My little boy was finally born on 16/09/10


Mummy to Zach <3
Mar 27, 2010
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Finally after being 2 weeks overdue my little boy finally made it into the world

Zachary James Billie Lonergan born 16/09/10, weighing 7lbs 15oz at 8:06 pm.


Birth Story

So after trying everything i could think of and a failed sweep i rang my hospital up on the 15th to see if there was a bed free for inducement. There off OH and i went along to hospital at 8 pm and i was given the first pessarie around 10ish. I was told i may have some period type pains and id be checked in around 6 hours although itd probably be longer as they were busy..OH was sent off home and i was left to around midnight i had my first contraction, i was only expecting period cramps but this was full blown! I tried to rest after that but was woken up at around 1am to the sound of a loud pop/ping and a really strong contraction..after that they started coming quite intensely and regularly..

I used the tips id remembered from antenatal class and swayed my hips through contractions taking deeps breaths but after this had been going on for an hour i decided i needed something so i asked for some kind of pain relief..i was offered paracetamol! I took it anyway convinced the pains were just a temporary thing and they'd wear off in a bit..but they continued to get stronger..after crying and trying to get through them alone i was feeling incredibly upset being by myself in a dark ward and went to ring OH for some support and comfort..he didnt answer his phone (fast asleep!) I then rang my mum sobbing down the phone in the family waiting room, on my hands and knees swaying my hips..god knows what some people mustve thought..She started timing my contractions for me and helping me breathe through them..She said they were coming aorund 4-5 minutes apart and lasting a minute and i should really go and tell a off i went to the front desk explaining the pain wasnt going and i really needed something, so they let me take a bath..i was very eager to have a bath as i read water can be soothing..Was it heck?! It did absolutely nothing for me what so ever, i was so dissapointed and continued to have contractions and began to have a bloody show..i decided to get out the bath and try and get some sleep..absolutely impossible..

I went back to the desk asking if someone could PLEASE come and check me soon as i was getting really regular contractions..they looked at me as if i was stupid but agreed to send someone hour later i still hadnt been seen and i was i went back..and a midwife replied "well i just came and checked on you and you were snuggled up in bed fast asleep." I wasnt..i hadnt slept since 1am atleast..Again i asked to be checked on..and finally a really nice midwife came to check i was having really frequent contractions so she had to wait a bit but finally she checked me and i was 4 cm dilated! She helped me grab my things and told me she was moving me into a delivery room now and rang OH.

As id been induced I had to be strapped to monitors constantly to track babies heart beat which completely messed up my birth preferences as I wanted to move around through contractions and sit on my ball..I tried for a while but the midwife kept losing his heartbeat so I resigned to laying on the bed..this made the contractions muchh more painful, luckily I was offered gas and air! It didn’t do much to take the pain away but it definitely put me into a different zone..OH turned up and the first thing I remember thinking was “what has he done with his hair? He didn’t even bother to do his hair?” haha bless him I think he probably rushed straight to hospital when they rang. A little while later I was finding the gas and air just wasn’t enough, and the constant laying in bed not being able to move was starting to exhaust me (id only had an hours sleep since Wednesday morning, and I was now into Thursday morning, so reluctantly I asked for pethidine, which I told myself I WOULDN’T have..but I made sure the midwife thought I had plenty of time for it to wear off before baby was born as I didn’t want it to effect him once he was born. Luckily I had AGES until he was born..I went into a drowsy state from the pethidine and gas and air and managed to dose, but the pethidine started to wear off and yet again I was struggling with just laying through contractions so again, I reluctantly begged for an epidural, around 11am which I also told myself I wouldn’t ever have! All I can say I hadn’t had the epidural I don’t know howw I would’ve made it through the rest of the day. I really felt out of it when the aneasthetist came to sort out the epidural and I just remember OH joking around with one of them telling them to shutup as they were laughing at me. I managed to get some sleep and told OH to have a nap aswell, at around 3-4ish the midwife rechecked me and said I was 9cms and I could start pushing at around 5ish if I was ready. By 5 I was fully dilated but she wanted to leave it another hour to let him move down abit further naturally or we waited and I snacked on a few twig lets lol! Then by 6 I was able to start was extremely akward as I couldn’t really feel anything so I didn’t know if I was pushing hard enough (although the epidural hadn’t fully worked on the right hand side of my body so I was still able to feel contractions mildly) After an hour of pushing the midwife could see his head but it appeared that he was slightly twisted the wrong way and his heartbeat had had a slight dip, so a doctor was called in, and advised that I should try forceps to move the head into a better position, and if that didn’t work, I would have to have a ceasarean, I was absolutely gutted as I throughout my whole pregnancy said I didn’t want a cesarean, I have nothing against them but I just had this big ideal dream in my head of knowing id given birth to my baby vaginally and knowing he’d passed through me the natural way, I just had my heart set on it, the doctor could see I was upset so said she would try her hardest.

As they were preparing for the fact that it might be a c-section, I was moved to theatre and a room full of people in scrubs turned up, I was told when to push and as far as im aware the forceps were inserted, tbh I couldn’t feel anything down there so I really don’t know! They managed to twist his head but it went abit to far the other way, I just remember thinking I HAVE to push as hard as I can now, I don’t care if I cant feel what im doing I just have to try, So after hours of pushing finally, the doctor exclaimed that his head was out! I couldn’t believe it when I heard that I was soo relieved and OH even had a quick peak down haha and said “omg” ahah that was it..then with a few more pushes my little baby boy was finally born into the world at 8:06 pm! He was taken to another room to get checked over and OH was allowed to go with him, I originally wanted straight away skin to skin contact and me to hold him first but I wasn’t able to in the end, however I was so relieved it was all over..or so I thought I really didn’t mind, as I waited for the placenta to be delivered and to be stitched up I heard the doctor announce that I was losing a lot of blood and to call in a doctor, I then heard someone else say “He’s at home, he’s on his way in now” I was just laying there thinking what is going on!? Turns out, my cervix/womb had torn and I was having internal bleeding which needed to be stitched up quickly, I ended up being in theatre for over 2 hours after the birth, and had a blood transfusion as I lost a lot of blood.. I couldn’t stop shaking, my whole body was aching, OH seemed terrified, but I was still quite drowsy from the drugs so I couldn’t really respond to much, I just kept my focus on OH and our baby sat next to me, finally at around 11pm I was moved to a recovery ward and was able to hold my son.

Even though my birth didn’t go at all how I planned and im still disappointed that I surrendered to drugs, and unfortunately my mum left to go on holiday the evening he was born, I still stick to the belief that I could’ve coped better if id been able to move around, and even though I wanted to hold Zach first and with skin to skin, when it came down to it, im thrilled that OH had those first few hours of bonding with him now..were now home and happy... well.,.as happy as you can be with not much sleep! :sleep:
Congrats and well done. Welcome to the world Zachary. Don't feel that you surrendered to drugs, you took what you felt was right for you at the time under the circumstances, for this particular birth.
oh wow, congratulations on your little boy! Glad at the end you didn't have to have a c-section.
Congrats on the birth of Zachary. Don't feel bad about needing the drugs, as you said, it is hell being strapped to moniters and laying on a bed to labour. :hugs: Your baby arrived safe and sound and that is the main thing.
Glad you are all home now and doing well.
Congratulations. Well done hun, you did fantastic and Zachary arrived safely xx
bloomin eck! bit of a time hun, but all ok now, many congratulations!x

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