My mainly positive (and extremely detailed) VBAC induction story :D


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2010
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21 months ago my son was born by c section - elective as he was breech. They discovered he was breech quite late on and a section was done 3 days later. It was a horrible experience for me especially after my planned home water hypnobirth! lol. I spent 4 days in hospital in a lot of pain and very down and lonely.

My second baby was due this January but at 42 (42+2 according to original due date) weeks I went in to be induced. I've heard a lot of bad things about VBAC induction so was pretty damn terrified. I was actually offered to wait longer, but I couldnt keep going to the hospital to be monitored so agreed to the induction.

11th Feb I went in to be induced. was told 6am, and went to bed about 3am as I was so scared lol. Woke up at 5am and got ready only to be told there wasn't enough room. Kept having to phone back until at 9am they were ready for me.

Went in and was settled into a room in the delivery suite - the loveliest midwife came in and i burst into tears. She said it was my body and I was the one in control and I could go home if I wanted etc but I wanted to get it over and done with by then!

She put Jeremy Kyle on for us (lol) while me and bubs were monitored... and at 10.30am I had a VE and as I wasn't dilated enough to break my waters was given 1 prostin to soften the cervix. They also said the baby was back to back :growlmad: They said they may need to give me another prostin at 4.30pm but as I was quite soft 1 may put me into labour. My partner had to go home and said he would be back by 4.30. I was transferred to the labour ward until anything happened.

I spent the rest of the time walking around the hospital and around the roads by the hospital lol trying to get something to happen!

At 4.30 nothing had happened yet and I was feeling very negetive and wanted the next pessary but the midwife was busy with something and said she'd do it asap... my partner was back with me then and we stayed in the labour ward - it was now visitng hours and quite busy. It turned out to be lucky the midwife was busy because i started getting pains like a tummy upset as if i'd eaten something bad.. these gradually got worse until i was sure i was in early labour...

I took a couple of paracetamol and got OH to blow up my birth ball (lucky i took my own as they had none there!) I kneeled in front of it laying over it breathing while I was sure the contractions were getting worse

At 7.30 she came in and apologised for taking ages and offered a VE to see if she could give me the next pessary. I told her i was getting pains but she said prostin can sometimes give you period pains. I said nope I'm sure I'm in labour but her and another midwife didn't believe me. She examined me and I was 5cm and in established labour.. ha told you so! She said 'but i thought this was your first labour?' so i said yep, and she said but your not making any fuss? I'M ON A WARD FULL OF VISITORS lol. So they said they would take me to the delivery suite.

I stood up to go and felt *gush* - 'i think I peed myself!!!' :cry: but it was water and blood - my waters had broken.

After this the contractions really stepped up and we went to delivery suite and i used my tens machine - oh how i love that thing!!!!!!

They put me on continuous monitoring! I was not amused.. they kept trying to keep me still but i wanted to walk around and stuff so in the end they agreed to take me off and put a monitoring thing on the top of babies head which allowed me more freedom of movement.

They then went to put a drip in my hand in case of emergencies. No thanks! was told they had to - had to try hard not to tell them to fuck off at this point. They got a doctor in who had a short argument with me about it whilst contracting until my partner basically told her I'd done my research and I knew what I was talking about and she wasn't going to get me to change my mind by standing there harrassing me while i was in labour! So she went haha. Don't think there were too amused with my non-compliance.

Anyway I had a couple more paracetamol and used my tens and just carried on breathing. My partner got my hypnobirthing music on my mp3 player and i listened to birthing affirmations from then onwards with one earphone in. The midwife was lovely and sat chatting to us and told me that i was amazing and she couldn't believe it was my first labour as she couldn't even tell when i was contracting other than my breathing going deeper and my eyes closing lol.

At some point emergency alarms went off and she leapt out of the room like a shot - all doctors and midwives dissapeared into the next room and weirdly i felt a little less in control of myself at that point without the midwife there :( even though she hadn't done anything i think she was just nice and her presence made me comfortable.

After a while I started to feel a LOT more pain suddenly and it felt like something was trying to rip out of my lower back and bum. I pressed the buzzer after a few contractions like this and started crying. I also started moaning when contracting instead of just breathing. midwife said she'd be there asap but major emergency situation still in the next room.

