnt natural' :rofl: Was funny!! He was also the one who kept saying that first babies always come late...plonker and he did eat his words when he arrived the next day and she was there!!
:rofl: what a load of old rubbish!! Ignore her hun, I think it speaks for itself when all of us here would never use sposies!! It really isn't hard, I promise x
Yea his wife had a baby the same month as me they have 2 or 3 i think though :lol:
I had a few people say we would change our minds about cloth once our baby arrived. We didn't. I bet I spend less time on washing nappies than they spend going out to buy them and taking them out to the bin, never mind all the nappy rash cream - buying and applying. Screw them all, they're just ignorant.

I'm sure it usually comes from people who just don't realise what cloth nappies are like these days.

My second cousin said she had wanted to use cloth but her husband refused to try it as he thought it would be too hard to change them. I showed her a Bum Genius and how it's exactly like putting a disposable on once it's made up and her eyes lit up... she hadn't realised they were like that now either lol! Pretty sure she's going to use them for the next baby (she is currently pregnant) and her DS is still going to be in nappies for a while so may go into cloth too!

One woman who laughed and raised a sceptical eyebrow at me got my full wrath - I was having a bad day. I raised my eye brows at her two small children, both in disposable nappies and I said "I bet you've already spent £1000 on nappies and still have over a year to go. I've spent less than £300 and never need to buy another nappy... ever... for all my future kids too." Then I walked away, leaving her dumbstruck lol. I don't bother evangelising about the environmental factor, though that was my only real reason for choosing cloth. But most people just don't care about that and won't be swayed by it. But someone with small kids and possibly planning more is fairly likely to be persuaded by the financial factor.
I got really annoyed when i tried to explain the cloth nappies to my mum non the less!!!!

She used to put me in tea towels when she was on the go (we used to travel when i was a baby) and i heard all the stories of how expensive nappies were etc.

when i told her i was gonna use cloth, i got this huge lecture on why i would wanna put myself through that and how much easier it was to use disposables (same with BF btw!)!!! if it was anyone i expected support from it was from her..

As for friends, ive had mixed reactions from friends that are new mums saying, youll never pull through to the ones that saw the nappies i got and are using cloth now part time themselves :)

owell, at least my MIL seems to be very supportive and im sure i can give him to her with cloth and dont have to worry!

but ive learned my lesson to take others opinions personally as in the end i is yourself that has to decide if it is worth it :thumbup:
I was thinking about the poo comment i have 2 lurchers and have to pick up after them and i imagine there is less in a nappy!!
I was thinking about the poo comment i have 2 lurchers and have to pick up after them and i imagine there is less in a nappy!!

Lol I should think so! I have had stinky gooey teething poos for the last 2 weeks, now we have minging weaning poos to look forward to....oh the fun.

Still, disposable or not, they still stink!
I was thinking about the poo comment i have 2 lurchers and have to pick up after them and i imagine there is less in a nappy!!

Lol I should think so! I have had stinky gooey teething poos for the last 2 weeks, now we have minging weaning poos to look forward to....oh the fun.

Still, disposable or not, they still stink!

Yeah, weaning poo is not fun. BF poo is fine, it smells sort of sweet. Little tip for the nappy bucket though... lavender oil!

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