My left one especially is so hard and lumpy even when he feeds from it and the nipple hurts so bad and is bloody looking! I'm guessing that's caused by poor latch?
Sounds like LO can't latch as deeply on that side (or feels uncomfortable latching on that side) and so is damaging your nipple and not getting the milk out which is leading to blockages (the hard lumps). You need to be wary of developing mastitis on that side. While I wouldn't advise long term pumping as a solution (you don't want to increase your supply artificially) you may need to hand express or pump to clear any blockages if LO doesn't clear them by feeding. Doing this in the shower or with a warm compress can help it flow more easily.
Have you tried something like the football hold on the left side so that LO is in the same position he would be to feed from the right? Some babies prefer being on one side or have muscle spasm from birth (especially forceps) that means they can't open their mouth on one side properly (osteopaths/chiropractors sometimes help in these circumstances).
Sometimes he can latch on very quickly and other times it takes a bit of time with him getting very upset and moving his face a lot.
The moving of the face (called head bobbing) is a normal newborn feeding reflex. It is thought to help the baby locate the nipple for themselves (they don't know we are holding them right next to it - they are expecting to have to help find it themselves) and some babies really don't like being pushed on to a nipple before they are ready, they want to do it in their own time. Laid back breastfeeding also known as biological nurturing uses these "bobbing" reflexes to allow baby to find the nipple themselves (although we can help them to get there too) and with baby lying supported on your body a deeper latch can often also be accomplished. Also some newborns pull back from a nipple which lets down too forcefully (creating a shallow latch) but with laid back feeding the milk has to work against gravity so letdowns are often less fierce. All of this can help when a baby is not latching quite right, so laid back feeding is really a great idea for summary feeding problems.