She came back soon and VEd and I was 8cm... I was quite dissapointed and asked for an epidural. She said 'we CAN give you one still, however you've done so amazing that I'm SURE you can do this. Would you like to try some gas and air first? or else I can get you the epi' so I said 'ok give me gas and air'

The gas and air made me feel drunk. I had been pretty silent throughout till now but I kept talking and could hear all my words slurring. I kept saying 'gimmi lucozade' and 'i feel drunk' and 'can we go home now please i've changed my mind'. I also had to sit on the bed at this point because i felt so drunk lol...

After a while i suddenly felt my body pushing - but I knew I wasn't ready? after a few contractions of me not being able to stop myself she VEd me and she said there was just the rim of the cervix left and i needed to try not to push just yet. I was up kneeling on the bed leaning over the back rest with my gas and air for a bit *trying* not to push but my body felt like it was anyway.

I hated this part - the sensation was horrible and I felt so out of control.

She VE'D me again and said wow your baby is right there you're ready you can push!

FINALLY!!!!!!!!!! So next contraction I went to push and nope still didn't feel right to me, I said not enough room too tight...

Then the contractions suddenly spaced out whereas they were on top of each other before... 8 mins and something wasn't right.. another midwife came in and i contracted and pushed and then babies heartrate dropped to 40.

They said you HAVE to push now baby isn't happy he's tired he needs to come out. I kept trying to push with every contraction but i couldn't push hard enough.

There was silence from the baby heartrate monitor and the lights suddenly went on as a load of doctors and midwives rushed in and a spotlight was put on me and they weregetting me off my hands and knees and onto my back whilst they lifted my legs apart and up in the air.


I pushed with all my might and was screaming and biting my OHs hand so hard he bled and covered in bruises... he was standing there going 'omg baby you're so amazing you're so fantastic, our baby is coming out i'm so fucking proud of you' with tears in his voice and somehow I managed to push hard enough. I pushed so hard I did a massive poo at the same time but I quite honestly didn't give a shit at that point (errr lol)

As I had no pain relief at this stage I felt my vagina ripping and he came out - OMG THE PAIN!! As he came out he pooed all over the place as well. They took him to the resucitair machine and the original midwife explained i could have my physiological 3rd stage because of the complications with the birth and she was really sorry, but i said i don't mind whatever needs to be done! I also didn't get my 'immediate' skin to skin but as soon as they had dealt with him they brought him over and i was wearing a strapless top so i just pulled it down and put him on me naked and they came and they covered us in a towel and just laid there cuddling with him for a bit while they did whatever they were doing around me...

Then they had to stitch me up because I had some 2nd degree tears which they gave me local anaesetic for but still really hurt :( and while they were doing that i gave OH the baby to cuddle for a bit and i laid there chatting to them about what had happened etc and then they finished but then they saw another tear :dohh: and said oh just use the gas and air while we stitch this one - OUCH!!!!!!!!

I was also explained I couldn't have my 6 hour discharge because of the problems so would have to be in hospital for the day and if me and LO were fine later then we could probably go by the evening.

Baby was born at 12.46am on 12th Feb... after everything they ran me a nice warm bath and OH had to come in with me in case i passed out.. he helped me clean up and I'm glad he came because i nearly did pass out!

At around 4am everything was calm and sorted and I had to go to the postnatal ward and OH was sent home :(

We couldn't decide on a name until this afternoon and we called him Joshua Harry :) His APGARS were 10 at 1min 10 at 5min which the midwives said was absolutely amazing after the delivery...He weighed 8lbs 13oz :flower:
What an amazing story after everything you've been through!!!! :hugs: Seriously had me in tears at the moment where your OH was trying to keep you positive and keep you going through the pushing.
Huge congratulations on your vbac! Sounds like you did so amazingly well!
You was waiting forever to give birth!!! i remember talking to you when i was still pregnant lol
Congratulations! I would love to have a VBAC after an awful birth with Ellis for my next baby and ready stories like yours make me realise it could be possible. X

i wanted a vbac with kai but i was told that if i went over it was immediate c section and they couldnt induce as you can go into labour too quickly and the scar can rupture.
Congratulations, sounds like you did amazingly and good on you for sticking to your guns about the drip etc!

i wanted a vbac with kai but i was told that if i went over it was immediate c section and they couldnt induce as you can go into labour too quickly and the scar can rupture.

They say that a lot as a scare tactic. Wine shows us it can be done and is done! :thumbup:
Wow congratulations wine you did amazingly :) despite everything you and your lil man are now home and all is well :) hugs xxx
congratulations, what a fab VBAC birth story!

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