my little toms here after emergency c-section!


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2010
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At long last after going overdue 8 days we now have our beautiful handsome boy with us, but what a nightmare getting here!!
on friday 29th july i was on my way to my mw app for a sweep as i was 8 days overdue with my three dogs in tow, and yet again i was wet between my legs, this had happened 6 times since the first time the night before, i mentioned it to mw when i got to my app thinking it was just my pregancy related sweaty problem i'd been experienceing the last tri as it was only slightly wet but noticably wetter than usual, my mw immediately told me off for not phoneing labour ward as it sounded like my waters were going and got me an app for 6pm that eve, her last words were ' this time tomoro you'll av your little boy.... the nerves deffo kicked in then!!
i phoned my DH at work to tell him to get home as this was it, i traipsed the dogs back home where my hubby was waiting haveing drove like a madman i'm assumeing since he works the other side of manchester and it was rush hour!!
At labour ward it was confirmed that my hind waters were leaking and since it had been a good few hrs since it had started then i was admitted and given the pessesary to start the process of being induced, to my horror since i was up on ward 27 by then and visiting times were over then chris was sent home and i was left to labour all night on my own, at first before the drugs kicked in i was up and about haveing tea and toast and chatting happily with the other three girls on my ward, then came 2am and the contractions started, they were like the pains i got on the first day of my period, quite sore but not painfull, but i was on a ward with a lady who had severe morning sickness, one that was being induced in the morn and one that was haveing a c-section the following day so i was doing my damndest to keep quiet since they were all asleep, not easy when by 6 am i was in agony. at ten the following morn chris returned and by 12 i was down on labour ward being given the drip to kickstart proper labour.
I laboured all day with my DH and my best friend as my birth partners, both doing a cracking job with the hand holding, back rubbing and keeping me focused, at around 5pm i started on the gas and air, i sucked that baby through every contraction from then on as soon as i felt the first pains right up till it subsided ( i was told after that i was falling asleep between contractions from this point, madness really lol), by 6pm i couldnt take the pain as easy as before so asked for pethadine, that was like being in a bubble of love, i was feeling the contractions but it dint hurt as much...was a very nice feeling and i highly reccomend it!! i wanted to labour as natrually as poss, i was adamant that i wasn't avin anything else ie epidural but i was very close to wanting it really if i'm honest but then by around 7pm (ish, not to clear on the times) the mw in charge of me was telling me to start pushing with the nxt lot of contractions, so like i wanted a good poo i pushed and pushed, whilst this was going on the monitor attached to my baby started going mad, and i cant really say how long it took but very quickly my lovely natrual (nearly lol) labour was over and i was off to theatre for an emergency c-section as my babys heart had slowed to nearly a stop, i was given a spinal block, chris was sent out to get his scrubs on and they firstly tried to suck him out as this was quicker but he had turned.....

my husband told me a good few days after my c-section that from this point things went a bit manic (i'm still obliviouse lied on the table at this point as i was high as a kite waffling on about not shaveing my bits,legs app i was babbling away not knowing what was happening as chris was told to not let on what was going on) .
As they cut me open and in the rush to get my now none heart beating son out of me the surgion had thought she'd cut one of my organs as i was loseing a hell of a lot of blood so my poor DH watched them take out bits of my internals and check them on my stomach, whilst others tried to stop the blood that was pumping outta me i was haveing blood pumped back into me, i was in surgery for two and a half hrs from start to finish, app it was my placenta that had caused the bleeding along with a little cut to my uterus,but my son thomas was born at 10.10 july 30th weighing 7lb 13oz, he was worked on for 20 mins till he was all well to be show to us both and scored 2 on his first aphgar (cant spell) score, bless him!!
i ended up staying in hosp for 6 days with tom and he was a little jaundice for a while and was put in a uv light box for a few days to help this (broke my bloody heart to see him in it it did!).
but its now over two wks since he was born and he's commeing on leaps and bounds, his was signed off by the mw yesterday now his jaundice is gone and he weighs a whopping 8lb5oz now, my c-section scars a cracker and is twice as big as a normal one due to the nature of my surgery but i have my boy here now and couldn't give a damn about it!!
Congratulations. :flower:
Sounds scary all round. :wacko:
not scary for me at the time, i only found out two days after when my hubby told me before the surgeon came to explain what had happened, it was more scary and upsetting for him as in his words he said ' i thought i was loseing you both in there, it was that bad', gulp!! poor chris was a jibbering wreck,i'll not forget his face forever when he was telling me what happened.

It must have been so hard for your husband to watch you both go through that. Enjoy your family :)
Anyone know how to get rid of the ticker in my sig now i'm a mummy and no longer preggers anymore whoop whoop...i dont miss being pregnant one bit!!!

if anyones got any ques about anything preg or c-section,breast feeding etc.. then i'm happy to give you my input!!
CONGRATULATIONS to you wonder your hubby is so proud of his brave Mrs and brave little fella. Well done! x x x
Congratulations, glad you are both ok after all that drama! x
Just go to your account profile and at the top click on "user cp" then off to the left side click on "edit signature", then just delete the ticker
Congratulations on your LO, hope you have a speedy recovery x

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