My natural water birth & introducing Lara Suzanne :)


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Oct 26, 2010
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My Birth Story (it's long as it's for my pregnancy diary)

4th July 2011

On my due date 3rd July, i was lying in bed thinking it would be so nice to wake up in the morning, have contractions throughout the day while I'd have energy and then have the baby that night at the hospital. I'd been having no real signs that the baby was going to come anytime soon. This prompted me to ask on the baby forum if anyone had gone into labour having no signs beforehand. Wishful thinking probably but yes a few had.

At *2am I began have tightenings and ended up awake *with *them till 3.30am . It was the same as the braxton hicks I'd had but this time
the tightening was right across my whole bump and just uncomfortable. Fell back asleep till morning.

The next morning I felt fine just doing my usual pottering about the house. Rob had taken the day off as he was owed hours and was also pottering about with cleaning the car, getting the carseat in and decluttering the place.

At 1.45pm I was feeling tightenings liked never felt before and even tho i was unsure if these were contractions I started timing them. They were three to four minutes apart and lasting an average of 1 min 30 seconds. I thought this was strange as I'd been told to start taking contractions seriously when they were 8 mins apart. I didn't feel like eating much and was happy just being on my own relaxing and breathing through the contractions. *I rang Rob, told him not to get excited but that I was contracting. He was soon home and attached the tens machine on for me. * I was sat on my pilates ball opposite a chair with my *iPad to keep me occupied, my iPhone app contraction timer, the tens remote to boost and a bottle of water nearby. It was funny even *at the time I'd set up a *little office as was just *happy to completely chill out and breath. Sometimes I'd hum the out breath which helped but then I'm a singer and singing teacher so instantly that relaxes me.*

Slowly the contractions got more intense and i couldn't talk through them. I couldnt really talk through the first ones either.The tens machine was amazing because it *constantly *pulses, then with the contraction you boost it and it peaks with the contraction. I loved it *and it's very different from trying it when you're not actually contracting. It was time to rub my magic oils of clary sage oil, lavender & sweet almond oil onto my bump. I'd been told this was fine once full contractions had started.

5pm we rang the hospital to let them know I'd been contracting, the timings and to ket them know I'd like the birthing pool room. They said I could stay home or come in to hospital but that it's up to me and I'd know when I'd want to come in.*

I carried on *and at about 7pm ish we rang again and was advised to have a break from the tens machine and jump in the bath as it would help sooth me. Contractions now 1 min 16secs apart. The *thought of taking the tens off wasn't nice but I did it and got in the bath. Bit pointless really as I couldn't lie down and had to be up hanging on to the edge. It's not a deep enough bath to be soothing unless you're on your *back. I couldnt even lie on my side on my bed earlier as it made the contractions too intense and uncomfortable.*

8 30pm After a very short bath, drying and dressing myself I told Rob it was time to go to the hospital. He decided he'd have a quick shower! At this point I remembered I could have been having paracetamol all day, completely forgot, so I took two.

We live two mins drive from the hospital and my midwife had warned me it could take *longer while having contractions. I thought lots of peoples slow down but not for me. I had 3 just getting to my front door, 1 outside my front door, * *as I got into the car, and another in the car, then inthe hospital carpark, the hospital lift, 3 waiting to get into the maternity unit & several more on the way to the assessment room. I found myself leaning on walls for the contractions that were now coming *so fast I hardly had a break between them.*

9.15pm**The midwife ( a real character and had us laughing) asked me about my birth plan. I replied, 'it depends at what stage I'm now at. If I have hours to go then an epidural would be great but I would love a water birth.' She was a black *lady and with her strong west Indian accent she shouted at me, ' what do you want an epidural *for. It will slow you down, you'll have a catheter put in and be stuck in bed. You have a water birth girl.' She checked me and I was *7cm dilated. I let out a scream and rob couldn't believe it. Had a bit of *show too. We were chuffed but had no idea how long I'd be in labour for. At least I wasn't being sent home. *I wasn't going to be having an epidural and the midwife ran off to make sure the birthing pool room had been saved for me. It had and we made our way over to it through contractions stopping and leaning at every bit of wall. I was told not to put my tracksuit bottoms back on and to wrap the bed sheet around me. So much for my birthing nighty I'd brought in.*

The room was a lovely big square one with a massive deep bath. It even had couches and cushions in one corner. I really didn't have time to take the room in but we hadn't seen this room during our hospital tour and it was far better than I'd expected. It was ensuite too.*

By 9 45pm I was at the edge of the *pool contracting madly over it while it was filling up. The running water sound was soothing. My waters broke within minutes of being in the room while hanging onto the bath side. The *sheet fell to the floor and there i was in my favourite navy maternity tight t-shirt with my lower half of my body on display. Rob later reminded me that the midwife was behind me too with a mirror checking me. *I couldn't have cared less at this point as my body had taken over and I had to go *with it. I kept as calm as I could and just breathed deeply. I then started the gas & air which helped during the contractions. I wish I'd been told sooner to breath in the fresh air deeply between contracting as this gets the gas & air out of your system straight away.

