My gorgeous little Ella ..... First time mum birth story...


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2010
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Ella Elizabeth Hall, born 22nd May - weighing 7lb 3oz

Well I am really late doing this ;;;Blush>< I think - I just haven't wanted to think about the whole labour at all for some reason.

So here I am first time mum at 37 yrs after being told I would never beable to get pregnant - well that was a big fat lie hah !
Anyway I was dreading my labour, I was sure I would not beable to cope with it. But to tell you the truth I would do the labour again tomorrow but not the whole pregnancy thing. I think my labour was so long which made it worse, god I was in labour for days !

I was a week over due, I had no show and I woke up in the early hours on weds morning with Labour pains, I tried to stand up out of bed but the pain had me doubled over, I remember seeing david laying there and I was hating him at that moment, I had been getting twinges all week, but oh my god,you know it when labour starts!! These were coming every 5-10 mins hard, full blown intense pains where you think you're going to split in two. My mum and my sister were called up and drove from huddersfield to me in manchester. All day they sat with me timing my contractions, they kept stoppping and starting, there was no pattern to them, I could be having contractions every five mins which had me screaming out then everything would stop for an hour. This carried on until thursday when I was due to see my MW. I hadn't slept all night, I hobbled into the childrens center where I was contracting in the lobby, the nice women waiting let me go in first, my midwife opened the door took one look at me and said 'Your in labour Gail' Laugh<,< she then gave me a sweep, she said my babys head was behind my cervix so she couldn't tell how dialated I was gave me some tips, told me the sweep would bring on my labour and I should have her that night !! So off home I went..

The Labour carried on like this until friday... I still had no sleep... I developed a tooth absess, I knew I needed my wisdom tooth out but couldn't whilst pregnant, my face was swollen and I was in agony, there was no dentist anywhere thatwould touch me as I was in Labour, finally my gp gave me antis which took over 24 hrs to kick in, It was hell ontop of the labour I really didn't know if the pain in my mouth was any wrose than the contractions, at least I got breathers from the contractions. I eneded up in the labour ward this night, I had been bleeding alot, they did a sweep and said I was 3-4 inches dialated and sent me home. God I was so deflated, I didn't know how much more I could cope with. I hadn't eaten for days with the absess and no sleep at all.

I managed to get some sleep on Friday night but was woken again early with horrific pain, I couldn't breathe through them, I was contracting less then ever 5 mins... I was in and out the bath none stop. My mum and my sister ended up back on the moterway coming up, bless them they stayed with me all day, watching every move I made , which to tell you the truth, in labour it started to get irrataiting, I was bouncing about on my ball, going short walks, my contractions were still all over the place, every 5 mins to the every 10 then I'd have a break. I was exhausted I had only had a few hours sleep since weds.

My mum and sis decided to take me out to the shops - I think they thought this would bring things on more, OMG it so did, I was doubled over in morrisions cafe - I did absolutly shit myself then, this is when the contractions came where I felt they were coming through my bum! They took me home and I carried on all night long, I was at the point I was doubled over the table screaming and swearing (In front of my mum -shame ;;;Blush>< ) .. I was on the floor, on the couch, I remember poor Jazz watching over me with a panic in his eyes.

It got to 1am Sunday morning, I started to bleed heavy so we call got worried, we went up to the hospital, they called a doctor who checked me, she said I was bleeding over the normal range and they would have to keep me in, they said David couldn't stop with me, I was begging him not to leave me , I knew she was on her way out, I kept telling him I am going to have her tonight, you just know dunno''': I could feel her moving further down . They kept telling me I was not dilated enough, they took me off the labour ward and sent me upstairs, they put me on a ward on my own, a huge room with about 10 other empty beds, I was still begging David not to leave me, I got changed I just about managed that , I couldn't get on the bed, I ended up on the floor, every contraction I was just screaming through them, a nurse came in looked at me with disgust and said 'you've had some, codine now get to sleep' she was vile !! I managed to get on the bed , and I can honestly say I have never felt so alone in my life, I hated that nurse for making me feel like that, this may of been my first but I know my own body and I knew she was on her way out...

Every few minutes my contraction were coming, I never thought I would be a screamer but I just couldn't help it. I lay on the bed on my own at the end of the corridor away from any nurses and was shitting myself, I was trying not to scream too much in fear that horrible nurse would have ago at me, I was shoving my face into the pillows to muffle the sound. Then it got so bad I just couldn't stop the screaming out the contractions were so close together and everything in my body was telling me to push... the nurse rushing in with anger on her face , she took one look at me and I told her 'get me some fucking help now' she quickly checked me and the look on her face - she shit herself, my waters broke there and then , I was 7cm dialted, she grabbed wheelchair and rushed my up to the labour herself. Thank god she didn't stop there!! tuttuttut

I got to the labour ward at 5am, I had a lovely MW who gave me gas and air, I remember taking it, and then panicing, because it made all my arms feel numb and I was talking like a dalec lol. It never took the pain away, but it gave me something to concentrate on through each contraction. They called David, my mum and sis straight away.

The midwife never left me, she was lovely, she tried to keep me calm and talked me through each contraction.

I kept looking at the clock, 6am and he wern't here yet. They checked my waters and my baby had had a poo in them, so it ment I couldn't go into the birthing pool and once born - she couldn't come straight onto me as she'd be at risk and need to be seen by doctors.

The worst thing about this labour lark was, I never knew that they'd tell me I couldn't push, that was the hardest part or all, all I wanted to do through each contraction was push and it was agony stopping myself from doing.

