My Mum is doing my head in! (sorry - rant alert)


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2010
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Well, here is a little history. My Mum has never given birth (me and my bro are adopted) and has no empathy.

I had a pretty bad pregnancy, spent the last 3 weeks in hospital with hyperemisis and was induced a week early.

Had a bad delivery, failed ventouse, forceps, 3rd degree tearing, stitches from here to there and blood transfusion. LO was taken to special care, he had the cord around his neck, bruising from the ventouse/forceps and then got an infection. He had 2 failed canulas for his antibiotics. He spent 5 days in special care which (I feel) led to my failure to BF.

Since our return from hospital LO has reflux and eczema, a sinus infection and a skin infection. He is now 13 weeks old.

Everytime I speak to my Mum, she asks when we will be having another - WTF. I am STILL recovering from the birth and she was no help when I got out of hospital. And she is not around to help with childcare even if she wanted (She lives abroad).

I just want to enjoy my little boy, who I absolutely love to bits, before I even contemplate having another (which I really doubt will happen).

Sorry for the rant, just had to get it off my chest xx
Hope you feel better after your rant.

People ask me this & Millie is 8 months old I can't even think about another!

I hope your lo starts getting better soon x
Poor you hun. I know it's hard, but try and ignore hun and come on here and have a good vent. :)
You poor thing, sounds very rough. Ignore her, just keep saying 'we'll see' and she'll get bored. And stop using the word failure (even though that's what the med profession call it) - you haven't failed at anything xxx
I'm near Ipswich too btw!
Wow you've been through a hell of a lot. I hope it all gets better soon. Why is she in such a hurry? Let it go over your head and enjoy your son as best you can as he and you get better :hugs:
Sounds like you had an awful time with a wonderful result. Just tell her that you're enjoying being a mummy to your lo and still getting to know him.
My friend had a similar birth experience to you 18months ago and isn't thinking about another one for a while. She bled and was in pain for 11weeks after giving birth and still doesn't have much interest in dtd.
We've been asked when we're having another one but I reply its not up to us - lo was conceived through ivf and we couldn't afford it, we always get the "you could conceive naturally" which i do know is possible but very improbable. More than anything at the moment I couldn't imagine loving anyone as much as I love Alice and my oh feels the same, obviously parents of more than 1 love them all but she fills my heart.

Sounds like you've been doing really well dealing with all that going on.

I found myself taking others views really to heart for 4-6 months, then I realised I was doing an ace job, having an ace time, and really none of that was affected by what 'they' thought ;)

It would be great if she could be caring towards all you've been through, but stuff her, enjoying your baby is more important and far more rewarding.


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