My Mothers Day Rainbow Baby


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2010
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My little son was born on Mothers Day 03-04-11 at 11.53pm - he made his entry into this world on Mothers Day! Could not ask for more! He weighed
7lbs and 2oz Apgar score was 9, he was early at 39+1.

I spent the day at my moms house with my family celebrating mothers day. I had felt so fed up all day and in a really bad mood for some reason - hormones i guess. None of my clothes fit well, my underwear kept rolling down and i just didnt feel comfortable. I was looking ahead to the coming week being the last of school before the holidays as i had 1 week of school run left with my 6 year old boy.

At my mothers my brother and sister were makin me laugh so much - i guess this helped in some way - i went to the loo and felt a pop sensation like a really hard kick from the baby down below but no waters came gushing out or even leaked at this point, it was about 6.30pm.

I drove home with my son only to go to the toilet and see that my panty liner was soaked - still unsure if it was wee or waters i changed and tried to find some amniotic fluid testing strips that i had placed somewhere 'safe' but couldnt remember where!
I had no signs of labour starting. My discharge was quite a lot anyway, the only difference was for a few days it felt warmer as it leaked out.
I noticed my panty liner get soaked again so decided to call the delivery suite. Called hubby at 6.50pm to come home from work. Tried calling delivery suite but they were busy so got my sons stuff together as he was going to stay at my moms while i went to hospital to get checked out. I had some slight cramps and thought this is the start!
The cramping got more intense so phoned hubby to tell him to hurry up.
I finally got through to delivery suite and told them about my history, stillbirth, GBS etc and they said to come in. Hubby came home and my contractions were very intense that i had to stop and breathe through them -my son saw and offered to rub my back!
On the way to my moms which is a 5 min car journey my contractions were really quite bad and 5 mins apart - i got to hospital and was told to wait in the waiting room - there were other people there and controlling myself through contractions was hard!
Finally given a bed and the midwife starts checking me and babys heart beat - the ward wasnt busy and the midwife was very relaxed in her approach! Heart beat was good and my contractions were 3 mins apart - still in alot of pain - was offered gas and air and took it as i felt like i needed it and loved it!
At 8.30pm i was given an internal -i had a bloody show on pad and knew this was it - no false alarm!
The calm and relaxed midwife checked me and i saw her shocked face when she said 9.5cm's dialated!!!
Things got moving pretty fast after that - a shift change and me needing to push! I was told to not push - i HATE that part! the babys head was high up and could not push yet only fight against the urge - baby was also back to back! great!
I was getting louder with my grunting :blush: but didnt care as it helped the pain - i saw hubby's face during 1 contraction - he was looking at the shapes my belly was making and squirmed which made me angry!!
Midwife wanted me to walk to my labour room but i couldnt as all my energy was in fighting against the urge to push! too late for an epidural too as it would have slowed things down - i was set on an epidural i originally wanted a c-section cos my daughter died during labour but was still in 2 minds about it and now it was too late!

i had to slide from 1 bed to the other and wheeled into my room.

At 10pm i was checked and fully dialated but still baby was high and told not to push and just wait for baby to move further down - this i must say was a killer! i had huge pain in my bum and could not get a 'comfy' position as i had back pain.
in the end i just let the pain do its thing and used gas and air to get through it - was refused other pain relief as it would slow down labour!
I was slightly pushing to relieve the pain and finally at 11 i was told that i would be prepared for a forcep or ventous (sp) delivery - i didnt care and the docs got on with it!

My legs were put into stirrups and i was told to push by placing my hands underneath my thighs to get the best effect -i wanted to hold the bed but that would concentrate the force into my upper body - i hated this position and felt it did nothing.

I was given an episotomyafter being numbed so didnt feel the cut.
AFter pushing for a while baby heart rate started dropping and everyone got worried - i was pushing so hard but not enough for anything to happen.
The gas and air was taken off me and the pushing wasnt as painful as the contractions - it did help with the pain to just push.
The docs were worrying and i was told that push now-really long and keep pushing - my pains were not ontop of eachother and i wasnt allowed to just push - there were a few moments where everyone in the room was waiting for me to get a pain - me there with me legs open and everyone just waiting and looking!

THINS GOT SCARY heart rate was very low and doc shouted to push now its all down to me - babys head is there heartrate low and too late for ANY intervention - i pushed and pushed and then they said STOP pushing as the babys head made its entry followed by the body - this felt the most painfull to not push and let the pain take over.

I could hear before that the docs thought this baby would need help but thankfully i heard my boy gurgle and then scream as he was placed ontop of me - he was perfect and i was in shock!
HE SCREAMED AND SCREAMED and i loved it to give birth finally to a screaming baby! i wanted to cry but just had no energy to.
Hubby had a tear in his eye and was by my side throughout letting me get on with it and not getting in my way - the way i wanted it, him to just be there to be pulled and squeezed!
i was stitched up which was painful and needed gas and air for.
i was in shock for a while and still cant believe i done it!

i know this has been long!
people always say that when i saw baby all the pain went and i would do it again in a heart beat - im thinking it was very painful and i would actually wait and think very hard before doing it again! i have been pregnant for the past 2 years with only 4 months break! i am fed up of being pregnant and am recovering from a episotomy - its paintful and i cant enjoy my baby as i want to - i love him to bits and am glad i did it to get him and am content with that. Maybe in the future i would like more but at the moment my 2 boys are my world!
what a beautiful story, relax and enjoy your boys hun, congratulations xx
Congrats! My little man was born the same day, but wasn't Mother's Day here.
Congratulations!! How sweet of your son to offer to rub your back :)

He was born on my birthday :cloud9:

V xxx
Lovely story, well done and congratualtions :flower:

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