6.60am David turned up, there was a panic on by now as babys heartbeat had dropped, by this time I was grabbing for the gas before every contraction, I was david was counting to 10 for me but I never made it to 10, I probably got to 5 each time and screamed the place down. I was exausted, in incredible pain, I had the MW, David , my mum and my sister jabbering away. So after a contraction I politly told everyone to shut the fuck up, I didn't want to hear anyone but the midwife........ It was so hard to concentrate on not pushing. They had one of those monitors attached to my finger and I kept flicking it off through each contraction, for some reason I couldn't bare it on me Laugh<,<

The next thing I remember is feeling a sort of calm feeling, I lay there thinking I can sleep now, .. yeah right, time to put in the effort, the midwfie turned to me and said right Gail, we've got an hour to get this baby out - time to push, if we don't get her out by then it's surgery.

The next contraction came, MW kept saying 'push down into your bottom' .. I got the first one wrong and started to feel like a failure and I remember wondering how the fuck am I going to do this. I pushed like hell for 40 mins, I had David in my ear saying 'give it some welly girl' .. Idiot, I swear I thought my head was going to explode with the strain, David said I was purple and there was a vein in my head that looked like it was going to pop lol.

The midwife said 10 mins then surgery, OMG I pushed with everything I had, then I felt the 'Ring of fire' they all go on about the pain was so intense but didn't last long too long thank god, it felt like I had just sat on a lit coal fire , I remember feeling her head between my legs and I just shit myself, I really paniced for some reason I tried to get up and they had to stop me, the midwife said 'oh a full head of hair feel it' .. I remember saying 'awwwwww little mop head' The next push was the worst ever and she was out, god two doctors whipped her away I was still screaming with the pain and then it just went, I remember hearing the midwife say 'Oh gail, you've got a genuine one' <<Jiggy Bum<< . I had a doctor giving me an injection for the placenta, I remember looking over while they were trying to get her breathing and nothing... the minutes felt like forever .... then to top it off..

The midwife, too the cord to my placenta, the look on her face was a picture, the cord had broke inside me, within a few minutes the room was full of doctors, I had one preping me for surgery, a surgeon at the side of me, anaesthetist all banging on at me telling me what they were doing, one doctor was injecting shit into my arm, anti sickness stuff and I don't know what else, it was madness , then a doctor next to me was trying to explain to me what was going on, he said I need to go for surgery to remove the placenta, I remember looking at this big black doctor and him saying something about putting his hand up there,, I took one look at the size of his hands and thought - fook that lol... it wasn't really going in, everything was happening so fast and I just kept trying to look past all these doctors to see if my baby was breathing yet, I started to panic, the doctor kept saying baby will be alright we need to sort you, two mins later we heard her cry ... God that feeling I can never explain, they said I could have a quick hold and they brought her over to me, I remember holding her and thinking I can't believe this is actually happening, I gave her a kiss and said 'Your all mine'' and they took her off me again.

The resident doctor, said she will try help me push the placenta out naturally, but they would only give me ten mins to try, she kept saying just push like you did in labour, god I was so tired it was untrue, I was pushing against nothing and I was watching thre clock, the last thing I wanted was to go under G/A, there was a room full off doctors and I kept thinking 'stop bloody looking at me down there' I just felt like I was dying with no energy i just wanted it all to be over, I had one last push and it came out, the team of doctors cheered, clapped then buggered off as quickly as they came in. Laugh<,< I was just so pleased right then as I don't think my body could of taken any more.

Right afer that, I felt guilty, I held Ella but I just kept passing her to my mum, I had never felt exaustion like I felt right then. I just kept feeling my eyes shutting and it felt like my hold body was shutting down. To tell you the truth I thought I was dying.

And OMG,, wish someone would of told me not to look at the floor after having a baby !! how much blood and guts !! lol The I stood up and the blood just kept pouring out of me, I shit it, david did too, but the midwifes just didn't bother Laugh<,<

I spent 3 days in hospital with her because she wouldn't feed/ltch on, god If I knew then what I knew now I wouldn't of let them push me so much to breastfeed, they had me trying no stop, they had fake tubes running over my shoulder onto my nipple to make intise her, they tried every trick in the book, the midwifes were great, but being sent home and a midwife coming next day with industrial breast pumps for me, I felt like a bleeding milking cow !! I did feel they made me feel guilty for not carrying on with it, I felt pressured, but my baby was hungry and I said enoughs enough, I wanted a bottle for her, she took it straight away and was much happier after that. I got mastitus after that - that was agony. .. never again!!!

Ella ended up in hospital that week, she had gone all floppy due to not having enough food, I absolutly shit myself, I never understood the bond you have with your baby till now, and the fear when that happened was awful, I fell appart and was having panic attact after panic attack, I didn't feel strong enough to go back to the hospital and stop with her, but my mum kicked my arse thank god and I stayed with her, she picked up pretty quick thanks to the doctors there.

Then the next week I started feeling so unwell, some of my placenta had been left in and I got a pretty bad infection so I ended up back in hospital.

Like everyone says, the pain of the labour is bad, but you handle in the moment. They should bloody warn you about the stuff that comes afterwards too LOL

Anyway, I've rattled on enough now...

Meeting Jazz for the first time

First bath Gigglessssss;;;
This is Ella now at 19weeks old...

She's got my 'cocky' look on this one Laugh<,<

'Turtle' Laugh<,<

'Little Balarina' <<angel....

With Grandma yesterday

And last but not least - My little Rock Chick
Wow, I really loved reading your story. You did so well!

Ella is gorgeous, congratulations. I love the photos with your boxer. We have a boxer and he is so good with our LO.

Wow, I really loved reading your story. You did so well!

Ella is gorgeous, congratulations. I love the photos with your boxer. We have a boxer and he is so good with our LO.


Aww thanks :flower:

Yeah we run Boxer Rescue so we always have Boxers coming through our home. They're fab with kiddies :happydance:

great story your little is gorgeous congrats x

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