I had a lovely 40 year old *student midwife, *a third year student. She was really fab and stayed with us the whole time. The other midwife assigned to me popped in and out. It was decided I should get on the bed to be checked again as my legs were giving way leaning over the pool edge. *I hated being on the bed, absolutely hated it and was so glad I didn't need an eppidural as I'd have been tied to the bed then. Another check and I'm 8 cm and told not to push even tho I felt the *need *to. I'm told there's no point as the baby will keep hitting the cervix and will go backwards.*

The midwife suggested I go to the loo as it may help with the urge to push. That was a funny experience being helped to the loo by Rob wheeling the gas & air cylinder beside me. I was sat on the loo contracting and attempting to do a number two with Rob sat beside me. I won't go into detail but it was pretty unusual and funny. I managed to go a bit *which was good tho.

9.45pm The pool is full *and it's time to get in. I decided to keep my t-shirt on and *Rob helped me up the steps and in. Being in the water felt fabulous. *I found the best position while contracting was on all fours hanging onto the edge of the pool. *I hated being on my back as was suggested by the midwife. *I felt out of control, couldn't hold on to anything and during a contraction clambered back onto all fours. The urge to push was coming over really strong and my body was trying to take over. Still the midwife said not to push and at about 1020pm when i was saying the pushing urge was getting too much she suggested her and Rob help *me out of the water to check how many centimetres i was dilated. There wasn't a hope I was going anywhere *and I started to sting from front to back down below. ( at the time I forgot that would be the baby's head crowning ).*

Still in the water the student midwife used a mirror and said in a babyish voice, 'I think there's a baby on the way'. Rob had a quick look and got pretty excited. *She rushed to the door and yelled for the midwife,' there's a *baby on the way, there's a baby on the way'. I was upright on my knees at this point. She came *back over to me and gave me the go ahead to push. What a relief and within less than ten seconds my baby girl came out in one go. *She went straight to the bottom of *the pool and shot back up to the surface of the water with her hands in the air. The midwife caught her and placed baby on me with a little wimper of a cry. There wasn't enough cord out and she had pull at it but baby was quickly up on my left shoulder. *Rob said she was blue for three seconds before turning pink. She was so cute and so small. Baby Lara Suzanne was born at 1035pm weighing just 5lbs 13oz. She was tiny especially as she was one day over her due date and therefore full term. Rob cut the cord. She was adorable and I was in love.*

When I got out of the pool my body was shaking with adrenaline. I was helped onto the bed and given the injection to deliver the placenta quickly. It was quick, i didn't feel it coming out and we had a look. *Lara was given her vitamin k injection while on me and then handed to Rob for snuggles. He went over to the couch with Lara and had some Daddy time and it was time for me to be checked and *stitched up. This is the part which was the worst for me. They forgot to tell me I could use the gas & air but gave me an anaesthetic injection. I had a second degree tear. The midwife then proceeded to describe exactly what she was doing and where she was stitching to teach the student midwife. This was horrific. I not only was listening to what was going on but I could feel everything. The anaesthetic wasn't working but it was over soon enough. The worst thing is after you've had a baby last thing you want to do is separate your legs into stirrups. We are designed to forget labour but not the stitches after. It's because I wasn't out of it on drugs that i found it traumatic. I had a couple of puffs of gas & air right at the end. When I got up from the bed there was blood everywhere but I was running on excitement and adrenaline. I focused on my new beautiful baby girl and got showered and blow dried my hair to feel slightly human again . Rob let family and friends know our news.*

We were left in the delivery *room after tea and toast for two were brought to the room for us. Later at about 1.45am were brought to the ward. Rob left and as Lara was cold she was placed in my nighty skin to skin to warm her up. I*Lay in bed with her on me all night just hugging her and was completely besotted. Finally after nine months she was in my arms and everything felt perfect.*

I was lucky to have the most amazing natural water birth and i look back at it with great memories. The tens machine and relaxed breathing kept me comfortable at home managing my contractions and feeling in control of something I'd never experienced before. This meant I was only in labour at the hospital from 9.15pm till 1035pm when I gave birth. Just how I wanted it.*
Fantastic birth story! Congratulations and thank you for sharing x
oh wow sounds fab hunni thanks for sharing congratulations xx
This is such an amazing story! Congratulations! I really enjoyed reading all the details about the water birth bc this is what I hope to have, too, when the time comes. Enjoy your precious bundle of joy! :baby:
I loved reading your birth story, congratulations and thanks for typing it all out.

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